Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1221: prototype

"Fellow Daoist is right. Sin Yuan's plan is exposed, and we must also prevent us from taking the opportunity to counterattack. Ye Laomo dare not bring everyone in. We divided our troops into two groups. Just stationed at the Tianxing Plateau."

Zhendao paused in a long tone, raised the dust in his hand, and smiled, "Pindao is far less aware of the blood lake than you all, and it is my duty to leave behind to guard against the Sinyuan army, and look for opportunities to test and counterattack. Regarding the blood lake, I will ask you all. already."

Sin Yuan is deliberate, and there must be great benefits in the blood lake.

But it also represents a huge risk.

When the Sin Yuan soldiers approached the city, the Tianxing Alliance bears the brunt, unlike Xiaohanyu, there is still room for buffering.

The true chief only wanted to preserve the Tianxing Alliance in his lifetime, and he didn't care about the treasures of the blood lake, so he did not say much, and agreed.

Missing the opportunity to hunt for treasures, the two armored generals were a little embarrassed, but they were all the leaders of the true leader and would not refute the decision of the true leader in front of outsiders.

Demon Lord Tongyou didn't expect that Old Daoist Zhenyi would not be moved at all, so he cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Daoist Master, I will definitely live up to expectations and do my best to defeat Old Demon Ye's conspiracy."

However, there are still two demon kings in the Ice Crystal Palace who do not belong to the Lesser Cold Domain.

Qingjun said at the right time, "It's all thanks to the two daoists that we can see through Ye Laomo's plan. I don't know if the two daoists, or other demon kings, would like to help, join us in the abyss of sin, and report Ye Laomo's pursuit. Killing revenge?"

Demon Lord Tongyou and the others have no objection, one more person means one more chance of victory.

In fact, they do not exclude other forces from taking a share of the pie.

Whether it can repel Old Demon Ye and grab food from the tiger's mouth is not certain.

It's too stupid to have a dispute now because of a treasure that doesn't belong to him.

The Snake King shook his head and refused immediately, "This king's injury is not yet healed, and I urgently need to go back to the mountains to recuperate. I dare not venture into dangerous places until the injury is healed, lest there be no return. However, I can go back and ask what King Yu means."

Qin Sang did not express his position directly, "This king almost died at the hands of Ye Laomo, if there is a chance to take revenge, of course I can't ask for it. However, Taoist friend Tongcai Tongyou said that it will take some time for the blood lake to open, and it will not be decided at that time. Late."

Qin Sang was tight-lipped about the fact that the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King was trapped in the Blood Lake, and said nothing.

Even if the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King is still alive, the situation will not be optimistic.

Knowing that there is a demon king who has been trapped for two hundred years in the blood lake and has run out of fuel, anyone will be heartbroken. That is not to save people, but to kill people with a knife.

The two domain giants meet, not only for this one thing.

Qin Sang and the Snake King knew interest and retire early.

"I asked Yu Wang what he meant. He is not very interested in the blood lake. It is just a chance to let the human race try Ye Laomo's fineness. Be careful, so as not to be calculated."

Out of kindness, the Snake King told Qin Sang.

After suffering together, he regarded Qin Sang as his best friend.

Qin Sang was ashamed, wondering if the Snake King would turn his face on the spot when he knew his identity.

Shortly after returning to Sandieguan, Senior Sister came over and told him what was discussed in the Ice Crystal Palace. Qin Sang glanced at it roughly, seeing that it had nothing to do with him, and put it aside.

Since then, he has stayed in Sandieguan.

Sin Yuan was still arranging the troops in an unhurried manner, and the two sides fought back and forth.

It is said that other battlefields are very fierce, but in San Die Pass, the two sides seem to have a tacit understanding to fish, and they send their disciples to fight in a hearty battle and then call Jin to withdraw their troops.

Both Sidi and Jing Lin said with a smile that they were dipped in the light of the Bright Moon Demon King, and they even had spare power to support other places.

