Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1242: see you in the end

Buddhism in Beichen Realm is not popular, there are only a few small sects that are not in the mainstream, and most of them are in the desert.

However, many Buddhist monuments have been unearthed in the Ancient Immortal Battlefield. The Thousands of Shadows Talismans in the Qingjing Palace of Shangyuan and the "Shiqiao Zen" that Dongyang Bo brought out are all obtained in this way.

After the thousands of shadows were broken, Gong Liangyu realized that the old fox had already figured out all his trump cards, and every step was counted.

Being calculated by the dignified Patriarch Yuanying to such a degree, Gong Liangyu suddenly felt a sense of absurd honor.

Thousands of shadows symbolize his strongest means of escape.

The talisman was useless, Gong Liangyu knew that he was doomed today.

Sure enough, he was unwilling to beg for death and used other means, but before he could play it, Uncle Dongyang had already prepared a method of restraint in advance.

Even, it was too late to play.

‘Crack! ’

A defensive magic weapon was easily knocked into the air by Uncle Dongyang, Gong Liangyu was already exhausted at this time, his face was full of despair, and he watched Jingjing Zhuo from the top of his head.

Gong Liangyu only felt a force of restraint entangled in him, the bones of the whole body exploded, and the pain was incomparable.

'call! ’

The diamond-shaped white light was blazing bright, transformed into infinite flames, and wrapped Gongliangyu tightly, instantly breaking his protective spiritual power, and there was no screaming, so he burned it to ashes.

Uncle Dongyang has been deliberate and planned for many years, and he has already had the intention to kill.

As for the manipulation method of Yuan Ying Fu Puppet, he has already obtained it, and he does not need to leave Gong Liangyu alive.

Moreover, when he had just taken away the Boiled Blood Evil Flower, he discovered that this is a place of right and wrong, with hidden dangers, and it is best not to make too much noise.

Gong Liangyu died in the Lake of Blood for no apparent reason, and no one could find any clues.

After taking the Yuanying talisman, Shangyuan Qingjing Palace is bound to rely more on Shaohua Mountain in the future. This is killing two birds with one stone.

It's tedious to say, from the appearance of Dongyang Bo, to the sleepy talisman, and the killing of Gongliangyu, all in one go, in the blink of an eye, Gongliangyu's life was ended.

Gong Liangyu died, Yuan Ying talisman lost its master, no one could control it, and the opportunity to feel free instinct came, and frantically attacked the big array and the jade bottle.

But there is also no rules and regulations. It seems ferocious, but in fact, most of it is useless.

Uncle Dongyang's thoughts moved, and he was about to accept Guang Yan, and urged Jingang Zhuo to imprison the Yuan Ying Fu Puppet, taking Fu Puppet away, and a warning sign suddenly rose in his heart.

'call out! ’

A sword light penetrated the blood mist, and it was as fast as electricity. The blood shadows were all chopped into powder by the sword light along the way.

When the spirit sword struck, Uncle Dongyang felt a stinging pain, his complexion changed greatly, there was actually a third person here!

Moreover, the imposing manner of Lingjian is no trivial matter, this person is Nascent Soul!

He didn't have time to think about it, his body slammed forward, and hurriedly recalled King Kong Zhuo, only to hear a crisp sound, King Kong Zhuo vibrated violently, and shot a shadow of Zhuo with the same power and body, which flashed against Fei Fei. sword.

Sin Yuan had used the bloodless sangbu formation to plot against him.

Uncle Dongyang has also suffered from the loss of blood and divine light, and he will gain wisdom by eating a cut. Later, every time he uses the magic weapon of his life, he will leave some leeway, and he is no longer as open as he used to be.

'Ding! ’

A sound of gold and iron symphony.

Zhuoying blocked Feijian, Baoguang shrank inwards, tried to repeat the same trick, hooped Feijian, and grabbed it directly.

At the beginning of the war, he used the diamond carving to forcibly seize several magical treasures from the monks of Sinyuan, and it was not successful after repeated attempts.

