Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1234: encounter

Qin Sang and Fat Chicken were both surprised.

They avoided Fenglei Mountain and did nothing, but Xue Lei was still disturbed.

Qin Sang reacted quickly, wrapped the fat chicken with True Yuan, and instantly escaped all the way. Unexpectedly, the blood and thunder were like gangrene attached to the bones, and they followed closely, and even though Qin Sang changed directions one after another, he could not get rid of it.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang became enlightened in his heart, and hurriedly retracted his consciousness, and at the same time his figure moved quickly.


The blood thunder finally gave up the pursuit and took it back. There was still thunder power in the void, like a little blood flower, which disappeared in an instant.

The fat chicken was in shock.

When it was chased by the blood thunder, it felt that the whole body of demon blood was about to solidify, the body was stiff, and it was locked by the power of the blood thunder.

If the blood thunder has any strange ability, it is not as simple as being injured.

It turned to look at Qin Sang, wondering if it was its own reason, or what Qin Sang had done, causing the blood to thunder.

Qin Sang pondered for a while, and said through voice transmission: "You follow behind me, concentrate on urging the thunder rosary, sense your mother's position, and don't do anything else."


Fat chicken knew that he wanted to rescue his mother here, so he could only rely on Qin Sang and obey Qin Sang's words.

Qin Sang glanced at Fenglei Mountain and set off again, but this time he was farther away from Fenglei Mountain.

He urged his spiritual sense to test, but this time the blood mine didn't respond.

"This kind of blood mine is really weird. It can sense the consciousness. Even if the consciousness does not come into contact with the blood mine, as long as it comes close, it will be chased and killed. However, the range of blood mine perception is limited. Just a little bit. The warnings of the ancestors are not without a purpose..."

Qin Sang tested the rules in the lake of blood as he walked.

Gradually have some experience, began to speed up.


"Master, there seems to be a strange mountain marked on the residual map."

After half an hour.

Qin Sang and Fat Chicken saw a rocky mountain. The mountain went straight up and down, like a stone pillar. It was very eye-catching and suitable for use as a sign. Such a mountain was drawn on the residual picture.

The scenery in the mountains is completely different from the Fenglei Mountains I have seen before.

There is no blood thunder and dark wind here, but the mountain is covered with blood-colored strange trees. The blood trees take root in the cracks of the rocks and grow horizontally, like the thorns that grow out of the mountain, and the whole mountain is like a mace.

The body of the blood tree is comparable to gold and iron. The leaves are like iron pieces, with saw teeth, and the surrounding blood clouds are filled with clouds. If someone is hung here, they will suffer from sawing their flesh and corroding their souls.

Qin Sang took out the residual map, found the location of the mountain, and observed the surrounding terrain to confirm that it was the mountain.

"According to the markings on the map, the interior of the blood lake is counted as the north, and we landed on the southwest side. From here, we go straight to the east. After two trips back and forth, we can almost explore the periphery of the blood lake..."

Qin Sang acted according to the plan.

Fat Chicken followed Qin Sang closely and concentrated on urging Lei Rosary, but unfortunately there was no response.

Qin Sang silently wrote down what he saw and heard, and it was relatively easy on the outside, because each of these places like Fenglei Mountain was separated by a certain distance, and the middle part was safe.

But only on the periphery.


A place where there are many chaotic rocks, in the middle of the chaotic rocks, there is a huge underground hole with a radius of several hundred meters. The underground hole is bottomless and mysterious.

At this time, there was a cultivator of Jindan period, with a treasure mirror on his head, slowly falling into the depths of the cave.

'boom! boom! ’

From time to time, blood-clotted tentacles appeared from the hole, and they slapped the man with great force.

His face was calm, and the treasure mirror on his head changed into a colorful light, turning it into a soft barrier, using softness to overcome rigidity, turning the strength on his tentacles, but it was never broken.

The **** tentacles are not small, but this person hides the restrictions under the cloth at the entrance of the cave in advance, even if someone passes by, they will not find the strangeness here.

This person was concentrating on fighting with the endless tentacles in the cave, unaware that one person and one beast came from outside the cave to have a panoramic view of everything.

It was Qin Sang and Fat Chicken who had been searching all the way.

Although the restraint arranged by this person is exquisite, it cannot stop the supernatural powers of Heavenly Eyes.

He was the second person Qin Sang met.

Qin Sang met two cultivators successively, but they were both Jindan cultivators.

Qingjun and the others must have already walked to the front.

"Sure enough, these guys have high-level guidance and clear goals. Not all of them are here to die. It seems that all parties are actually hiding the news, and it's not that they don't know anything about the blood lake."

Qin Sang observed for a moment and nodded secretly.

After taking two glances, Qin Sang withdrew his gaze and swept away.

The knowledge of these golden pills is limited, and it is useless to capture them.

According to Qin Sang's observation, the restrictions in this cave are not weak, and it takes a lot of work for him to do it himself, so he can't waste so much time here.

After searching for a long time, Lei Rosary has not responded.

Qin Sang estimates that if the Thunder Swallowing Falcon Demon King is still alive, it is unlikely that he will be trapped outside the Blood Lake.

If he was trapped in the depths of the blood lake, it would be dangerous if he was affected by the fighting of the two-domain cultivators. Qin Sang didn't want to be a standout, but he couldn't go too late.

Moving on, Qin Sang would sometimes attack Gu Jin to test his power.

After walking so tight for a while, Qin Sang was about to pass between the two peaks when suddenly his expression changed, and he called Fat Chicken in a hurry, "Quickly return to the concentric Fat Chicken was shocked when she heard the words, and said Thinking that there was some danger, he swept his eyes in a hurry, but found that the surroundings were very calm.

The hills on both sides were full of blood, and blood thunder was frequent, but the distance was still far away, and they should not suddenly attack them.

Although he thought so, the fat chicken did not dare to be slighted at all. It knew that the master's supernatural powers were far superior to him, and there must be a reason.

The treasure ring on his wrist flickered, Qin Sang flicked his sleeve robe, and then the figure disappeared out of thin air.

After escaping into the dark, Qin Sang carefully activated his Tianmu supernatural power, and through the mountain peak, he stared at a distant mountain.

It was a bald mountain, the mountain was desolate, there were rocks everywhere, there was nothing else, and there was no one.

But in Qin Sang's line of sight, there were subtle differences in the scene on the mountain. On one of the raised stone platforms, there was a faint white light that was invisible to the naked eye, obviously strange.

Seeing the white light, Qin Sang felt a sense of familiarity.

There is chaos in the white light.

Qin Sang helped Tianmudie improve her supernatural powers, and finally she faintly saw the magic weapon emitting white light, and found that there was a figure in the white light.

"It's really him!"

Qin Sang had a look of surprise on his face, and before he could see the true face of the man in Bai Guang, he ordered Tianmu Die to accept the magical power, so as not to be noticed by the other party.

Even in his dreams, he would never forget this magic weapon, Uncle Dongyang's natal magic weapon - King Kong Zhuo!

Back in the Ziwei Palace, Uncle Dongyang used a diamond-cut diamond to take him into the bronze hall and threatened Chenyan face to face. If it weren't for the blood and divine light, Qin Sang might not have escaped the catastrophe.

"He didn't even go to meet up with Senior Sister, what is he doing here?"

Qin Sang thought he had a small chance of success, so he wasn't going to do it now, but he didn't expect to meet Uncle Dongyang on the outskirts of the Blood Lake.


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