Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1939 Storyteller

Winter passes and spring comes.

It’s the end of the year in a blink of an eye.

This year is destined to be a good year.

In just a few months, Qin Sang's reputation had completely spread.

Especially in the three villages at the foot of the mountain, the villagers have really benefited.

Regardless of whether the illness is serious or minor, all one needs to do is go to the Taoist temple and the medicine will cure the disease.

Qin Sang's account book has already been filled with a small amount, and he has never been urged. Even though the Chinese New Year is about to come, there are no Taoist priests from Qingyang Temple going down the mountain to collect debts.

Some poor families, who have not paid back the first consultation fee, will owe the second consultation. They walked in with a worried look on their faces, but they did not expect Qin Sang not to say a word.

When everyone saw it, they all said that a real god came to the mountain, and even the incense became more prosperous.

When someone slaughters a new year animal, he or she will keep the best parts and send them up the mountain.

Qin Sang refused to offer incense, so they said they wanted to keep the two little Taoist boys to replenish their bodies, and they would keep them no matter what. Taoist priests were not afraid of meat anyway.

It's hard to deny the warm hospitality, and it's the New Year again, so Qin Sang made an exception.

In just a few days, half the room was filled with all kinds of New Year's goods. The cooking method is rough, but the taste is good.

Things will not be wasted. The three masters and disciples are in the mortal world, and like mortals, they have three meals a day and enjoy the fireworks of the world.

The twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month.

The New Year is coming soon.

Yulang practiced all night and felt energetic. He opened the window a crack and let the cold wind carry snowflakes in.

There was heavy snow falling outside at some point.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest."

Yulang pushed the window open forcefully, without casting any spells, and let the snowflakes hit him, looking leisurely and contented.

The school closed at the end of the year and was given leave until the eighth day of the first lunar month, but he finished his homework early.

Before entering school, I looked forward to studying all day long. After entering the school, I realized that Xiumu was really pleasant.

"I wonder if Senior Sister is awake?"

Yulang leaned out of the window and glanced at the room next to him.

In the past six months in the school, the senior sister still didn't talk much, but she was obviously not as reticent as before.

He recently found out that the senior sister did not meditate at night and slept like ordinary people.

"Where did Senior Sister's cultivation come from?"

Yulang couldn't figure it out.

"In this weather, the mountain is blocked by heavy snow. No one should go up the mountain. I wonder if Master will come out of seclusion. Senior Luohou is still sleeping, and Senior Taiyi has gone somewhere unknown. Senior Suzaku is also sitting in a bird's nest all day long. , I haven’t seen it come out for a while. Is it too boring on the mountain? Master also strictly prohibits it from playing tricks on people..."

Yulang was thinking wildly and found that the snow gradually became lighter. When the sky became brighter, the snow stopped completely.

The Taoist temple was completely white, as if it were covered with a soft white carpet, without any flaws, and the walls of the courtyard were also white.


Yulang pushed the door open and exhaled a puff of white air. Just as he picked up the broom by the wall, he heard the door next to him creak open and Xiao Wu walked out.


Yulang shouted.

Xiao Wu nodded and picked up a broom.

"Senior sister, let's sweep all the way to the bottom of the mountain. Qiu Hua and the others said they would come to the mountain to play with you. It's snowing so heavily. I wonder if they will come yet."

The Qiu Hua Yulang was talking about was his classmate in school.

A few girls usually get together to play, led by Qiu Hua, who has a very aggressive temperament and dares to quarrel with the boys and has the upper hand.

Everyone, including Qiu Hua, likes Xiao Wu. They think Xiao Wu is taciturn because of her weak temper, and they are determined to protect her from being bullied by boys.

Thinking of this, Yulang scratched his head a little. He couldn't figure out what the senior sister's attitude was towards these playmates.

The two first cleared a few paths in the Taoist temple, opened the door of the Taoist temple, and swept down the mountain path.

Before reaching the bottom of the mountain, three people walked towards me.

It turned out that it was Chen Xiucai who came out of the snow with his book boy, and the other one was their classmate named Tao Qi, who had a similar temperament with Yulang. As a result, within a few days Yulang gave him the nickname "Nao Nang".

"Yulang! Senior sister...hehe."

Tao Qi deliberately prolonged his voice and winked.

Yu Lang obviously looks several years older than Xiao Wu, but he calls her senior sister, which makes her friends laugh at her a lot.

"Greetings to the Master."

Yu Lang glared at Tao Qi, and he and Xiao Wu put down their brooms and stepped forward to salute.

"My teacher came here to test your homework today."

Chen Xiucai made a joke at first. Seeing that there was no trace of panic on the faces of the two students, he couldn't help but secretly sigh that Master Qingfeng had taken in a good apprentice.

Fortunately for Yulang, he had read books before and had a solid foundation.

This Xiaowu was only seven or eight years old, but he had a photographic memory. He memorized the meanings of several scriptures verbatim within a few days of entering school, and he also remembered the Master's explanations clearly.

For this reason, Chen Xiucai specially discussed with Qin Sang and believed that their minds were not mature enough, so he continued to stay in the Meng School.