Unexpectedly, this time, he miscalculated, Zhuo Ying barely caught the tip of the sword, and couldn't cover it. Zhuoying hummed, and cracks broke out, showing signs of fragmentation.

Uncle Dongyang was secretly shocked. King Kong Zhuo had been meticulously refined by him for many years. The magic weapon of Tongyou Demon Lord might not be strong. The opponent's flying sword seemed to be better than King Kong Zhuo, and it was a top-quality magic weapon.


The blood mist whistled, and a figure galloped following the sword light. The cold light in his eyes flickered under the mask, and he looked coldly at the slightly embarrassed Uncle Dongyang. It was Qin Sang.

His face was ashen.

Worrying about being discovered by Uncle Dongyang, he deliberately distanced himself.

He originally thought that as the leader of the faction, Gong Liangyu would definitely have no shortage of means of escape, and with the Yuan Ying Talisman by his side, even if it didn't work, he could insist on a few tricks under the hands of Uncle Dongyang, enough to arrive on his own.

Who would have guessed that Gong Liangyu was not the enemy of Bo Yihe of Dongyang, but in an instant he became the soul of Zhuo Xia.

Qin Sang didn't expect that the real purpose of Uncle Dongyang was not the treasure in the blood river, but it was aimed at Gong Liangyu and Yuan Ying Fu Puppet.

In the dignified Yuan Ying middle stage, it was someone who was in the alchemy stage, and Qin Sang didn't even have a chance to intervene.

The speed of the magic flag formation was too slow, and the "Thunderbolt Technique" required a spell. Qin Sang made a decisive decision, disregarding the exposure of his identity, and used the fastest ebony sword to stab Dongyang Bo.

Even if he couldn't save Gong Liangyu, he couldn't helplessly watch Uncle Dongyang take away Fu Puppet.

Qin Sang hid his identity, not because he was afraid of Uncle Dongyang, but because he wanted to wait until he was strong enough, make full preparations, and succeed in one blow by surprise.

Now I can't hide it Qin Sang doesn't understand the hidden dangers of Fu Puppet, only that he must not let such a strong Fu Puppet fall into the hands of Uncle Dongyang, otherwise, even if he has a helper, he will never want to kill him.

He has always decided, and Yujian will kill.

Dongyang Bo has been in battle for a long time, and his response is quick, not only blocking Feijian's sneak attack, but also virtually avoiding repeating the same mistakes.

"It's you!"

"It's you?"

Seeing Qin Sang, Uncle Dongyang's expression changed, but he exclaimed twice in succession.

The first sound was when he saw Feng Yi behind Qin Sang, and was surprised that the person who came was the newly famous Mingyue Demon King.

Qin Sang has been walking outside wearing a mask since she was born, and Feng Yi is the most obvious sign.

Uncle Dongyang has heard too many rumors about the Mingyue Demon King. He slashed Yuan Ying, broke into the Yuanxu and fought against Ye Laomo, and was able to get out of his body. Even this trip to the Blood Lake was the news he brought back.

The Two Domain Alliance is delighted that it has received such a powerful helper.

But some people have expressed concern that the Yaozu has this rising star, which is likely to be a sign of prosperity, and may oppose the Human Race in the future.

However, Sin Yuan is an urgent need, and the demon clan has insufficient foundation, and it cannot be controlled by one or two people, so there is no more.

The second sound, but saw the ebony sword.

He also studied and comprehended the "Original Spirit Raising the Sword", and later felt that the practice was incomplete, and even if he managed to master it, he would have no future.

Over the years, only two people have achieved success in this practice.

One is a former disciple, refining the Jin Xingling sword, very stubborn, unwilling to change the practice method, insisting on his own way, and finding his own way, he concluded that the Yuan Ying is hopeless.

The other is a chess piece that once escaped his calculations, and it was the Wood Xing Lingjian that he cultivated many years ago, and appeared in front of him again.

The ebony sword is not what it used to be, but it is enough to prove the identity of the person who came!


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