Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1940 Going down the mountain

Chen Xiucai and Yu Chenghuang are both good talkers, and Judge Yi and Doctor Liu's compliments are just right.

Qin Sang occasionally interjected a few words, but mostly listened to their conversation with interest, accompanied by a glass of wine from time to time.

This table brings together all the gods and goddesses, which is a very special experience.


Qin Sang personally operated the meat, using charcoal fire to lightly brown the meat, and sprinkled with seasoning powder. Every movement was precise and all details were just right.

After roasting, take out a few skewers and give them to the apprentice.

The four little guys gathered in the corner, eating with their mouths full of oil.

"You... on the mountain... oh, you burned me to death!"

Tao Qian inhaled repeatedly, reluctant to spit out the meat in his mouth, and swallowed it with difficulty, only to feel the fragrance reaching his bones.

I don’t know whether it was because he was burned or because he was jealous. Tao Qi’s eyes turned red when he looked at Yulang, “It’s really... a magical day!”

The book boy Mingyan agreed very much and nodded repeatedly.

"Eat yours!"

Yulang slapped Tao Qi with a spiritual fruit and blocked his mouth.

'Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ’

Someone was knocking frantically on the door outside.

Doctor Liu was startled, and both Yu Chenghuang and Judge Yi looked back.

Qin Sang said it was okay, stood up and opened the door, and the Suzaku flew in with a ghostly appearance.

After being taught a lesson several times, it finally gained a memory and stopped yelling. It just stared at the meat in Qin Sang's hand.

Qin Sang had already prepared a plate for it, but Suzaku paid no attention to anyone and started eating furiously.

Everyone at the table stared at Suzaku as he ate the meat.

"Even birds like to eat it, so the taste is definitely the same," Dr. Liu said with a smile.

Suzaku rolled her eyes at him and continued eating wildly.

Yu Chenghuang and Judge Yi couldn't help but look at the Suzaku, and they were shocked to find that they couldn't even see through a bird in the Taoist temple?

After calming down for a while, Yu Chenghuang picked up a skewer of meat, sniffed it gently, and followed Qin Sang's example, biting off a piece directly from the skewer.

He also came from a scholarly family during his lifetime, and had very strict rules since childhood. This was the first time he was so rude, and he was not used to it.

Chen Xiucai was the same as him at first, but soon got used to it and praised this way of eating, claiming that this is how it should be eaten.

Yu Chenghuang savored it carefully.

Chen Xiucai stared at him, waiting for him to swallow it, and said proudly: "Brother Yu, how does it taste? I'm not telling you any lies, am I?"

"It can be called a fairy!"

Yu Chenghuang was generous in his praise.

"The Zuixiang Banquet at Zuixianglou is known as one of the best in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is not as good as this simple skewer of meat."

Judge Yi agreed, but he was cursing in his heart. He didn't even look at what was used. Could it be delicious?

He glanced at the few mortals in the room. After eating so many powerful elixirs and fruits, they had not yet exploded and died. It was obvious that the temple master had secretly manipulated them to allow them to slowly digest the power of the elixir, at least they could Strengthen your body and last a lifetime.

"What is the Zuixiang Banquet?" Chen Xiucai was stunned. He had been to the Zuixiang Pavilion many times and had never had any Zuixiang Banquet.

"The owner of Zuixiang House was once an imperial chef. It is said that he offended Xiao Xiao in the palace and was forced to retire. He returned to Jinxian County and opened Zuixiang House. Only the owner can cook the Zuixiang Banquet, and there is no successor to him so far. The owner is old and has been I can't make it a few times every year, and only my boss's old friends have this kind of taste." Yu Chenghuang took a sip of the wine, savoring the mixture of wine, meat, and medicine.

"Another hermit, our Jin County can be called the city of hermits! The county of hermits! This is a revelation!"

Chen Xiucai was so excited that he suddenly slapped the table and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

He drank several drinks and his behavior became more and more bold.

Yu Chenghuang glanced at Qin Sang and said to himself, "It is both a hermit county and a hidden dragon's abyss. Brother Chen should be leaving the mountain next autumn, right?"

As the City God of Jinxian County, Yu Chenghuang would also pay attention to the talented people under his rule. He knew that Chen Xiucai was quite knowledgeable, but it was a pity that he failed to succeed after repeated trials.

Chen Xiucai smiled bitterly, "When I was young, I was very conceited, but failed repeatedly. Seeing that all my classmates were very proud of themselves, I only pretended to be crazy. It was just a mask for myself to cover up the last bit of my face. It was never true. How can a hermit come out to speak?"

"With this big heart, I believe Brother Chen will be able to get what he wants one day," Qin Sang toasted Chen Xiucai, and the others drank together.

No one said anything to comfort him. Chen Xiucai dared to expose his shortcomings, which showed that he did not need anyone's comfort.

Chen Xiucai accepted it calmly, stood up and looked out the window, "When I was young and frivolous, my good words were astonishing. Now I have no intention of becoming a king or a marquis or leaving a name in the history. If I am lucky enough to get a meritorious title, I will just ask for it." Live up to the people, live up to the emperor, live up to heaven and earth, and live up to your own heart!"

