Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1276: teach the Dharma

Soon, the Alliance of Two Regions sent back a message, asking the ancestors of each faction to lead their troops to the Tianxing Plateau and organize a counter-offensive.

Qingjun is reorganizing the forces under his command. In this decisive battle, the two domains will be dispatched in full force, and the army will go to the Tianxing Plateau.

Qin Sang took Jing Yu and went to Qianshan Bamboo Sea first.

Qianshan Bamboo Sea.

The demons received the news and waited outside the valley.

Bai Mao learned that the master was going to bring a demon king back to the mountain, and stood meticulously beside Liu Yao, his round face was tight and his almond eyes were round, for fear of losing his courtesy in front of the demon king.

Fat Chicken squinted at Bai He next to him, his eyes were burning, and he cursed inwardly.

Bai He deliberately rubbed the ears and temples of Yue'er in front of it, you will be yours and I will be yours.

The white crane laughed loudly, and the danger Langdang got close to the fat chicken, stretched out his wings, grabbed the fat chicken with envy, and said carelessly, "I didn't expect you, the fat chicken, you didn't lie to me, you are really the queen of the demon king! But don't forget the brothers! I will ask Yue'er to abduct her sister, you can choose as you like, even three wives and four concubines!"

"My name is Xiaolei!"

The fat chicken was furious.

With jealousy on her face, Yue'er pinched the white crane, exhaling like a blue, "Do you also want three wives and four concubines?"

"I have a sincere heart for you, and the world can learn from it. How can there be any other little goblins in my eyes?"

Baihe's face did not change, and he blurted out.

Yue'er's face was shy and sweet.

Bai He sighed inwardly, there is no way, they are covered by the snake king, and their master doesn't know how to be partial to himself.

Fortunately, it has a smooth temperament, so that Yue'er seems to be soaked in a honey pot, but it doesn't suffer much, but enjoys the tenderness.

It's just that Yue'er is so tightly wrapped that she can't go out in a dashing manner, so she's really suffocated.

Fat Chicken knew Bai He's character well, and sneered: "Keep it for yourself, I have no luck."

While they were talking, Qin Sang and Jing Yu quietly appeared in front of them.

Jing Yu was very interested when he heard what Bai He said just now, "If you know a good family man with a good nature, you can ask him to try it out. If you can find a good match for Xiao Pang, this king will thank you very much."

The fat chicken was shocked.

Inside the cave.

Qin Sang introduced Jingyu to all the demons, and Jingyu would stay in Qianshan Bamboo Sea to practice in the future.

Jing Yu promised that if he had spare time, he would give pointers freely, and all the demons were very happy.

When the demons saw Jing Yu, Qin Sang left Yao Yao, the old horse monkey, the white cat, the fat chicken and the white crane, and took out a few jade slips.

"Look at this exercise first."

Qin Sang said, and handed one of them to Jing Yu.

The jade slip is the first four floors of "Tian Yao Refining the Shape".

After counter-attacking Sinyuan, everything will be on the right track. These demons can be trusted. Qin Sang chose them and passed on "Tian Yao Refinement", leaving incense in the demon clan, lest this exercise be on him buried.

Liu Yao is a form of grass and trees, and cannot practice "Tian Yao Refining Form", but he can also learn a thing or two.

When they got "Tian Yao Refining the Shape", all the demons were shocked, and they were all intoxicated, unable to extricate themselves.

Jing Yu was the first to wake up, with a look of surprise in his eyes, "This kind of exercise must have been the true inheritance of the great clan in ancient times, and fellow Daoists have actually obtained the complete first four layers! Unfortunately, I have been deeply immersed in the inheritance of my clan and cannot be modified. This practice is over. However, "Tian Yao Refining Form" is also of great benefit to me. After comprehending it for a while, I will definitely gain something, thank you Qin Daoyou!"

"The top inheritance of the demon clan is also incomplete?"

Qin Sang asked back.

