Chen Xiucai readily accepted the two disciples and did not accept their training.

Qin Sang would not get entangled in such a trivial matter, so he thanked him and asked Xiao Wu and Yu Lang to come forward and become their disciples.

"Mingyan, go get two sets of four treasures from the study."

Chen Xiucai gave an order.

The book boy took the order and hurried down the mountain.

The apprenticeship ceremony takes place in the Taoist temple.

Chen Xiucai had a high prestige in the eyes of the villagers, and no one felt impatient even if he was delayed in seeing a doctor. They flocked to the Taoist temple and watched the two little Taoist boys complete the apprenticeship ceremony as if they were curious.

When the scholar came back out of breath, he brought the Four Treasures of the Study and several scriptures. After Chen Xiucai tested their knowledge and passed it to them personally, he recognized the two disciples.

Xiaowu naturally wants to enter elementary school.

Yulang had studied before, but the scriptures and meanings he learned in the two places were slightly different, so Chen Xiucai asked Yulang to stay in Mengxue for a while.

Qin Sang also had this intention, and temporarily let Yulang and Xiaowu stay together until Xiaowu adapted to the school environment before they separated.

After agreeing on an auspicious day for admission, Chen Xiucai and his wife went down the mountain, while Qin Sang continued to treat patients.

After all the busy work, it was almost noon.

The Taoist temple was still overcrowded.

Yulang was in and out, so busy that his feet didn't touch the floor. He finally found some free time, sat next to Qin Sang, helped his senior sister make medicine, and said worriedly: "Master, we are gone, what will you do alone? Senior Taiyi, what are you doing?" Time to leave seclusion?"

Luohou sleeps every day, and Suzaku is unreliable. Only Taiyi can help.

Xiaowu also looked worried.

"Are you still worried about Master?"

Qin Sang laughed. These two apprentices were more involved in the drama than he was. "It's just the first few days. There won't be too many people in the future."

On the first day, it wasn't until the moon turned bright that Qin Sang saw the last patient and closed the door of the Taoist temple.

Under the bright lights.

Qin Sang was counting the copper coins and account books, while Yu Lang was soaking in the vat, describing to Xiao Wu his various experiences in the school, and he was very happy and dancing with his words.

Just as Qin Sang expected, on the fourth day, almost all the patients in Qipai Village had been treated, and the spectators were tired of watching the excitement. It was not as overcrowded as before.

However, the news that a Taoist priest came to Qipai Village has gradually spread.

This morning.

Facing the morning light on the horizon, a little Taoist boy slowly pushed open the door of the Taoist temple and saw several people waiting outside the Taoist temple.

The autumn dew is cold and heavy.

There were still people wearing patched singlets and shivering.

"Come in, it's warm inside."

Yulang greeted them skillfully, a fire was lit in the main hall, and the Taoist temple was filled with firewood, all of which were enthusiastically sent by the villagers.

The road up the mountain was repaired a few days ago, and the village chief also invited a gong and drum team to play all morning.

Xiaowu and Yulang each used a broom to clean the inside and outside of the Taoist temple. This was their daily homework. People who came to the mountain to see a doctor also helped out.

When they finished their work, Qin Sang just emerged from the ground.


Yu Lang and Xiao Wu ran up to Qin Sang hand in hand, and when they saluted, they could hardly hold back the smiles on their faces.

Today is the day they go down to school.

"Can't wait to see what this is?"

Qin Sang looked at the two apprentices with a smile and took out his hands from behind his back. In his hands were two exquisite small book boxes.

The bookcase is not big, and it is more than enough to hold Meng Sheng's utensils.

"Wow! Thank you, Master!"

When Yulang saw the book box, he couldn't move his eyes away. He couldn't put it down after taking it, and couldn't bear to carry it on his back. Tears filled his eyes.

When I was studying in the past, few people in the entire school had book boxes, and most of them used book bags.

He had a bookcase, which attracted the envy of many classmates, but he envied those classmates instead.

Because the schoolbags of his classmates were sewn stitch by stitch by their parents, and he could only make the book boxes himself.

This book box is made of firewood from Taoist temples. It is not a magic weapon. Practitioners can easily make countless of them, but this is made by Master.

Xiao Wu held the book box in his hand, and was much more careful than he was with other things. He did not say thank you, but he touched the book box in his hand, and there was something in his expression that was not there before.

Qin Sang patted their heads and said softly: "The time is coming, let's go down the mountain."

Yulang and Xiaowu looked at each other, put their book boxes on their backs, and walked down the mountain side by side.

Qin Sang walked out of the Taoist temple and stood on the edge of the stone cliff, watching the two small figures, one tall and one short, drifting away, feeling an indescribable feeling.

This feeling has never happened to those few disciples I took in before.

