Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1203: Demon King now

Vibrations are becoming more frequent.

Every time it is more intense.

"The strongest shock is coming!"

Taoist Gao Guan said in a deep voice, the true essence poured out from the palm of his hand, activating the spirit formation, and the white-haired old man did the same.

The other monks were assisting the two patriarchs, and they also did not dare to relax.

The light wall above the void suddenly brightened, making it look extremely heavy.

next moment.

'boom! ’

Everyone's heart seems to have been hit with a heavy hammer!

An invisible wave suddenly appeared in the void, and suddenly rushed out of the darkness and slammed into the wall of light.

The wall of light dimmed for a while.

The huge impact was transmitted, and the entire sky mark was shaking, and the bodies of the monks swayed, insisting on standing on the spot, urging the spirit formation.

The shocks come and go quickly.

The light wall was safe and sound, and it became bright again in an instant.

But when the shock was far from over, the second wave of shocks followed, followed by the third and fourth waves...

In the end, they were almost connected together, giving everyone no time to breathe. In the deep ruins, there seems to be an incomparably violent force raging inside, trying to rush out of the void.

Under the joint efforts of everyone, the light wall formed by the spirit array firmly covered the void and blocked the fluctuations below.

However, the impact of the shock is still transmitted, the space seems to have signs of instability, and the spiritual energy is even more chaotic and abnormal, forming a storm comparable to a small spiritual tide, impacting the surrounding.

Time passed slowly.

I don't know when the shock will end.

At this moment, in a slender stone crevice north of the entrance of Yuanxu, three figures appeared silently, slowly falling from above.

The storm formed by the shock spread to Bi, the chaotic aura whistled, and there was chaos.

Surrounded by these three figures, there was a wisp of cyan aura, and the storm rushed towards them. The cyan qi swayed slightly, and the storm slid from both sides of them, not hitting them at all.

The source of the green energy is the green flag in front of one of them.

This man was dressed in white, with a handsome appearance and extraordinary handsomeness.

A small square green flag danced in front of him, one side of the green air was painted with green clouds, and the other side was constantly changing, and it was impossible to see what pattern it was.

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist Lu's Wanli Qingyun Banner, otherwise we want to block the spiritual tide quietly and sneak in here, it will take a lot of trouble..."

Next to him, a voice transmission complimented the man in white, who was named Lu.

The voice transmission person has a strange appearance, half human and half snake, but he is actually the snake king!

On the other side of the monk surnamed Lu, there is a thin young man. The eyes of the young man are pure ice blue, his eyes are extremely cold, and his ears are like two fan-shaped flesh membranes, which is obviously not a human race.

The youth is a kind of Han Xi, who transforms into a big demon, and his name is also Han Xi.

However, the monk surnamed Lu was actually a human race, and his aura was no less than that of the Snake King.

These three came here to explore the ancient Great Demon Cave Mansion. They didn't just arrive, but waited nearby for nearly a month, that is, waiting for the shock of the Abyss to appear.

"Why do you need to humble yourself, fellow snake king, Lu Mou doesn't believe that you don't even have this means."

The monk surnamed Lu laughed, turned his eyes, and looked into the depths of the crack, "Without the guidance of fellow Daoist Hanxi, Lu could not see any ancient prohibitions. The shock of the shrine is only the most violent in the first few waves, which can cover up the fluctuation of our ban. When these waves pass, they will calm down, and it is not easy to hide from the sky. Once the two old guys are alerted, they will lead a big attack. Come on, we can only run away. If we miss this time, we will have to wait for the next shock in half a year. In case, during the period, Sin Yuan Ming Jin withdraws his troops, and all those Nascent Soul old ghosts come back, we can only continue to wait until Sin God Palace There is a chance when you are born.”

The Great Demon Cave they were going to explore was near Yuanxu, no wonder they were so careful.

"At that time, this king will definitely go to Ziwei Palace."

The Snake King shook his head. He didn't even need to think about the importance of Ziwei Palace and this place. He sighed slightly, "Unfortunately, Daoist Mingyue is unwilling to take risks. Otherwise, if Daoist Mingyue's Tianmu Butterfly exists, cracking the ancient ban will definitely be foolproof."

Han Xi sneered, "Isn't there a saying in the human race that everyone has their own aspirations, and people don't like the collection of ancient monsters, we can barely make it? The methods we carefully collected to break the ban are no worse than Tianmu Butterfly."

While speaking, Han Xi's figure flashed and flew into the crevice of the stone, holding a piece of animal skin of an unknown spirit beast in his hand, and swayed gently towards the stone wall.

Then the shadow of a huge ancient vine quietly appeared on the stone wall, the top of which was extending from the stone wall, as thick as a dragon, hanging and hanging.

Guteng's phantom is also real and illusory, and it is on the verge of breaking when it flashes slightly.

The Snake King's expression was solemn, "Daoist friend, are you sure that the Great Demon Cave is hidden in the Yuanxu?"

"Eight or nine are inseparable, this ancient vine grows out of nothingness, where else can it be other than Yuanxu?"

Han Xi nodded, "It is said that since Sinshen Palace and Ziwei Palace were frequently born in advance, some of Yuanxu's prohibitions and seals that could never be broken in the past, some could not withstand the shock and were broken, and some became weak and loose, sinister Yuan has found a lot of benefits. I'm worried that Ye Changmeng will have more dreams, and if I wait any longer, Sin Yuan will discover this cave."

"If we can connect to Yuanxu, and we can control this channel in the future, we can also get a share of the pie. But it's too early to say this. If the inside of Yuanxu is disturbed, it will be another big trouble, two be careful. some."

Saying that, the monk surnamed Lu threw his sleeves and robes, and sacrificed ninety-eighty-one golden three-inch fine needles, which is a set of magic weapons specially used to break the ban.

Han Xi opened his mouth and spat out a blue bead. The snowflakes fluttered inside the bead. It was the world of Blizzard. In the chaos, these snowflakes gradually condensed into the same vine shadows as those on the stone walls, evolving the ancient ban on rattan shadows, looking for a way to break the ban.

The snake king's actions were the most unusual.

He first took out bottles of different colors of spiritual liquid, stretched out his hand to activate, these spiritual liquids blended, condensed into a colorful bead in mid-air, and then shot into the eyebrows.

The flesh between the eyebrows was split, and the beads were embedded, as if the eyes of the sky were opened.

Each of the three showed their magical powers, all of which were secret treasures of breaking the ban, and then their silhouettes flashed and landed on a blade of the ancient vine.

The rattan shadow shattered and the three figures melted away like water.

Afterwards, unprovoked fluctuations came out from time to time in this space, but they were covered up by the shocks of the abyss.

The main altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

Qin Sang was sitting cross-legged in the hall, concentrating on comprehending the Seven Soul Killing Formation.

Suddenly, without the slightest sign, a wave hit.

Qin Sang's body protection divine gang flickered and flew high, looking at the sudden wave of water with surprise.

He learned swordsmanship and smelted the ebony sword here. He has always been very calm. This is the first time this has happened.

Just when Qin Sang was in shock.

The water waves rose, and the power of the seal in the water also began to vibrate violently.

Qin Sang discovered that the source was the sealed space!

In an instant, the huge waves were surging into the sky, and the entire secret realm was shaking violently. For the fastest update and error-free reading, please visit the mobile phone, please visit:

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