Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1204: The best magic weapon

'Boom rumble...'

Anger surged into the sky.

The unknown fluctuation affects the seal, and then spreads to the entire space, forming an amazing storm, the momentum is almost comparable to the storm belt outside the Canglang Sea.

Qin Sang protected himself and flew to the side of the fat chicken to check the restrictions on the entrance to the secret realm to ensure that fluctuations would not spread.

"Master, will there be big demons making waves in there?"

The fat chicken asked worriedly.

It heard Qin Sang say that the altar is connected to the sealed space, the seal is broken, and the people inside are likely to have escaped, why is there such a terrible vision?

Qin Sang shook his head gently.

Tianmu Die stood on Qin Sang's shoulder, urging Tianmu to stare at the seal in the water.

After a while, Qin Sang suddenly opened the exit of the secret realm and flew out, looking at the direction of the entrance of Yuanxu.

At this moment, the spiritual tide formed by the shock of the deep ruins, along the sky mark, impacted everything around. Although Qin Sang was far away, he could still feel the end of the storm.

The hurricane is blowing, the jungle leaves are shaking, and the hunting is rattling.

The surrounding is not stable, the ancient forbidden fragments, and it is even more restless.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang immediately guessed the whole story, "The source is the entrance of Yuanxu! Sure enough, this was caused by the shock of the Sin God Palace!"

Before the birth of Ziwei Palace, a spiritual phenomenon would appear in the entire Ancient Immortal battlefield.

Comparatively speaking, the momentum of the Sin Shrine is much smaller.

It is said that there will only be a shock every once in a while. Even if the shock rushes out of the abyss, it can be blocked with a large array to prevent the shock from rushing out, destroying other ancient forbidden and secret realms in the sky mark, causing a chain reaction.

"Is the seal here directly connected to the Abyss? Or is it that the secret realm that is too close will be affected by the concussion of the Sin God Palace, and this will happen?"

Qin Sang returned to the secret realm and watched the intensifying storm.

After discovering that the water was forbidden to connect to the unknown sealed space, Qin Sang had a similar guess, wondering whether the sealed space might be related to Yuanxu.

After all, this place is so close to the entrance of Abyss Ruins.

The danger of Yuanxu is comparable to the depths of the ancient fairy battlefield.

The reason why Qin Sang was so cautious and waited until the ebony sword was successfully refined before exploring the sealed space was precisely this reason.

If he was only 10% or 20% sure before, now he has 50% when he sees the vision of the secret realm.

"Whether the opposite is Yuanxu, you have to go in to know..."

Qin Sang was thoughtful.

After a few hours, the storm finally showed a weakening trend, but it was far from subsiding, but its momentum was weaker than before.

Then it went on like this, and I don't know how long it would take to subside.

At this time, the entrance of Yuanxu.

The other monks felt a little less pressure on their bodies.

Taoist Gao Guan and the white-haired old man sensed the change, looked at each other, and then the seals changed in unison, and they saw the light wall changing, like a jade bowl upside down, more stable.

The most violent wave of shock has passed, and everyone looks a little relaxed.

The two Nascent Souls were able to separate their minds, and habitually sensed their surroundings. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, they continued to activate the spiritual formation and waited for the Sin God Palace to return to calm.

In the last moment, in the stone crevice not far away, a strange wave appeared and disappeared silently, and it returned to calm in an instant, and there was no movement at all.

The two Nascent Souls at the entrance of Yuanxu were completely unaware.

The main altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

Qin Sang returned to the main hall and placed a layer of restrictions to block the storm.

Although the fluctuation from the sealed space has weakened, Qin Sang still has no intention of entering.

He knew that Sin God Palace was the same as Ziwei Palace. Every time there was a shock, it could not be calmed down overnight, so he was not in a hurry and was ready to continue to wait for the Ebony Sword.


Retreat in the storm without moving like a mountain.

Suddenly, a blue light shot out from Qin Sang's eyebrows, extremely gorgeous.

Sword Yin is even better than Thunder, and the Heaven-shaking Sword Intent rushes straight into the sky!

Since the shock appeared, the storm that never ceased for a moment has stagnated for a moment at this moment, and then ushered in a more ferocious counterattack, seeming to be embarrassed by a small flying sword.

The fat chicken was bored and guarded at the exit of the secret realm, and suddenly a shudder, all the hair on the whole body exploded, and in an instant, he felt the ten thousand sword energy approaching, screamed, and fluttered his wings to escape.

'call out! ’

The spirit sword can be retracted and released freely, turning into a dragon, hovering slightly in the void and hovering in front of Qin Sang.

The ebony sword became more and more crystal clear, pure as glass, like a work of art that shattered at the touch of a touch.


The ebony sword trembled slightly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Sang's mouth. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the body of the sword. His fingertips touched his own spiritual sword, and he felt the majestic sword intent in the body of the sword.

The fat chicken flew over, knowing that it was a false alarm, but still a little scared, complaining: "Master, you are scaring me again!"

It looked at the ebony sword curiously, "This sword is already a superb magic weapon? Congratulations, sir, for adding another treasure!"

The best magic weapon is considered the strongest in the world, and the momentum that the ebony sword just showed is obviously extraordinary.

"It's the best magic weapon..."

Qin Sang nodded slightly.

According to common sense, refining such a large piece of soul-cultivating wood should not be as simple as a top-quality magic weapon.

It confirmed the information Qin Sang had found Magic Treasure Advanced Spirit Treasure, simply stacking materials can't do it, and other opportunities are needed to nurture a trace of spirituality.

"That's fine. In the future, I will use the ebony sword to carry the true spirit of Yunyouzi's predecessors. It is not so easy to refine a top-quality magic weapon, and the quality may not meet the requirements. If it affects the warm and nourishing true spirit, I will regret it. The ebony sword is my natal spirit sword, which is easier to control and more helpful when warming up."

Qin Sang's thoughts moved, and the ebony sword did not enter between his eyebrows.

Because it is the magic weapon of life, Qin Sang does not need to spend time to practice sacrifice.

He stood up and said in his heart, "It's time to go in and have a look. I don't know how long the shock will last. I can't wait forever, and if I can really enter the Abyss Ruins from here, the chaos caused by the shock will be more beneficial to me."

The fat chicken escaped into the concentric circle of Hunyuan.

Qin Sang first placed a few more layers of restrictions at the exit of the secret realm, then flashed his figure, dived into the bottom of the water, and then called out the ebony sword to open the sealed passage according to the previous method.

Under the influence of the storm, the power of the seal was chaotic, and it was more difficult than last time, but the power of the ebony sword far surpassed that of the golden sword, so Qin Sang felt more relaxed.

In the water, the spirit sword slashed, leaving a trail of sword energy, and the storm on the water was even more violent.

After a while, the vortex appeared again on the altar.

The feeling is clearer, the shock is coming from the other end, indicating that the channel is two-way, don't worry about going in and not coming back. Qin Sangxu pointed a little, and the ebony sword spurted above the vortex, and in a flash, four sword lights were separated, arranged in four directions, and fixed the vortex.

When the passage was stable, Qin Sang recalled the ebony sword and at the same time called out twelve demon flags, escaping into it.

When it was dark in front of him, Qin Sang knew that he was moved to another place, but found that he was still in the water.


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