Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 613: Mute Aunt

The terrifying buzzing sound and the bloodthirsty aura emitted by the Blood-Winged Monster Bee frightened the creatures in the mountains. Jackals, tigers and leopards were also frightened to the point of peeing, and the mountains suddenly fell into chaos.

The strange thing is that they don't seem to be interested in the dead bodies on the ground, and none of the Blood-winged Monster Bees flew over to trouble him.

At this time, the dead body on the ground actually moved.

He turned over and fell into the water again. It seemed that he had exhausted all his strength. Finally, he used his only arm to tightly hug a thick log. He could no longer move. He was washed away by the river and avoided being bitten by thousands of bees. Physical suffering.

at dusk.

The mountain rain lingered again, and the cool breeze blew the thin raindrops.

The mountains are empty and the distance looks like black clouds.

On a steep mountain surrounded by rivers, there are tall buildings built close to each other and stacked upward. At a rough count, there are more than a thousand households.

This village was named Qianhu Village.

The scale of Qianhu Village is neither large nor small in the vicinity. It is controlled by Qianhu Village and several other villages within a radius of hundreds of miles. However, most of them are dangerous places that mortals are unable to explore.

Before nightfall, lights were already burning in the village, like stars in the dark night.

But in the back mountain, there was a short, dilapidated thatched hut, standing alone in the mountains, with only a sparse fence around it.

At this time, outside the fence, several girls in beautiful dresses and colorful flowers were gathering in front of the door, chattering and urging the girls inside to open the door.

"Aunt Dumb, I heard that you rescued a man from the river. Let us have a look!"

"That's it! That's it! Hiding it, are you afraid that we can't snatch it from you?"

"I didn't expect that dumb aunt had tasted a man first. She thought no man would dare to want her! Hehe..."

"Aunt Dumb, you are not yet sixteen. You have decided to stay together for the rest of your life. Be careful if the Great Elder breaks your legs..."

"Oh, I didn't expect the disaster star to be able to save people. Why don't you send them away quickly? Otherwise, if you are two days late, you will be killed again. Wouldn't the rescue be in vain?"

While sarcastic, they pushed the fence inward, trying to break in and see the man.

The girls inside the fence looked anxious and helpless, making "ahhh" sounds in their mouths, as if they wanted to persuade them to stop making trouble, but couldn't say a word.

She is mute, and people in the village call her Mute Gu.

The clothes on the dumb girl were in sharp contrast to those of the girls. They were covered with pudding, but they were very clean. She kept her face turned sideways, with inferiority and cowardice in her eyes.

A closer look revealed that she had a large birthmark on the left side of her face, which completely ruined her appearance.

Just when the dumb aunt was anxious and homeless, a fire lit up on the mountain road. It turned out that an old man was walking towards here carrying a bamboo lantern.

When the old man saw this, he shouted loudly, "You are still crazy outside at night! Go home!"

The girls seemed to be afraid of the old man and didn't dare to make any more trouble. They made faces at the mute aunt behind the old man's back and ran away hopping.

"If I see you bullying a dumb aunt again, I will break your legs!"

The old man picked up the lantern and shouted a warning at the backs of the girls.

"Grandpa Witch Doctor, you prefer the mute aunt..."

A girl whispered back.

The old man shook his head slightly angrily, walked to the fence, and asked through the fence, "Aunt Mute, is that man awake again? Can he come down and walk?"

The dumb aunt nodded and made a few gestures.

After the old man looked at it, he said, "Well," "That's good. Once he recovers from his injury, let Bachai and the others send him away during the Witch God's Festival!"

The dumb aunt looked anxious and gestured quickly.

The old man interrupted the mute aunt and snorted coldly.

"Aunt Dumb, you are simple-minded and don't understand some things.

"That man had one of his arms cut off and told you not to let outsiders see him. He must have done something shady! Even though he looks pretty, he just said a few nice words and was tricked into thinking he was Good people.

“He just takes advantage of your kindness!

"If you weren't such a stubborn girl, I would have thrown him into the river long ago, let alone treating him. It's okay not to go to the Witch God Festival, or we can wait for the caravan to come and let him go with the caravan. In short, we can't Stay in the village.

"We are kind enough to allow him to stay until now. The Great Elder has already asked once. He must not be allowed to stay, as it will bring disaster to our village!

"Aunt Mute, don't worry. When you turn sixteen, Grandpa the witch doctor will definitely find you a good brother."

The dumb aunt's eyes were dim and she lowered her head, not daring to argue any more.

The old man handed over the bag in his other hand, "Take these, there are some herbs in them, which can be boiled for three times. Let the kid heal his injuries quickly and get out."

The mute aunt took the bag and saw the old man turning around to leave. She uttered a few ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and ran back to the house, took out a thick raincoat, and ran back to catch up with the old man.

"Grandpa is strong, so there is no need for you. You are weak, so go back quickly and avoid the cold..."

The old man waved to urge, but the mute aunt shook her head and forced herself to put it on the old man.


The old man touched the birthmark on the mute aunt's face and said with pity: "Such a good girl, why is her life so miserable? The witch god is unfair! Grandpa witch doctor must find a way to remove the birthmark on your face! By the way, You Ning will be here in the future. If they still dare to come and cause trouble for you, go to the ancestral hall and file a complaint. Grandpa, the witch doctor, will make the decision for you and ask the family law to teach them a lesson, and they won't dare to do it anymore."

But the mute aunt shook her head repeatedly and gave advice in sign language.

"Silly girl, are they playing with you..."

The old man shook his head and left with a sigh.

After seeing the old man off, the mute aunt walked back to the small courtyard, looked at the fence gate that was almost broken, and looked a little depressed. He walked back into the house, lit the fire, set up the medicine jar, then took out a pack of herbs from his pocket and started brewing the medicine.

She was very skilled at doing this, and it was obviously not the first time.

At this moment, a 'pop' sound suddenly came from inside.

The mute aunt's face was full of anxiety, and she stood up in a hurry, only to see a man with a broken arm walking out of it. His steps looked very weak, and he would fall down when the wind blew, but he was still able to walk.

"I'm fine. My health is getting better day by day."

The man with the broken arm sat by the fire pit, warming himself by the fire. He took the hot water from the mute aunt and said to the mute aunt, "I am the one who caused you trouble."

This person is Qin Sang!

He doesn't have half the aura of a fake elixir realm monk now. He is as weak as a mortal who has suffered a serious illness.

During this time, he would sleep all day long

Just now, he heard shouting outside and was awakened from his sleep.

Roast the fire and look inside the body.

The sea of ​​​​qi and meridians are all tightly imprisoned by a strange forbidden talisman, and all the spiritual energy has become a decoration.

His spiritual consciousness has also been completely exhausted. In the past few days, there have been signs of improvement, but the speed is very slow. It will take two days to recover even a little bit and open the Qianjun Ring.

A dignified cultivator of immortality has actually fallen to the point where he has to drag mortals into trouble and has to be expelled.

Qin Sang couldn't help but sigh: This is really a dragon swimming in shallow water and being tricked by a shrimp, and a tiger falling flat and being bullied by a dog!

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