"It's a pity that she's a woman."

Chen Xiucai secretly sighed that the Yan country had an open atmosphere, but there was no precedent for women to serve as officials.

Although Yulang is a high-spirited man and always behaves with great ambitions, he doesn't know what kind of ecstasy he was fed by his master. He has no interest in fame and wealth. He seems to read just to understand Taoism.

"If I met such a master when I was young, I would be like Yulang, right?"

Chen Xiucai thought of Taoist Master Qingfeng's behavior and demeanor, and couldn't help but have this thought. He pointed at the food box in the hands of the book boy and said, "The snow falling on thousands of mountains is so beautiful. With this situation, how can we not find friends to enjoy the snow together? This is a special place for the teacher." I asked your wife to cook some hometown delicacies. The Taoist Master should have finished his morning lessons, right?"

He lived in seclusion in Qipai Village, surrounded by mountains and rivers, but there was no one in the village he could talk to, and none of his friends were nearby.

Finally, a Taoist master, Qingfeng, came. Chen Xiucai was very late to meet him. Unfortunately, this man was busier than him.


Yulang hesitated slightly and looked at his senior sister.

Xiao Wu nodded lightly, "Master has been released from seclusion."

The two quickly swept away the remaining snow, and sure enough, there was no one at the foot of the mountain.

When I returned to the Taoist temple, I saw that Master and Chen Xiucai had set up a table and charcoal fire in the small attic of the Taoist temple.

Chen Xiucai proposed and sent people to build the small attic. The lower floor was supported by wooden pillars, and a ladder led to the second floor.

The two-story courtyard wall has an excellent view, and you can see the mountains at a glance.

"Yulang, the beef sent by the Zhang family should be skewered and grilled. I also have the bunch of fruits that my master picked in the mountains. Wash them and serve them," Qin Sang ordered.

"Fruit? Oh, I got it."

Yulang understood, called Tao Qi, and ran quickly to the room where the food was stored. Sure enough, there was a bunch of red spiritual fruits.

"There is still fruit in the mountains at this time? What kind of fruit is it?" Chen Xiucai asked.

"I don't know much about it, but Chen Xiucai can rest assured that this fruit is not poisonous and has a strange and fragrant aroma."

Chen Xiucai chuckled and said, "Of course I believe you in this. You can always eat novel things here at Taoist Master. I don't know how he prepares the seasonings, but they can always turn decay into magic. In comparison, I The things I brought here are hard to eat.”

The condiments are all prepared with elixirs, how can they not be fragrant?

Qin Sang secretly thought that he rarely went out of his way to satisfy his appetite in the past. He only had half a day to spare, and he also wanted Xiao Wu to experience the five flavors of the world, so he put a lot of thought into it.

Pick up the chopsticks, put a piece of golden pastry on the plate into your mouth, and chew it gently.

It's not as exaggerated as Chen Xiucai said.

"Mrs. Chen's craftsmanship is excellent and has a unique flavor."

When Qin Sang spoke, he looked outside the Taoist temple.

On the mountain road, several people were coming to the Taoist temple. The leaders were two old men, one of whom was Dr. Liu.

"Eh? Is there anyone going up the mountain today?" Chen Xiucai looked over.

"Perhaps he is seriously ill," Qin Sang glanced at the old man beside Dr. Liu, stood up and said, "Excuse me for a moment."

"You guys wait outside!"

Doctor Liu waved his hand to block the people behind him from the Taoist temple, and only brought the old man in.

"Taoist Priest..."

Qin Sang waved his hand to stop the two from saluting and led them into the main hall.

The old man was dressed in fine clothes, so he must have status. His face was red, but it was abnormally red.

Doctor Liu was a little uneasy when he was interrupted at the end of the year and quickly finished talking about the old man's condition.

Qin Sang pondered for a moment and said, "This disease is not suitable for medicine. Let's get a silver needle."


Dr. Liu, who was familiar with the medicine, took out the silver needle from the medicine box and looked forward to it.

He had seen Qin Sang use needles before, and his skills could only be described as miraculous.

"Watch it!"

Qin Sang reminded him and ordered the old man to lie down on the grass, deliberately slowing down so that Dr. Liu could see every trembling of the silver needle.

In less than a minute, Qin Sang took a step back, and the blush on the old man's face slowly faded.

"Amazing skills! Amazing skills!"

Doctor Liu saw it clearly, was deeply shocked, and suddenly his face darkened, "I'm old... I can't use it! It's a pity that I just met the Taoist priest now!"

"If you don't need it, you can pass it on to your disciples," Qin Sang said.

The people who came with him were all the old man's entourage, and the driver was waiting at the foot of the mountain. Doctor Liu was about to go back together, but Qin Sang stayed behind.

"It's a coincidence that you're here. We happen to be short of company today. It doesn't hurt to stay overnight at the Taoist Temple. Let your family pick you up tomorrow."

Doctor Liu was overjoyed and was not embarrassed at all. He asked someone to send a message home and followed Qin Sang to the attic.