In the attic of Qingyang Temple, people were drinking and drinking.

People come and go in Jinxian County.

The teahouse should have been busier than the street.

When the girl walked into the teahouse, she felt a strange silence. Everyone was listening to the book attentively.

Dr. Tea walked very lightly and was afraid of making any noise when pouring tea.

The diners rarely talked to each other and even forgot to eat the food and tea in front of them.

Only when the storyteller photographed the gavel, the diners woke up from a dream, drank tea and talked, there was a moment of commotion, but their voices were like ants.

The whole teahouse echoed with the storyteller's voice, which seemed to cover up the noise outside.

"What story has such great appeal?"

The girl was secretly surprised when she saw this scene. She looked past the diners and saw the storyteller on the stage.

Sure enough, as the aunt outside the door said, the storyteller was wearing a gray gown. He had a young face, a medium build, and a middle-aged appearance. He was the kind of person who would be ignored if thrown into a crowd.

The storyteller also noticed the girl entering the door. Seeing her coming, he smiled slightly and nodded in greeting.

The girl couldn't help but smile back.

Dr. Tea came up with a teapot. The two made eye contact for a moment, then led the girl to an empty table.

"It is said that when the Nine Heavens Goddess came to earth, the Heavenly Mother happened to send the blue bird to deliver the order, and secretly told the blue bird that if the Nine Heavens Goddess was stubborn, she would cast a spell to take her to Tianchi. Unexpectedly, the Nine Heavens Goddess abducted her with just a few words. Into the mortal world..."

It turned out to be a fairy tale.

The girl thought, and was led by Dr. Tea to sit down, but she didn't notice that the kingfisher on her shoulder raised its head and flapped its wings when it heard the blue bird.


The kingfisher flew up in oblivion.

Round after round, tirelessly.

Its feathers shed green light, and its chirping sound is completely integrated into the storyteller's story, transforming into a blue bird in the story, making everyone immersed in the story.

No one who listened to the book, including the girl, found it strange.

The girl completely ignored her playmate. After sitting down, she concentrated on the storyteller on the stage and listened to the touching story.

In a trance, she seemed to have become the Nine Heavens Goddess in the story.

Master is the cruel Heavenly Mother.

After descending to earth, every move and every encounter of the Nine Heavens Goddess touched her heartstrings.

When the Goddess of the Nine Heavens is happy, she smiles brightly.

When the goddess of the Nine Heavens was sad, she burst into tears.

The girl forgets that she is in a teahouse, forgets everything around her, and is immersed in the world built by the storyteller.

Not long after the girl entered the teahouse, a dark wind suddenly blew in front of the teahouse door, and a figure that ordinary people couldn't see flashed out of the shadows.

This man is wearing armor, and he is a ghost and god under the command of the Jinxian City God. His status is not low, he is second only to the City God and the civil and military judges, and is on an equal footing with the chief officials and generals.

"Going in?"

Where the god of travel appeared, there were two Yinzai standing there. They all bowed and said yes.

The girl should have some means of concealing her aura, and when she entered the city, she was able to hide it from the gatekeeper, but she was still noticed by the Shinto treasures in the City God's Temple.

Unfortunately, none of the chief officials are here today.

The City God and Judge Wen went on a patrol together, and Judge Wu personally led his troops out of the city to hunt down a monster.

Riyoushen and the chief officials did not find out the origin of the girl and did not dare to act rashly. Seeing that she acted innocently and did not seem to have any harmful intentions, Riyoushen went out of the city to ask Judge Wu for instructions.

Two ghost soldiers were ordered to wait here.

"Yes, I didn't come out after entering the teahouse," a sinister hesitant to say, "It's a bit strange in there, sir, go and see for yourself."


The god of travel frowned, and led two undercover agents to quietly pass through the door curtain. At this time, the storyteller happened to mention the plot of the Nine Heavens Goddess in danger.

"The Heavenly Mother sent heavenly soldiers and generals to search and hunt all over the world. No matter how careful the Nine Heavens Goddess and Qingniao were, they could not escape. At Lianyang Mountain, they were finally discovered by a group of heavenly soldiers. It is pitiful that the Nine Heavens Goddess and Qingniao were granted the title of immortal when they came to earth. The seal has not yet been resolved, the mana has only been restored to 30%, and we have to go through another fierce battle..."

The kingfisher returned to the girl's shoulder at some point, and was as immersed in the story as its owner, showing an extremely nervous expression.

However, Hichi Yugami and the two Yinzai who had just stepped into the teahouse were surprised to find that the storyteller actually nodded towards them.

At this moment, their hearts suddenly surged with overwhelming pride, as if they had transformed into heavenly soldiers and generals, following the orders of the Heavenly Mother, to apprehend criminals and punish them on behalf of Heaven!

They completely forgot the purpose of their trip and walked to another empty table to sit down, their backs straight and their eyes bright.