In this case, it is just for the juniors to experience.

Thousands of mountains, bamboos and sea monsters take turns to experience Sandieguan. Anyway, there is a master to protect them. As long as they are not too wild, they basically don’t have to worry about their own lives. They are eager to sign up and are very active.

Even the Snake King sent the little demon who transformed him into Dragon Mountain, and asked Qin Sang to take care of him.

The ones who made the fastest progress were undoubtedly Fat Chicken and Li Yuaxe.

The fat chicken has completely stabilized the realm. It is born with magical powers to fight thunder, plus the treasures left by the mother, it is hard to find an opponent in the same rank, mainly because it takes care of the little demons.

Li Yu Axe experienced the ups and downs of the fall of the master, and received Qin Sang's personal guidance. After realizing it in the battle, he finally found an opportunity and went back to the cave to retreat and break through.

Tan Yien learned that her father might still be alive, she was determined, and she was preparing to attack Jindan with all her strength.

After Bai Hanqiu stabilized his realm, he also took the initiative to come to the battlefield to experience.

Aunt Mei and other disciples from Moyan Sect, who are under the care of Qingjun, have also made progress.

Bai He and his sweet wife are flying together, like glue, their minds are not on cultivation, there is no trace of anxiety and misery before marriage, and the fat chicken is a little jealous.

There are two important officials under Yunyouzi, Lao Liushu Laocheng, who is serious, and Lao Mahou and Lao Mahou took turns to go overseas to find a cave, and found a few places, but they were not satisfied.

Qin Sang is also observing these monsters, and who can pass the "Tian Yao Refining Shape" to.

What he admired most was the white cat.

Its talent is good, otherwise it would not have been inspired by Yunyouzi and accepted as a disciple. Moreover, the white cat is very diligent and dedicated to the Tao, and Qin Sang sees his own shadow in it.

Passing down "Tian Yao Refining Form", one is to establish his own line of Taoism in the demon clan, and the other is to make Qianshan Bamboo Sea grow stronger by relying on this practice, and he can be regarded as worthy of Yunyouzi. entrusted.

As for "Original Spirit Raising the Sword", Qin Sang weighed it for a long time and decided not to spread it, nor to leave it to Qingyangguan in the future.

"Original Spirit Raising the Sword" is different from "Tian Yao Refining the Shape", which involves the unique treasure of killing the sword.

He didn't know that there were many treasures with artifact spirits in ancient times, but their value would never be low.

In case someone with a heart finds out that the two exercises are placed in the Qingyang Temple, wouldn't they tell them plainly that the two killing sword fragments are in their hands?

It's not impossible.

Bai, the mysterious people who escaped from the Yuanxu and the Qingluan consciousness that remained on the slate can all show that there are ancient monks who have survived to the present.

There must be many people who know the goods.

He didn't want to lead to murder.

These are the prototypes of the forces under Qin Sang's command in the future, which are thriving.

Qin Sang sits in the Hanling Great Array and does not leave the quiet room. First, cultivation is the foundation. Second, he continues to comprehend the Seven Soul Killing Array.

In Yuanxu, the Seven Soul Killing Array first appeared, helping him to capture the treasure from the evil spirit.

However, when Qin Sang drove the sword formation against the enemy, he discovered flaws and omissions that he had not noticed before. That was not the true power of the Seven Soul Killing formation!

It's a pity that I can't fight with Ye Laomo heartily, and I will definitely have a deeper experience.

Qin Sang knew that he couldn't do it overnight, so he was not in a hurry.

Before I knew it, more than a year had passed.

On this day, Qin Sang quietly left Sandieguan and came to Moyan Gate.

Three days later, Xiang Qing will return to the mountain, and the forces that take shelter in the Qingyang Demon Sect will choose this day to go to the Qingyang Demon Sect and make offerings.

I was stunned, and just a few days after it subsided, the epidemic repeated again.

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