Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1233: Purgatory

Holding the jade in his hand, Gong Liangyu seemed to have confidence, and his expression softened slightly.

Holding the villain in one hand and Yu Jue in the other.

Gong Liangyu just jumped into the lake of blood.


The moment he came into contact with the blood, Qin Sang felt a yin and evil force infiltrating his whole body, pervasive, and that strange coolness could invade his mind and seep into the bones.

Qin Sang shuddered unexpectedly, and his expression changed slightly.

He remembered that he used Jiuyou Demonic Fire to resist the poisonous fog when he was fighting with the Demon King, so he wanted to repeat the old trick, urging the Demonic Fire to form a fire armor that covered his body.

Unexpectedly, the chill was so strange that it could penetrate the magic fire.

Qin Sang turned the fire armor into the ancestral sacred fire again, but he still couldn't stop it.

It wasn't until he put away the spirit fire and activated his True Essence Transformation Armor that he felt better. Fortunately, the consumption of real essence is not too fast, and it has little effect on him as a Yuanying.

'Wow wow...'

There was blood red in the field of vision, and the surrounding blood flowed, making a rustling sound, and I didn't know where it was going.

Qin Sang could feel that the power of yin and evil came from a strange force in the blood, and it was wrapped around him and flowed to the unknown land. Qin Sang looked around, and then his figure fell sharply, only to feel his body loosen, and finally freed from the **** of blood.

Below the **** water, there was an unknown space filled with blood mist.

Qin Sang carefully landed while observing, and stepped on the hard ground after a while.

That evil power still exists, filling the entire space through the blood mist.

Qin Sang didn't dare to remove the spirit armor, but just flicked his sleeve robe, and three magic flags flew out of it, flying around him non-stop as a means of protection.

At the same time, he held the Jin Shenjian in his hand.

As the master of Shaohua Mountain, Uncle Dongyang must have comprehended the chapter of Yuanshen Yangjian.

Uncle Dongyang knew about Qin Sang's practice of this practice.

If he used the ebony sword and sword formation in front of Uncle Dongyang, even if Uncle Dongyang had never seen the second exercise, he would definitely be able to see one or two and guess Qin Sang's identity.

Therefore, Qin Sang can use less swordsmanship as much as possible, and plans to use the magic fire as the main method, and try not to use the seven soul killing formation.

Eighteen magic flags are enough to deal with the crisis.

At the same time Qin Sang sacrificed the magic weapon, Tianmu Die also woke up.

It still likes to fall on Qin Sang's shoulder, rubbing Qin Sang's cheek with soft wings, and leaning against the master. Tianmudie has the ability to protect herself, so she doesn't have to worry about safety even when she is outside, so Qin Sang will go with her.

Tianmu Die was alert, and his sight penetrated the blood mist, and he could see farther.

After some testing, Qin Sang determined that the blood mist here only slightly blocked the line of sight, and it had no effect on the consciousness.

But according to the information they have collected, the inside of the blood lake is like purgatory. Don't wantonly stretch out your consciousness too far, so as not to accidentally touch the organ and cause danger.

Those records were vague, and Qin Sang didn't know what was in here, but it was definitely right to be careful, and keep the consciousness within three feet.

He has a Tianmu Butterfly, does not need divine sense, and has little influence.

Motivating the Tianmu supernatural power to see the surrounding scenery clearly, Qin Sang finally understood why this place was called purgatory.

He was standing on a bare rock with a mountain in front of him.

This mountain is also a rocky mountain, not an inch of soil, and no vegetation or life. The mountain is actually blood-colored, whether it was dyed red by the ubiquitous blood mist, or it was originally like this.

The sight on the rocky mountain was terrifying.

Lightning flashes and thunder, and the gloomy wind continues.

Lightning is also bloody.

Over the stone mountain, the blood thunders were like countless blood-colored giant pythons, thousands and ten thousand blood thunders burst forth without a moment's pause, wanting to smash everything around the stone mountain.

'Boom rumble...'

The thunder was deafening and heart-shattering.

This kind of blood thunder is by no means good, and Qin Sang doesn't want to try the taste of blood thunder.

Shishan was bombarded by blood and thunder day and night. After thousands of trials and hardships, it was intact for countless years. Either the material was special, or it was banned.

Every blood thunder smashed on the mountain, and a blood-colored thunder flower bloomed, and strands of blood scattered away, unable to shake the stone mountain.

The yin wind is not simple. It blows constantly around the stone mountain. When the blood thunder and the yin wind collide, they are sometimes washed away by the yin wind, which shows its power.

The stone mountain lasts forever, but the human body cannot be immortal.

Thinking of Qin Sang's previous speculations about Yuanxu, if someone was suppressed here, beaten by thunder, and smashed by the wind, the punishment would be no less painful than that of sawing hell.

Even the most wicked person deserves this kind of punishment.

And this kind of wind and thunder mountain is only very common in the records. It is no wonder that the seniors who have come in will be afraid of the blood lake and regard it as purgatory.

At this moment, the concentric ring of Hunyuan on Qin Sang's wrist flashed, and the fat chicken jumped out.

"Can you feel it?"

Qin Sang asked.

The fat chicken didn't answer, opened his mouth and spit out the orb, spewing out several breaths of essence, the orb slowly rose and flew to the height of three inches above the fat chicken's head, hovering still.

The light of the jewel flickered, as if breathing, and the fluorescent light hung down, which could help the fat chicken resist the evil spirits.

After a while, Fat Chicken's eyes flashed with disappointment, "My mother is nearby, we can use the Thunder Rosary to sense each other's position through the power of blood... Thunder Rosary has no Qin Sang asked Clearing the scope, he comforted: "Don't be impatient, the blood lake has a vast interior space, and we need to explore for a while only on the periphery. Don't look at the periphery, there are not a few people like Fenglei Mountain, even if Lingtang's strength accidentally falls into it, it is normal to be trapped. "

Qin Sang pointed to the stone mountain in front of him and said lightly.

He came to Shishan at this time, but did not dare to approach.

The yin wind and blood thunder also enveloped the space around the stone mountain, and the aftermath escaped, and everyone who passed by would be affected.

Qin Sang suspected that if he broke in rashly, he would encounter not only Yin Feng and Xue Lei, but the restrictions on the stone mountain were hidden and unpredictable.

Looking at Shi Shan, Qin Sang felt a sense of trembling.

Reason tells him that it is best to stay far away from here.

The fat chicken was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he was a little worried, "I'm afraid I'll miss the big event of the master."

"This king is weak and untrustworthy. It's not a bad thing to go late. However, before that, we must first find these places marked on the residual map and determine the location."

Qin Sang said lightly.

He didn't want to be the first to face Old Demon Ye, but was prepared to act on a whim. Moreover, he also wanted to walk around the blood lake to see if Killing Sword Sword Spirit responded.

Saying that, Qin Sang took out a piece of animal skin with very simple lines drawn on it. It was the remnant picture copied by the Demon Lord Tongyou. It was left by the predecessors who had entered the Lake of Blood.

Unfortunately, the wind and thunder mountain in front of him is not on the picture.

Qin Sang ordered Fat Chicken to follow him, and when he was about to go around Fenglei Mountain, he unexpectedly changed direction without any sign of dozens of blood thunderbolts, and came over!


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