The story is still going on.

Yu Chenghuang and Judge Yi in Qingyang Temple knew nothing about this.

This meal lasted from early morning to late afternoon.

Doctor Liu stayed at Qingyang Temple.

Chen Xiucai, Yu Chenghuang and others went down the mountain together and walked outside the bamboo forest to say goodbye to each other.

Chen Xiucai originally wanted to send him off in a carriage, but Yu and Yi refused.

After separation, the two gods disappeared out of thin air and appeared in a mountain not far from Qingyang Temple.

"See you two adults."

This land had been waiting here for a long time and quickly saluted.

Judge Yi said: "We have already met Taoist Master Qingfeng. He is indeed an extraordinary person. You must deal with it carefully in the future. You must complete any instructions you give and don't disturb him at ordinary times."

Tutu was shocked, "I wonder where that Taoist priest came from?"

Judge Yi looked at Yu Chenghuang, who just now didn't ask about it for some unknown reason.

"I'm afraid that the adults in the state will treat this person with courtesy when they see him. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for such a person to live in seclusion in Jin County."

Yu Chenghuang sighed softly, "Don't care what his status is, just treat him as a powerful man who can play in the world of mortals."

The land responded with a confused yes.

Judge Yi glanced at Tu Tu and said in a deep voice: "For a person like this, everything depends on chance. Before fate comes, it's all nonsense. Don't think that you can get any benefits by serving diligently. It's not enough to be cautious."

The land was touched, and he was shocked. "Thanks to the adults for waking up, the villain almost made a big mistake."

"There is no need to be so cautious. I think this person has an easy-going temperament, so just let nature take its course," Yu Chenghuang explained a few more words before escaping back to the county town with Judge Yi.

"What are you talking about? Both the Day and Night Wanderer and the Seducer are trapped in the teahouse?"

When Yu Chenghuang and Judge Yi returned to the county seat, Judge Wu happened to have also returned from hunting down demons, and they joined forces, but at this time they received a summons from the spirit talisman.

Seeing the contents on the talisman, the three chief officers changed their expressions.

It turns out that there was no news about the Day Travel God after he entered the teahouse. The Night Travel God and the Seducer came to find him and were trapped in the teahouse.

Then there were several chief officials from various departments.

The door of the teahouse is like a bloody mouth, and all the ghosts and gods have gone and never come back.

More and more ghosts and gods got trapped, and finally someone discovered that something was wrong.

"Ridiculous! I want to see who this evildoer is who dares to do whatever he wants in the county!"

Judge Wu was furious. With a wave of his sleeve, all the ghost soldiers turned into a sinister wind and hurried to the county seat.

Yu Chenghuang and Judge Yi looked at each other and saw the same worry in each other's eyes.

How could it be such a coincidence?

Just when they were visiting Taoist Master Qingfeng, something happened in the city.

At this time, the outside of the teahouse was surrounded by layers of evil spirits, who cast spells to isolate the teahouse from the Yang world.

Mortals know nothing about this. People are still coming and going on the streets, but they will subconsciously ignore the teahouse.

The storyteller's sonorous voice came out, telling that the Nine Heavens Goddess and the Blue Bird were being hunted down by heavenly soldiers and generals.

This chase is thrilling and touching.

All the ghosts and gods in the city are here, but no one dares to step into the teahouse.

'brush! ’

A dark wind fell from the sky, and Yu Chenghuang and the two judges finally arrived. After listening to their subordinates' report on the whole story, they walked to the door of the teahouse.

The door curtain is made of bamboo, and through the gap, you can vaguely see the scene in the teahouse.

The girl, the blue bird and all the ghosts and gods have different expressions and are completely immersed in the story.

"Bu Zhen Mountain Spirit Flag!"

Judge Wu whispered.

Outside the teahouse, a group of ghosts and gods retreated and fetched nine large black three-foot-long flags and erected them around the teahouse.

The ghosts and gods were divided into nine teams and gathered under the big flag. The main flag was erected behind Judge Wu.

Nine flags form an array to suppress all immortals, cultivators and evildoers!

Yu Chenghuang nodded to Judge Yi. Judge Yi stepped forward and opened the door curtain, but did not cross the threshold.

The door curtain is half lifted.

The three chief officers saw the storyteller, and at the same time, the storyteller also looked up.

Yu Chenghuang opened his mouth and was about to speak.

'Snapped! ’

The storyteller was suddenly startled, "The heavenly soldiers and generals were forced back by the clever tricks of the Nine Heavens Goddess, and were defeated. Just when the Nine Heavens Goddess and the Blue Bird were rejoicing, they did not know that danger was approaching! The three star kings had already led their troops to pursue them. , I’m afraid they will be miserable in this disaster!”

Fire Dojo.

Qin Sang himself was meditating on the sword formation when he suddenly woke up and looked towards the south, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Think for a moment.

Qin Sang stood up, left the cave, informed the Marquis of Gui, turned into thunder and fled. ()

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