Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1277: All parties plan

"The demon clan will help us drive away Sinyuan, but the demon soldiers will not step out of the Tianxing Plateau. After entering the grassland, we can only rely on ourselves. But we can talk to those demon kings alone, as long as they promise, they can't refuse. Conditions, should be able to recruit some..."

Zhen Dao looked at Qin Sang while talking.

Due to the ancient covenant, the demon clan sent troops to resist the invasion of foreign enemies, but the covenant did not help them invade others. This request is reasonable.

Qin Sang shook his head slightly, he knew that the first principal wanted him to contact him in the center.

But when he disguised as a demon clan, he failed to make friends with several demon kings, and only had some friendship with the snake king. After knowing his true identity, he still didn't know what the snake king was thinking.

Seeing Qin Sang's reluctance to come forward, a trace of disappointment flashed through Zhen, and he guessed Qin Sang's difficulties and couldn't force it.

"Humph! The Heavenly Demon Qiu can't wait for our human race to fight to the end, the blood will flow, and there will never be a peaceful day. If it is not bound by the covenant, it will not only stand on the sidelines, but I am afraid it will secretly fan the flames and ask us to fight Sin Yuan to the death. This time is also a good plan. If we can't completely destroy the arrogance of Sin Yuan, we will fall into the endless cycle of war."

Someone snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with the demon clan's move.

Everyone in the hall has a clear mind about the demon clan.

Someone immediately laughed and said: "If the strength and status of the human race and the demon race reverse, we will also worry about the unification of the demon race and join forces to attack our race, but it is only human nature. Sending troops to help at all times, I can't blame more."

"However, Tianyaoqiu has always been united. Unlike our human race, which has been in constant internal friction, it has indeed become stronger and stronger over the years, and demon kings have appeared frequently. Fortunately, Qin Daoyou came from a human race, not the bright moon demon king. Otherwise, we really have to worry. Possess enough strength, not willing to lie dormant in the Heavenly Demon Hill and cause trouble again."

A Tianxing Alliance Nascent Soul sighed.

Even Uncle Dongyang has to admit that Qin Sang is the one with the greatest potential among all the newly promoted Nascent Souls in the Two Domain Alliance, and he can even be called unprecedented.

Of course, it's hard to say how much achievements can be made in the future. It depends on whether Qin Sang will encounter a bottleneck that cannot be overcome. Similar tragedies have not happened.


Tianxing Plateau.

In front of the second step, the army camp in Sinyuan.

Sin Yuan built a city with concrete here, flags were fluttering, and the army of monks was gathering.

In the center of the camp, in the most magnificent palace, there was a monk wearing a blue robe and a black beard, standing in front of the main hall, looking at the vast snow field in the distance.

There is only one staircase left from the Skywalking City at the top of the Skywalking Plateau, but it is like a moat, which is firmly guarded by the Skywalking Alliance and Xiaohanyu.

This person is the real Canghong who sits in the central army, one of the three giants of Sin Yuan.

His strength is also unfathomable, not inferior to the old man Tianzheng at all. He used to be the leader of the righteous path of Sinyuan. Later, Ye Laomo suddenly emerged, and he gave up the name of the number one master of Sinyuan.

Just looking at the appearance, the real Canghong has fifty years of age.

He stared at the Tianxing Plateau for a long time, remembered all the news he had received during this time, let out a faint sigh, and returned to the hall.

In the center of the main hall, with its dazzling brilliance, there is a small snow-capped mountain.

The outline of the snow-capped mountains is exactly the same as the Tianxing Plateau.

On the snow-capped mountains, not only are all the camps and cities including Skywalk City perfectly reproduced, but there are also densely packed, ant-sized villains that gather in pieces in the mountains.

The villain is not a dead thing, it can move freely at any time, and can cast Taoist magic spells like a real monk.

The colors of the villains are different, such as the red villain, which represents the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Alliance of the Two Domains.

These are created by Sin Yuan using prohibitions and magic talismans, which are similar to the sand table of mortal soldiers.

Real Master Canghong knitted his brows, pondered for a moment, and suddenly raised his hand to point one after another on the snowy mountain.

Then I saw the figures above move quickly, some retreating, some attacking. During the fight, colorful spells and forbidden lights flickered, and then the figures fell one by one.

"Almost forgot!"

Master Canghong suddenly remembered something and pointed to the two red figures.

These two people represent Qin Sang and Qingjun.

Cang Hong already knew what happened in the blood lake, and the opponent quickly found the core of the black tower formation, which was indeed beyond their expectations, but what surprised them most were Qin Sang and Qingjun who suddenly broke out.

If it weren't for these two, even if they faced each other, the result would never have been so tragic, causing Sin Yuan to fall into a passive state.

The strength of these two red villains has greatly increased.

Such masters, if there is no cultivator of the same rank to check and balance, they can only send a few more Nascent Souls, or rely on the crystal tower to contain them, and let them destroy them on the battlefield, and no one can bear it.

The Sinyuan side really started to be stretched, and even if there was a secluded crystal tower, they were forced to retreat.

After a deduction.

Master Canghong swiped his hand, and the snow-capped mountain returned to its original appearance. The villain wriggled and formed a new formation. Master Canghong ordered them to continue fighting.

Over and over again, the situation is always bad for Sin Yuan.

Master Canghong pondered for a while, took out a few sword talismans, used his finger as a pen, dragons and phoenixes danced, and then flicked lightly, the sword talismans turned into streamers and flew out of the hall.

Thinking too much, the mind was exhausted. Master Canghong lightly rubbed his eyebrows and was about to go back to the retreat when suddenly he felt something and looked up outside the hall.

"During this period of time, Daoist Canghong has been bothered..."

The sound goes from far to near.

After a while, a figure appeared in front of the hall, it was Old Demon Ye.

When Master Canghong saw him coming alone, he couldn't help frowning, and hurriedly asked, "How is the injury of the old ghost Tianzheng?"

Old Demon Ye sighed and walked into the hall.

"Tianzheng Taoist friend avoided death by using secret techniques, but firstly, the secret technique consumes a lot of money, and secondly, those people's methods are fierce, causing Tianzheng Taoist friend to be injured more and more, and his foundation is almost torn apart. We will send him back to Xinghengzongxing. Chi, work together to instill real energy into the Xingchi, and stabilize the injury of Tianzheng Taoist friend. It is gradually improving, but it has been inconvenient to shoot in recent years."

Hearing this, Master Canghong sighed inwardly, this is the worst result expected.

At this moment, Old Demon Ye suddenly coughed a few times.

Master Canghong glanced at him, "I heard that you were forced to explode an incarnation comparable to your body?"

Ye Laomo smiled bitterly, "You don't have to look at Ye with this kind of eyes. The incarnation is something Ye felt when he was refining the treasure flag in the lake of blood. Combined with a secret technique he had obtained before, he will not be finished soon. Since he has an incarnation for a long time, Ye will never keep his hand, and there is no need to hide it. But before he can obtain the military exploits, he will be folded into the hands of the boy of the Mingyue Demon King, and his body will be implicated."

"The Demon King of the Moon?"

Master Canghong laughed, "Young Daoist friend Ye hasn't gotten the news yet. This man is not a demon king, but a human cultivator."



The next chapter will be later.


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