"Maybe it's because they were adults when they started. Is this what it's like to raise children?"

Qin Sang laughed to himself.

In the east, the rising sun finally climbed to the top of the mountain, and a golden ray of light shone on Qin Sang's face, making the shadow grow very long.

Qin Sang raised his head and looked at the stars gradually fading in the sky.

If one day, I really get my wish, ascend to immortality, and be carefree from now on, what kind of life will it be like?

Will it be like now, returning to nature and being ordinary?

"This kind of day... is quite good."

Qin Sang murmured.

Not only was he not weakened by the peaceful time, but he was even more motivated to fight.

"Oh oh oh..."

There was a faint rooster crow from the bottom of the mountain, and someone came again on the mountain road.

Qin Sang turned around and returned to the main hall.

There was an endless stream of people coming to see the doctor.

The reputation of Qin Sang, the miracle doctor, spread, and fame was also a kind of prestige.

Even if Yulang is not around, he can still line up spontaneously. Anyone who breaks the rules will not only be condemned by everyone, but also worry about angering the miracle doctor and not treating him.

Therefore, Qin Sang can be organized on his own.

Diagnosing and treating mortals requires only a small amount of mental energy. Most of Qin Sang's mind was wandering outside, thinking about the main altar and Taiyi.

"Master Miracle Doctor, please help me take a look. My chest has been feeling tight..."

The last patient left with a lot of thanks, and the next patient immediately came forward and sat in front of Qin Sang.

This man looked to be about forty years old, with a rich appearance, and his clothes were not luxurious, nor did he look like a poor person.

He covered his chest with his right hand and quickly described his condition, pretending to be in pain.

Qin Sang put down the pen and looked up at him, "You are not from three villages down the mountain."

Going north from Qipai Village, there are two other villages called Beishan Village and Canghe Village. They are located deep in the mountains and cannot compare with Qipai Village in all aspects.

The rich man was stunned for a moment, "No! No! I'm from the town. Have you seen me before?"

"The accent is different," Qin Sang said.

"I can hear that, you are indeed a miracle doctor!"

Unlike some places where the pronunciation is different for ten miles, the accents of the people nearby are all the same, and the locals can't tell the difference.

The rich man was immediately convinced and stretched out his arm, "Please help me take a look..."

Qin Sang didn't take a pulse, "You don't have any serious health problems. You can get better with a little care. Have you never seen a doctor before?"

"I went to see a doctor in town. Didn't I hear that a miracle doctor came here?" the rich man sneered.

Qin Sang shook his head, "No need to look at it. For this kind of minor illness, just listen to the doctor in the town. You can tell people the same thing when you go back, otherwise your trip to Pindao will be in vain."

" don't treat minor illnesses?"

The rich man was stunned. He had never seen such a weird doctor.

There is no such truth in the world. If this Taoist priest hadn't preached so miraculously that even Chen Xiucai was said to be an expert, he would have definitely questioned it face to face.

"Please come back, layman," Qin Sang raised her hand to see the guest off.


The rich man was a little angry. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a figure walking quickly into the main hall out of the corner of his eye, causing other patients to scold him.

This man was dressed very strangely, with a big coat wrapped around his body and a big hood on his head, which completely covered his head and face.

The weather isn't that cold yet, is it?

"Huh? It seems a bit familiar..."

The rich man couldn't help but take a second look, and saw the man take off his hat, revealing a familiar face.

"Isn't this Dr. Liu?"

The rich man shouted softly and stood up quickly.

This person was Dr. Liu, a well-known doctor in the town. He had invited Dr. Liu to see him before. Meeting him here made him feel a little embarrassed.

Dr. Liu is wrapped in a big coat, his figure is not visible, his face is about fifty years old, and he has a somewhat old-fashioned temperament.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Doctor Liu was impatient for a moment and offended the public. He repeatedly handed over his hands to apologize. He walked quickly to Qin Sang and bowed deeply, "My Excellency Liu Yuansheng, I came here to apologize to the Taoist Priest."

Qin Sang asked strangely: "You and I are meeting for the first time, why do you say this?"

"To be honest, Taoist priest, I heard yesterday that an old man from the Qi family in Qipai Village was cured by you, and I also learned that you opened a clinic here, charging only a meager consultation fee, and the crowds are huge. I feel unhappy and came here today because I wanted to Compete with you."

Doctor Liu arrived at the Taoist temple early. He had been standing outside the door just now, taking a peek. He was an expert at looking at the doorway. He was soon convinced. Hearing the conversation between Qin Sang and the rich man, he finally couldn't help but break in.

"The Taoist Master is not only skilled in medicine, but also has a benevolent and righteous heart towards his medical colleagues. He is truly a man of great virtue and righteousness. I judge a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but I actually think that if the Taoist Master's medical skills are not as good as mine, then I will Drive you out of Qinggui Town, otherwise you will not be able to practice medicine. Shame on you! Shame on you!"