"It turns out that Chen Xiucai is here," Doctor Liu slightly cupped his hands. They were both familiar with each other, so there was no need to be formal.

"Come on! Come on! Try Taoist Master's collection. It's guaranteed to be a delicacy that is unique in the world and rare in the world! If Taoist Master doesn't come, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back my taste!"

Chen Xiucai couldn't wait. He held a handful of meat skewers in one hand and grilled them on the charcoal fire until they were sizzling with oil. He sprinkled a handful of spices on them, and the rich aroma suddenly exploded, perfectly combining with the aroma of the meat.

Dr. Liu sniffed and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It smells so good!"

The Shutong and Yulang who were waiting on the side were already swallowing their saliva.

At this moment, Qin Sang chuckled, "It's so lively today."

Everyone heard the sound and looked outside the Taoist temple. The figures of the old man and his followers on the mountain path had disappeared, but two men appeared.

One of the two is young and handsome, and the other is slightly older.

The old man was half a step behind, but unlike the master and servant, both of them were dressed in white and looked good.

“What a style!”

Chen Xiucai's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but praise, "I have never seen such a person before! What a pity! What a pity! Are they friends of the Taoist Priest?"

"This is our first meeting, but Pindao has heard about these two people for a long time. They should be Mr. Yu and Mr. Yi."

Qin Sang said.

The other party seemed to feel something. He raised his eyes and looked up. The young man smiled slightly and raised the pottery altar in his hand. "With spiritual fruits and delicacies, how can there be no wine? I brought a pot of century-old wine. Can I exchange it for you upstairs? Two positions?”

"Mr. Yu, you're welcome. I have friends coming from afar. Please come upstairs!"

Qin Sang Ping stood in front of the window and ordered Yu Lang and Xiao Wu to go down to greet the guests.

The visitors were none other than the County God and Judge Wen. Qin Sang had already known their names from Tu Tu and guessed them right after they met.

The attic is not big.

After greeting each other, Yu Chenghuang and Judge Yi sat down. Together with the four little guys who were waiting on them, it was a bit crowded. Fortunately, no one went up the mountain behind them.

When the wine is opened, the wine is really good and the aroma is overflowing.

One person drinks a cup together, and the strangeness between everyone suddenly disappears a lot.

Only Judge Yi glanced at the table from time to time, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he quietly signaled Yu Chenghuang to pay attention to the plate of condiments.

The bunch of fruits is called Jade Pill Fruit, which can improve the cultivation level of the foundation-building monks. It is already very luxurious to entertain mortals.

In the seasoning powder, there was actually an elixir of higher quality than the Jade Pill Fruit, and there were also medicinal powders that they couldn't identify.

The two quietly exchanged glances, and looked at the Qingfeng Taoist priest in surprise.

Chen Xiucai was more interested in them, "I wonder where the two gentlemen are from? Are they not from Jin County? Otherwise, I will definitely recognize them."

Mr. Yu smiled and said, "We are indeed from Jinxian County. We don't often appear in front of others. It's normal for Chen Xiucai not to recognize us."

"Two hermits again!"

Chen Xiucai showed a self-deprecating look and drank a drink by himself, "The two of them are so strong-minded. Compared with the two of you, my so-called seclusion seems to be just trying to gain fame."

"We have talents that cannot be found in one county or one city. But Chen Xiucai is a great talent in governing the country. How can he be compared to the status of a prince?" Yu Chenghuang raised his glass in response.

"According to what some people said, Pindao can only be regarded as a person from the mountains," Qin Sang drank with him.

"All of them are immortals, only the little old man is a common man," Dr. Liu said while holding a cup.

Judge Yi glanced at him, took a sip of wine, and said meaningfully: "If you learn some kindness from Taoist Master Qingfeng instead of just medical skills, it will be enough for you to use for the rest of your life."

Doctor Liu was stunned.

Chen Xiucai seemed to be drunk, his eyes were blurred, and he murmured: "Mr. Yu may have just made a joke, but if we, the scholars, do not report to the country, who should we do with our wealth of knowledge?"

Qin Sang was twirling the wine glass in his hand, suddenly paused, and frowned slightly.

At this time, the county seat of Jinxian County.

A green rainbow fell in the corner of the city, and a young and pretty girl walked out a moment later.

A kingfisher circled several times and landed on her shoulder, its eyes moving and full of aura.

“So lively!”

The county town is filled with the New Year atmosphere, and the Chenghuang Temple Street is packed with people.

Everything the girl sees is novel, "The world is really nice, much livelier than the mountains! Xiaozhu, don't you think so?"

The kingfisher flapped its wings and chirped twice.

“There’s a lot of delicious food too!”

The girl looked here and there, drooling, and then turned to a teahouse.

A loud voice came from inside.

After listening for a moment, the girl wondered: "Is this the storyteller written in the book? Isn't it the Chinese New Year? Why are there still people telling stories?"

The girl didn't realize that because of her actions, people in the whole street were paying attention to her.

"You're not going to eat during the Chinese New Year? The gentleman inside is young, but his books are good," an aunt next to him couldn't help but interject.

"Let's go in and listen," the girl stepped across the threshold. ()

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