Jing Yu nodded, "Most of the time, my clan's inheritance is an amazing and brilliant ancestor. It was learned from the fragments of an ancient demon practice. It has been passed down from generation to generation and gradually perfected."

The same is true of the demon clan in the Xiaohan region.

Qin Sang was thoughtful.

After waiting for a while, all the demons came back to their senses. They were extremely grateful to Qin Sang, and they all bowed and said in unison, "Thank you, King, for spreading the Dharma."

"Get up. In the future, Qianshan Bamboo Sea and Qingyangguan are both juniors of this seat, regardless of each other. We must remember that there must be no prejudice against each other, otherwise there will be troubles, and we will never forgive!"

Qin Sang waved his sleeves and said solemnly: "The law cannot be passed on lightly, Qianshan Bamboo Sea needs to establish a few rules..."

That night, Qin Sang led the demons to the Tianxing Plateau.

Jing Yu stayed in Qianshan Bamboo Sea retreat, but she needed to learn the exercises during this time, and she was not in a hurry to take medicine to break through.


Tianxing Plateau, Ice Crystal Palace.

Yuanying gathered together.

The moment Qin Sang walked into the hall, all eyes came over.

"Fellow Daoist Qin is finally here!"

True Daoist got up to greet him in person, his eyes were full of brilliance, and he repeatedly applauded, "Pindao has always envied the demon clan for having a bright moon demon king, but now I know that it turns out to be a young talent from our human clan!"

Qin Sang felt ashamed, and bowed his hands to all Yuanying.

Everyone returned their greetings one after another, and this was considered a real acquaintance.

His seat was arranged next to Qing Jun.

Qin Sang swept his gaze and found that everyone was sitting in a mess. It is estimated that the old Taoist Shinichi was also a little caught off guard by the sudden rise of him and Qingjun. He was worried that there would be an accident, so he simply did not follow his seat.

This has disappointed some good people.

They were very interested in the grievances between Qin Sang and Uncle Dongyang, but unfortunately both of them were cunning and secretive. If you tore your face because of the seat and fight, you can watch a good show.

Waiting for everyone to really closed the ice crystal palace for a long time, looking serious, talking about business.

"Old Demon Ye and Old Ghost Tianzheng have been hit hard, and we have two strong supporters, Daoist Leng and Daoist Qin. This is the best time to counterattack. According to Daoist Tongyou and I, Sin Yuan is already gathering troops, and some are withdrawing. Signs, they must not be allowed to withdraw so easily! The army is complete, and the troops are divided into three groups. Ping Dao and Jin Jia brothers are in command of the road, Tongyou and Dongyang are in command, and Leng and Qin are in command of the third..."

The counter-offensive plan has been approved by all parties, so there is no need to discuss it any more, and the real leader will directly make arrangements.

The three-way commander, the strength is the top of the two domains, no one is dissatisfied.

"Pindao has already contacted the Taoist friends in the desert, and they will make all-out efforts to contain part of Sinyuan's troops. The three-way army will send out all of them and drive Sinyuan back to Tianhen! He was seriously injured and fell into the calamity, this decisive battle will definitely avenge him and make Sin Yuan pay the price of blood!"

Really an old-fashioned patting eucalyptus and drinking.

All Nascent Souls looked excited. After being suppressed by Sin Yuan for so many years, they were finally able to fight back, and they felt relieved.

When Shinichi Old Daoist spoke of the red-haired ancestor, two Yuan Yings, a man and a woman in the hall, glanced at each other and snorted, showing disgust on their faces.

They are the two descendants of the red-haired ancestor.

After the fall of the red-haired ancestor, the two were at odds, which led to the split of the Chunyang Sect, the largest faction in the Little Cold Region. This was the case every time they met, and they regarded each other as enemies.

At this time, it was noticed that the real chief did not mention the demon clan.

"Has the Taoist master contacted the Feather Demon King, what is Tianyaoqiu's plan?" (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, a large number of novels, free to read !

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