Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1289: Situation changes

Wang Dongcheng is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Master Canghong, at all costs, overwhelmed almost all of his troops. The Demon Lord Tongyou had already prepared for the fierce battle, and he always stayed in the city.

The war lasted for a day and a night, and it was extremely tragic.

Wang Dongcheng cannot be attacked for a long time.

Master Canghong sighed, knowing that the situation was over and he had to give up.


Double Mirror Mountain.

Qingjun received the urgent report and immediately launched a general attack.

This time, it is precisely to take advantage of the enemy's fear and low morale, and vow not to give up until Shuangjingshan is broken!

The offensive was defused again and again, but after a short rest, they attacked again. At the same time as the battle, Qingjun ordered people to spread the news of Ye Laomo's escape, disturbing the hearts of Sinyuan's army.

Qin Sang has a heavy responsibility.

Qing Jun presided over the Sundae Wind Formation and cracked the laws of the Shuangjingshan Spirit Formation. The top masters of Sin Yuan must be intercepted by him.

Fairy Qiu Zhi believed that she could restrain Qin Sang from her supernatural powers, so she handed over the formation to the cultivator Shan, and went out to fight in person, trying to find an opportunity to kill Qin Sang.

When entangled with Fairy Qiuzhi, Qin Sang remained vigilant, and she almost did everything she could.

Fortunately, at nightfall, Jing Yu, who received the news, finally arrived and joined the battlefield, which made Qin Sang heave a sigh of relief.

The situation gradually tilted towards the two-domain alliance.

After fighting all night, with the arrival of reinforcements sent by Shinichi, it became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"You can only take so much."

The monk surnamed Song handed over a jade slip. When the war broke out, he was arranging a retreat.

The jade slip is something that can be taken away this time. Compared with the resources in the treasure house of Shuangjingshan, it is only a drop in the bucket.

Seeing the list on the jade slip, Sin Yuan Yuanying felt a lot of pain, but there was no better way.

Ye Laomo's defeat was unexpected for both parties. Originally, Sin Yuan could retreat calmly, but now all arrangements have been completely disrupted.

The situation on the battlefield, because of this change, introduced an unexpected trend.


Fairy Qiu Zhi was extremely decisive, but her frown slightly showed her unwillingness.

'Boom! boom! ’

A secluded crystal tower rose from the ground.

In the Sunda Wind formation, Qing Jun noticed that Sin Yuan had moved, his eyes narrowed slightly, his jade fingers flicked, and several streams of light disappeared into the battlefield.

'Boom! ’

The mountains shook.

The Sunda Wind formation ripped apart the lake in the sky, Qingjun figured out the law of the mountain protection formation and launched a general attack. Fairy Qiu Zhi and the cultivator Shan surnamed together presided over the great formation, while the others urged the Crystal Pagoda to cover the retreat of the army.

'kill! ’

Unlike Sin Yuan, whose morale was low, the monks of the Two Domain Alliance were extremely excited and rushed to kill.

Qin Sang was looking for an opportunity to destroy a few quiet crystal towers, but when he saw Liuguang flying over, he grabbed it.

Sinyuan also has the Nether Crystal Pagoda. It is unrealistic to want to wipe out Sinyuan. The most important thing now is the treasure house on Shuangjing Mountain. It must be found as soon as possible, and they must not be destroyed.

Jing Yu followed Qin Sang the whole time, and the others also joined together.

With the help of Qingjun, everyone joined forces to attack Shuangjing Mountain.

Seeing the scene on the mountain, Jinglin's eyes were complicated.

At this time, Shuangjing Mountain was built into a fortress by Sinyuan, and the camp stretched across the entire mountain range.


Jing Yu glanced around and locked onto a palace.

There was dust everywhere, and palaces collapsed one after another, or were blown up, or burst into flames, and it was obvious that someone was deliberately destroying them.

According to the news from the internal response, there is the location of the treasure house!


Seeing this, everyone hurried to the treasure house.

When those cultivators of Sin Yuan saw Qin Sang and the others, they were shocked, and they hurriedly opened the protection ban, delaying time, and frantically destroying the treasure house.

At this moment, the treasury restrictions suddenly became dim, and a cultivator rushed out and shouted: "Junior Fang Qi, seniors, please come in!"

It turned out that this person was the inner responder of the alliance between the two regions.


"Oh it's you!"


Cultivator Sinyuan scolded Fang Qi angrily, but it was too late to try to remedy it, so he scattered and fled. Qin Sang and others rushed in and saw that a small half of the treasure house had been in ruins, secretly rejoicing.

In the end, Sin Yuan was powerless to return to the sky and abandoned Shuangjing Mountain.

However, under the protection of the Crystal Pagoda, Sin Yuan's battle formation can still remain intact. The Alliance of the Two Regions chased and chased out a distance, out of the range of the Sunda Wind Formation. Seeing that it was difficult to obtain the victory, they called Jin Jin to withdraw their troops and returned to the mountain to rest.

Shuangjingshan changed hands.

All the Nascent Souls gathered in the main hall on the top of the mountain, and they were all delighted.

"I'll have to hurry to look at Dongcheng, and I'll leave the rest to you."

The monks who came to reinforce say goodbye.

At this moment, Wangdong City is empty. Demon Lord Tongyou and others are struggling to defend the city. They must go back to support as soon as possible. They must not let Wangdong City fall.

"It's time for you fellow Daoists."

Qingjun handed over and asked the Lord of Yinshanguan and others to go with them to look at the East City. Originally sending Qin Sang and Jing Yu over to ensure that nothing would go wrong, but considering the grievance between him and Uncle Dongyang, he had to choose someone else.

After the war.

Shuangjing Mountain is in a mess.

After counting the resources of the treasure house and resting for a while, Qingjun ordered the army to start!

Soldiers are expensive, and the opportunity is fleeting.

Ye Laomo was seriously injured, Sin Yuan fled thousands of miles, and his morale was low. They have to take advantage of Sin Yuan's most chaotic time, bite the opponent tightly, and prevent Sin Yuan from having the opportunity to adjust.

After that, the momentum really was like a broken bamboo, and the three-way army marched in unison.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Ye Laomo and Master Canghong tried several times to rely on the pass, gather the defeated troops, and regroup. But before they could gain a firm foothold, the army of the Alliance of Two Domains followed, and they launched a fierce attack all the time.

Sin Yuan has been defeated one after Ye Laomo's words are a prophecy, I am afraid they really want to flee back to Yucheng in one breath.


months of hard work.

The Tianxing Plateau finally lost its land, forcing Sinyuan into the plain.

Between Tianxing Plateau and Sinyuan, there is a long and narrow plain area as a buffer between the two places. The plains are sparsely populated, but the resources of spiritual minerals are quite abundant.

Tianxingmeng and Sinyuan are fighting for the resources here all the year round. The contradictions accumulate and deepen.

in the vast plains.

At the turn of spring and summer, the breeze gently caressed the green grass and leaves, insects began to become active, and birds, animals and insects played together the sound of nature.

Everything seemed so peaceful.

At this time, a cloud of white clouds flew at a high speed from a distance, passing by at a low altitude.

Some birds noticed the white cloud and looked up, but they didn't think there was anything special about the cloud. They didn't notice the slightest difference, and they were still chirping happily.

There were a few figures in the white cloud, including Qin Sang, all of them were the ancestors of Yuan Ying.

The two armies are fighting elsewhere, and they are lurking here, the purpose is to recapture the vein occupied by Sin Yuan.



I'm not good at writing wars. These chapters are stuttering. I don't know how it looks. Let's end this chapter as soon as possible.


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