Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 612 Corpse with broken arms

Western Frontier, a barbaric land.

Dangerous mountains and rivers, cliffs and cliffs can be seen everywhere, poisonous miasma is frequent, and ferocious beasts and poisonous insects live together.

Even if there is an occasional winding and rugged mountain road, it is still a difficult and dangerous journey.

However, although Western Xinjiang is dangerous, the scenery is very strange, with strange peaks and rocks, waterfalls and springs, mountains and mountains, and various phenomena.

This place is not without human traces.

On the contrary, there are many mortals in the Western Border, and they are the natives who have lived here for their ancestors. Most of them live in villages, are proficient in martial arts and insect control, and survive in the cracks.


A small river flows between the cliffs. The river is not wide, but it is very fast. When the water hits the rocks on the river bank, it splashes white water.

The course of this small river, like most rivers in Western Xinjiang, is extremely winding.

Blocked by rocks and cliffs, you can sometimes see where the river is blocked, forming small whirlpools that can often lock up a large group of dead branches, grass, and leaves, gathering more and more.

In some places, there is even a thick log lying across it, which is full of scars. It is obvious that the trees in the mountain have fallen, broken, and rolled into the river.

However, don’t worry about them rotting in the river.

It rains a lot in Western Xinjiang. A heavy rain can occur in a few days, washing the mountains clean. After the rain, the rivers swell and all the debris in the rivers are washed away.

As the saying goes, the noisy cicada forest is more quiet, and the bird singing mountain is more secluded.

The river here is roaring, and the mountains on both sides are noisy with birds and animals, but it seems more peaceful.

Especially at this time, it was early in the morning. There had just been a drizzle, and now there were still fine raindrops falling. The water vapor gathered into a mist, shrouding the top of the mountain like a fairyland.


Suddenly, a sharp sound of breaking through the air came from the lower reaches of the river.

The mist was swaying, and a golden light was seen from a distance, breaking through the mist from the lower reaches along the river at an extremely fast speed.

Suddenly, the golden light stopped in mid-air, revealing a middle-aged man in strange robes.

The man was tall and strong, standing in the air. A bit of golden light danced around him, and the shape of a sword was vaguely visible.

He has a rugged appearance. In addition to many complex patterns on his face, there are three claw marks left by unknown things, extending from the corner of his eyes to the other corner of his mouth.

The claw marks glowed with a deathly gray color, as if poisonous residues were left, making the man even more vicious.

The robes on his body were of a strange style, as if they were sewn from irregular pieces of animal skin, spliced ​​together into a strange pattern, and the colors were very bright.

His neck, wrists, and even face were tattooed with strange patterns using unknown paint, and he wore many ornaments such as bones, animal teeth, and strange insects.

If a mortal from the village passes by nearby and sees the items on this person's body, he will immediately kneel down and worship him, calling Bimo, the priest, or the messenger of the shaman god, and so on.

The animal skins, animal teeth, and animal bone products on this person are all taken from the most ferocious poisonous insects and beasts, which are the most feared existences of mortals in Western Xinjiang.

Only the legendary messengers of the Witch God, or the Bimo and priests of Dazhai are capable of hunting.

From the perspective of a monk from the Lesser Cold Region, this person is a fellow cultivator of immortality. However, this kind of dress is too weird and is extremely rare in the Lesser Cold Region, and his cultivation level is not very high. He is only at the tenth stage of Qi Refining. Just layers.

The man in animal skin stood in the air, his eyes as sharp as a hawk, staring down. The river made a sharp bend just under him, and a thick layer of broken branches and leaves accumulated on the river surface.

Among the random branches, a white arm stretched out.

Mortals in Western Xinjiang are martial, and battles often occur between villages in order to compete for resources. It is not surprising that dead bodies appear in the river, and the man in animal skin did not care at first.

Unexpectedly, after a quick glance, he discovered some unusual details, which attracted him to stop.

The animal-skin man dodged and landed on the river bank. He moved his palm towards the center of the river and used a stream of spiritual power to easily lift the dead body out of the river.

‘Wow! ’

The dead body was forcibly brought out, and the whirlpool was chaotic. The broken branches gathered in the river immediately fell apart. Some of them were washed away by the river, but there was a steady stream of water flowing down from the upper reaches, and there were several thick logs as thick as thighs.

'Snapped! ’

The dead body fell on the shore, facing upward, revealing a rather delicate face. It was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties.

The skin on his body had no color at all, and he had obviously been soaked in the river for a long time.

At this time, the man's eyes were closed tightly, he had no breath, and he had expired. His left arm was broken at shoulder level. I don't know if the blood drained out or if some method was used to stop the bleeding.

This is a dead body with broken arms.

"It is indeed the messenger of the Witch God!"

The man in the animal skin looked happy, with a greedy look in his eyes. He didn't expect to make a fortune on the road.

"This robe should be good! What a pity!"

The animal-skin man looked at the broken cassock on the corpse with a severed arm, and felt that the material itself was very good, but unfortunately it had many holes and tears, making it unusable.

Even in this condition, the robe can still provide some protection in the fast-flowing river.

"Floating from above, is it from Tianyue Village? Is there another civil strife inside?"

The animal-skin man glanced upstream of the river and frowned secretly. His consciousness scanned the body of the dead body with severed arms, including the rusty ring on his finger, but found nothing unusual.

Finally, he stared intently at the two pockets on the waist of the dead body with severed arms.

"What are these two pockets? Why are they so weird? Which one is the mustard bag?"

The man in animal skin murmured to himself that he had contacted some priests from Dazhai and the messengers of the sorcerer god from outside, and knew that human monks used to use a storage magic weapon called a mustard bag, which was easier to use than the magic weapon of his own clan.

Later, the witch-god envoys of our tribe were influenced by the human race, and many of them were already on par with the human race. For example, the name shaman-god messenger was no longer called outside, and they were all called monks and immortal cultivators.

Only in remote places like Western Xinjiang, some traditions are still preserved.

The bags on the dead bodies with severed arms did not look like mustard bags.

"Are they all fake? Or... have they been robbed?"

The animal-skin man's expression darkened, and the smile on his face disappeared. He reached out and grabbed one of them, swept his consciousness inward, touched a soul mark, and easily opened the pocket.


The next moment, a sharp buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the river valley.

A huge cloud of blood rushed out of his pocket. The man in the animal skin saw clearly the strange blood-winged monster bees in the blood cloud. He was so frightened that his face turned whiter than the dead bodies on the ground.

The man in animal skin screamed, and a little green light flew out from his dantian.

It turned out to be a sapphire mantis the size of a finger, wielding double blades.

Facing the ferocious blood cloud, the Jade Mantis looked so thin and weak, and was immediately swallowed up by the blood cloud, leaving not even the bones left.

The man in animal skin had just raised his golden sword when the blood cloud instantly drowned him.


A shrill scream startled the birds and beasts in the mountain.

(Thanks to the leader of Ma Mang Meng Kuai for the reward. I wanted to add more thanks today, but I didn’t expect that the new volume has just started and the writing has been bumpy. I will make up for it in two days!)

(Thanks to Xingxingcao and Yun Shiyu for the 10,000 rewards, and to book friends for their votes and rewards!)

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