Doctor Liu never imagined that Qin Sang was a cultivator of immortals. How could he go down the mountain to travel around the mortal world and steal the livelihood of mortals?

"I heard that all the Taoist priest's beloved disciples are sent to the school run by Chen Xiucai to learn and read, but there is a lack of helpers around them. I would like to close the medical clinic and become a medicine boy to serve the Taoist priest," Dr. Liu said in a sincere tone.

As soon as this statement came out, it caused an uproar.

Doctor Liu has been famous for a long time and is recognized as a miracle doctor.

Everyone is looking after Qin Sang, mostly because of the low medical fees. If you really don't have money, you can still keep accounts, so most of the people who come are poor people.

Few people really thought that this wild Taoist priest could surpass Dr. Liu in his medical skills.

Qin Sang smiled slightly.

This person's words are quite sincere, and he has some small thoughts of his own, but they are harmless and his nature is not bad.

"Doctor Liu, you don't have to be like this. Pindao's meager income can't support many people. Besides, Pindao is a Taoist and he has to practice Taoism. He can't sit in the clinic all day long."


Doctor Liu wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Qin Sang waving his hand.

"Dr. Liu, if you have any patients you are unsure about in the future, you might as well bring them to Guanzhong and we can discuss them together."

Hearing this, Doctor Liu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He is self-aware, and when it comes to discussing, most of the time, the other party gives him pointers through case studies, which is no worse than being a medicine boy.

This is an opportunity that no one else would have thought of.

Unexpectedly, when he was over fifty, he would meet a real miracle doctor. His sincerity was not in vain, and Dr. Liu almost burst into tears.

This time, Qin Sang did not stop him and waved his hand, "Go ahead."


Doctor Liu respectfully bowed as a disciple.

An old man in his fifties saluted like a young Taoist priest, but no one thought it was inappropriate.

After Doctor Liu left, there was silence in the Taoist temple.

Everyone became more respectful towards Qin Sang.

"I now believe that fellow Taoist monks are playing games in the world of mortals."

In the hall, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

The patient in front of Qin Sang didn't seem to hear, and still watched nervously as Qin Sang diagnosed his pulse.

In front of the confession, stood a man in white robes with an elegant temperament.

Not long after Qin Sang started his consultation, he entered the main hall, not to see a doctor. He casually placed incense on the statues in the hall, then stood there with his hands folded, watching Qin Sang treat patients with interest.

The villagers came in and out, but no one noticed him.

"Pindao thought that the land would not reveal Pindao's identity."

Qin Sang replied calmly without raising his head.

The person coming was from our own land, a young and elegant man. He was in charge of a party, and any troubles could not be hidden from his ears. When he learned about this, he came here to check.

Qin Sang did not deliberately hide his identity as an immortal cultivator. Going down the mountain to practice does not mean he has to become a mortal.

If we explore the origin of the main altar in the future, we might even need the help of local gods and goddesses.

"It's good to have a tacit understanding, but as a landowner, Yue needs to ask clearly to be at ease, lest someone has evil intentions and causes disaster."

Tu Tu Gong took a deep look at Qin Sang.

He couldn't see through the cultivation level of the Taoist priest in front of him. He didn't know whether the other person was hiding too deeply or was too far ahead of him.

However, he quietly observed the two disciples. One had just started cultivating, and the other was probably still a mortal.

"Fellow Daoist Yue, are you relieved now?" Qin Sang seemed not to hear the deeper meaning of his words.

"Yue has nothing to worry about because of Taoist friendly acts that benefit the people. However, since Yue is responsible for his duties and strange people appear in the territory, he must report to the City God according to law. In his spare time, the City God may come to visit him in person. If the Taoist priest does not Would you mind?"

The land decision will not be further investigated, but will be reported directly to the City God for a decision.

"As it should be."

Qin Sang's tone remained calm, he took out a piece of paper, wrapped the medicine and handed it to the patient.

The patient left with great gratitude.

Seeing Qin Sang being so calm, Tu Di frowned slightly and looked outside the door, "Taoist Master is busy with business, so I won't interrupt you. I'll take my leave."


Qin Sang cupped his hands far away, startling the next patient.

A day without the help of an apprentice is spent in a busy way.

Halfway through Unitary Hour, Xiaowu and Yulang returned to the mountain together, finished cleaning the Taoist temple, and did their routine homework in the main hall.

"Master, I have made many friends. Everyone likes Senior Sister... Senior Sister learns so fast, and I seem to have become smarter..."

Yulang was chirping, excitedly recounting interesting things in school.

Xiaowu just smiled lightly from the side.

From now on, the lives of the three masters and disciples will be lived peacefully day after day.

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