Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1220: Jiji 1 Hall

a month later.

Qin Sang was meditating at Sandieguan when he received a call to discuss matters in Tianxing City.

Jinglin and the two were not invited, and he set off alone, first going to Hukou Pass to meet the Snake King.

It was the elder Ji who received them.

Qin Sang and the Snake King followed Elder Ji to an ice crystal palace surrounded by wind and snow. It is said that this is the place where the monks of the Tianxing Plateau founded the Tianxing Alliance, and it is the holy place of the Tianxing Alliance.

"A few daoists haven't arrived yet, and Ji has to go outside the city to meet them. The two daoists are welcome."

Elder Ji led Qin Sang to the Ice Crystal Palace and stretched out his hand to lead him forward.

"There is fellow Daoist Lao Ji."

Qin Sang and the Snake King hand in hand.

When they approached, the Ice Crystal Palace opened automatically, and a long voice came from inside.

"The Snake King and fellow Daoist Mingyue have arrived, and the poor Daoist has lost their way. I hope you two will not be surprised."

Qin Sang and the Snake King looked at each other, walked into the Crystal Palace, and at a glance saw the real leader walking down from the main seat.

At this time, there were already several monks sitting in the Crystal Palace, all of whom were well-known experts in the two domains.

Behind the true leader, there are two armored generals, one on the left and one on the right. It is said that these two compatriots have been in the same mind since childhood. The cultivation method is specially created for the twins. .

Together, the two have a strength comparable to the peak of the mid-dollar baby.

During the Qi refining period, the two of them were favored by Zhen Dao Chang and accepted as disciples. They were loyal to Zhen Dao Chang, so no one could shake the position of Zhen Dao Chang in the Tianxing Alliance.

The unity of the Skywalking Alliance, in fact, is enough to represent one person, so there are no other Skywalking Alliance elders in the Ice Crystal Palace at this time.

Comparatively speaking, the forces of Xiaohanyu appear intricate and scattered.

There are three people sitting on the left of Shinichiichi.

Disguised as Leng Yuntian Qingjun.

Qin Sang recently learned that her identity is not only as simple as the head of the Yuan Mirage Sect. The City Lord of Yinshan Pass, who represented the power of scattered cultivators, took the initiative to come to the door to befriend.

Qingjun no longer deliberately concealed it, many Yuanying already knew that she was a fake.

However, the red-haired ancestors were very secretive about this at the beginning. They were all scheming people, they didn't have a deep friendship with Leng Yuntian, and they didn't have any grudges with Qingjun. No one was ignorant and took the initiative to expose the matter.

The second is the Daoist Chongyi, the master of Sidi.

Although his cultivation level is not as good as that of Uncle Dongyang, he is a three-year-old infant, which is very heavy, and can compete with Uncle Dongyang in the right way.

The last one was the contemporary Sect Master of Qingyang Demon Sect that Qin Sang had always wanted to see—Xiang Qing.

Although this person is a newly-promoted Yuan Ying, he has reached the peak of the Qingyang Demonic Fire. He has performed well in many years of battles and can leapfrog challenges. He is called a model of late bloomers. Demon Lord.

Xiang Qing looks like a young man in his early twenties, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, sitting upright, with a cold temperament.

When the Demon Lord Tongyou and Uncle Dongyang arrived, the representatives of the various forces were basically there, and a group of top experts gathered together.

Qin Sang and the Snake King walked in, and everyone got up one after another.

After greeting each other, Qin Sang and the Snake King found a seat and sat down.

Before sitting down, Qin Sang turned his eyes and landed on Xiang Qing, and nodded lightly to him with a smile.

Xiang Qing was a little puzzled. It was the first time he had dealt with the masked bright moon demon king. For some reason, he felt that the other party was deliberately showing kindness to him.

But he heard people talk about killing Yuan Ying from the enemy formation more than once, and he also learned that this monster could sneak into the Yuanxu and escape after a battle with Ye Laomo. Rising star.

There will definitely be opportunities to deal with each other in the future, and it is not a bad thing to have a good relationship.

Xiang Qing squeezed out a smile and nodded slightly.

Everyone could see clearly, and their eyes turned between Qin Sang and Xiang Qing, but no one said anything.

Before everyone arrives, everyone will share their experience of cultivating Dao with each other.

It is rare to gather so many masters. As long as it does not involve the fundamentals, everyone will not shy away. Qin Sang and the demon king could only talk about some demon cultivators' experiences, and everyone listened carefully.

After a stick of incense, Tongyou Demon Lord and Dongyang Bo arrived together.

"Fellow Daoists have been waiting for a long time."

Uncle Dongyang has long sleeves and dances well. He first apologized, then greeted each other one by one, and finally it was Qin Sang's turn, "This is Daoist Fellow Mingyue? I've long admired Daoist Daoist's name for a long time, and I've been saving my life, and finally I can see the real person!"

"Don't dare! This king has admired fellow Daoists for a long time."

Qin Sang laughed, got up and returned the salute, with a flat tone.

Uncle Dongyang could never have imagined that the demon king in front of him was once a disciple whom he had calculated.

Qing Jun saw these two people pretending to be a party, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he smirked in his heart.

After the chat, the old man Shinichi didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic, asking the Snake King and Qin Sang to tell about their encounters in Yuanxu.

Qin Sang and the Snake King spoke to each other in advance, and the Snake King mainly came forward.

After they finished speaking, Xiang Qing said, "After getting the news of the two demon kings, Xiang entered into the depths of the Wuya Valley in person and found something abnormal. During this time, there were several storms in the Wuya Valley. In the past, although the fluctuation of the ancient ban would cause storms, it would not be so frequent. I found the blood lake, and the ancient ban of the blood lake kept It seems that someone is forcibly breaking the ban. If the two blood lakes are connected, it is very It may be that Old Demon Ye has affected this place..."

Xiang Qing said a few words about his findings and guesses.

Daoist Chongyi suddenly hummed and said, "Old Demon Ye is thinking about it, is he going for the Blood Lake? He gathered Sinyuan and stormed the Tianxing Plateau in order to draw our energy here, so as not to be discovered by us as boundless. Valley's vision, sabotaging their plan in the Lake of Blood?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The speculation of Daoist Chongyi is too whimsical, but it seems to make sense.

It's unbelievable, this war has lasted for so long, how much benefit is there in the lake of blood, so that Sin Yuan can work with teachers and cooperate with Ye Laomo's actions?

Seeing everyone's expressions, Daoist Chongyi laughed, "Pindao is just talking. However, Ye Laomo doesn't even care about the battlefield. It can be seen that the blood lake must be very important to them, and they cannot be easily succeeded."

"Wuyagu is in the Xiaohan Territory, what do the two fellow Taoists think?"

The truth was a long interjection, but he did not express his opinion, but looked at Dongyangbo and Tongyou Demon Lord.

Demon Lord Tongyou said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist Xiang carefully checked it, and the ban on the blood lake is still very stable. If Ye Laomo wants to break the blood lake, it will not be done overnight. During this time, it is necessary to send someone to guard the Wuya Valley. , so that the news can be sent back in time. Daoist Chongyi is right, the stakes are very important, and Lao Mo Ye cannot be allowed to act recklessly, and someone needs to go in to sabotage their conspiracy.

Zhenyi Laodao kept calm and glanced at the other Nascent Souls in the Cold Region.

These people represent the interests of all parties, and there have always been disputes, but it is obvious that there is a tacit understanding. After Tongyou Demon Lord finished speaking, they all showed their approval, and no one raised any objections.


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