Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1243: upright

When he was in Cangheng Island, Qingjun brought Qin Sang over, and he accidentally cultivated into the late stage of Jindan.

But two people must be taken care of.

One is Qingjun. Uncle Dongyang knew that Qingjun was the daughter of Qingzhu, and Qin Sang practiced the same exercises as Qingzhu. He suspected that Qingjun loved Wu and Wu, and she hid Qin Sang all these years.

The second is Chen Yan, he can't guess Chen Yan's true opinion of Qin Sang.

Chen Yan was eager to save the teacher, and would definitely come back in the future. When he learned that Qin Sang had appeared, it was inevitable that there would be a storm.

You can only do it secretly, and you can't leak the wind.

The helpless little thief was cunning, and disappeared after that appearance. Uncle Dongyang's arrangements were all in vain.

Of course, the most important thing is that Uncle Dongyang doesn't think Qin Sang can really threaten him.

This son was born with five spiritual roots, and he could only rely on selling himself to build his foundation. He had taken Xuelinglian and iris, and he could fail to form an elixir.

I don't know what method Qingjun used to help him form pills, maybe he got it by selling himself.

How could Yuan Ying say that it was accomplished?

In fact, Uncle Dongyang's idea was right. Qin Sang also obtained two strange medicines, Du'erdan and Soul Cleansing Liquid, and two secret techniques of "Born Fate Insect Gu" and "Tian Yao Refining Shape".

He never imagined that the chess piece that he once regarded as an ant would not only truly achieve Nascent Soul, but his strength was far beyond his imagination.

Now, the other party is standing in front of him dignifiedly, not falling behind!

Uncle Dongyang couldn't contain his surprise.

Qin Sang couldn't be bothered to answer, so he had nothing to say with Uncle Dongyang.

Immediately without saying a word, he secretly applied sword art, and saw the ebony sword's sword light make a great effort, shattering the shadows, and then splitting thousands of sword lights, and instantly set up a seven-soul killing formation.


Seeing the great formation that is in the same vein as the practice method, Uncle Dongyang was stunned, his face filled with disbelief, "Could it be that this old man forced the two geniuses away with his own hands?"

Seeing the Seven Souls Killing Formation, Dongyang Bo mistakenly thought that Qin Sang had learned it from Qingjun, and it turned out that Qingzhu had successfully created the Yuanying part by himself.

Although the guess is wrong, it is not far away.

One can create his own exercises, and the other, even if the exercises are special, can achieve Nascent Soul with the resources of the five spiritual roots, which is enough to prove his talent.

Linggen is just one of those talents.

When the world's law is the main one, and the sideways are declining, it only becomes so important.

These two people, each of which is hard to find in the world, is enough to establish a sect and carry forward Shaohua Mountain. Even if he left one of them, why should he worry about his successor and deliberately seek the Nascent Soul Talisman?

But he forced it away with his own hands.

"Ha ha……"

Uncle Dongyang suddenly laughed wildly, the laughter was extremely complicated, I don't know what it was like.


Or laugh at yourself?

However, he was the ancestor of Nascent Soul after all. Although his mind was shaking, his movements were not slow.

Uncle Dongyang knew in his heart that he was destined to be no good with Qin Sang, and Qin Sang hid his identity and turned into a demon king, which showed that his resentment was hard to dispel.

Not to mention the nonsense of inviting Qin Sang back to the mountain and turning the fight into jade and silk.

"Haha, the old man has long heard the name of the Mingyue Demon King, but he didn't expect it to be you."

Uncle Dongyang's tone was inexplicable, and his expression was emotional, "It's true that there are talented people from generation to generation! You can achieve today's achievements, it is really rare, enough to be worthy of the morning smoke fairy, maybe she will be controlled by you in the future. Bridge Zen, but underestimated you."

Hearing that Uncle Dongyang suddenly mentioned Chen Yan, Qin Sang was unmoved and only focused on Yu Jian's rapid attack. Even if he hastily shot, he will try his best to fight against Dongyang Bo!

Seeing Chen Yan couldn't shake Qin Sang's mind, Uncle Dongyang stopped the conversation and his thoughts flashed.

He knew that Qin Sang not only had the best spirit sword, but also had other tyrannical means, and it would be difficult to decide the outcome for a while, and he had no intention of fighting Qin Sang here.

I just want to quickly take away the talisman, so as to avoid extravagant branches.

Then think about the situation in the future.

Qin Sang married a baby, and with extraordinary strength, he brought too many variables, and his previous layout was completely disrupted.

Uncle Dongyang had a plan in his heart, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the surroundings were dark, but he fell into the sword formation.

At this moment, countless sword threads in the sword formation suddenly strangled.

After being killed by the array, Dongyang Bo actually felt his Primordial Spirit shake, and his mind showed signs of being lost. He saw that this sword array was not only unpredictable, but could also impact Primordial Spirit.

Uncle Dongyang did not dare to be approached by the sword formation, and immediately urged Jingang Zhuo with all his strength.

Vajra Zhuo floats above his head, but it is always shaking, ready to move at any time to avoid the **** light, but it does not affect its power.

One after another Zhuoying rushes towards all directions.

For a time, the brightness around Uncle Dongyang was as bright as day, and those sword threads were all reflected, and they were a little scattered by the impact of Zhuoying, but they could still change and strangle Uncle Dongyang.

At the same time, with a flash of precious light in Uncle Dongyang's palm, there was an extra bronze lantern.

This lamp is only three inches high, small and exquisite, the top lamp is carved into the shape of a lotus flower, the petals of the lotus are green like jade, the lamp is oil-free, and there is only a lamp twist of unknown material.

As long as Dongyang Bozhenyuan urged the lamp twisted without fire and spontaneously ignited.

The bronze treasure lantern was suspended between Dongyang Bo's eyebrows, the flames were like beans, extremely dim.

But after the flames appeared, the sword silk was stagnant, and Uncle Dongyang's expression was obviously much more relaxed.

Outside the sword array, Qin Sang could see clearly, and knew that this lamp could restrain the Seven Soul Killing Formation. Dongyang Bo was a veteran Nascent Soul and the master of a sect.

Qin Sang's reaction was not slow. When Dongyang Bo sacrificed the treasured lamp, he immediately thought about it, and the ebony sword suddenly shot out from the sword array, and he couldn't help but shed blood and divine light!

Uncle Dongyang has suffered from blood and divine light, so he can't give himself the opportunity to contaminate the diamond carving again.

Qin Sang's move really worked.

Contaminated by the divine light of blood, the power of the bronze treasure lantern was greatly reduced, and the flame swayed a few times before going out on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Dongyang lost his precious lamp, and instead laughed loudly, and suddenly opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of yellow light.

In the yellow light is a stone pillar.

This stone pillar was carved with dragons and phoenixes.

This is a unique treasure, weighing as much as a thousand pounds, comparable to a mountain, with an unmatched wind and the ability to suppress it.

Uncle Dongyang grasped the timing extremely accurately, and the stone pillar spewed out of his mouth, which was difficult to guard against. The ebony sword and Jianguang were forced by him, as if he was under a thousand power, and there was a faint stagnation.

At the same time, King Kong Zhuo finally found a flaw in the sword formation. The mouth of Zhuo was like a river bursting its banks, bursting with infinite flames.

Qin Sang sighed secretly, only hating that his cultivation time was short, and he had not truly understood the Seven Soul Killing Formation, otherwise, Uncle Dongyang would never have been able to find the flaws so easily.

However, Uncle Dongyang thought he had a plan, but he didn't know that he was trying to lure the enemy into distraction.

The eighteen demon flags have been secretly placed by him at this time!


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