Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1290: opportunity

Qin Sang and Jingyu, the elder Ji of the Skywalking Alliance, and the confidant of the Demon Lord Tongyou hide their feelings.

There are only four of them on this trip.

The production of these ore veins is quite precious, and the Alliance of the Two Domains attaches great importance to this. Qingjun asked Qin Sang to come out in person, so he naturally had a chance to get a share of the pie, which would be beneficial to the future development of the sect.

The southern foot of the Tianxing Plateau can be recovered. The credit is due to the Tianxing Alliance and Xiaohanyu. Qin Sang has always been consistent with Qingjun, and their interests are also what the true leader and the demon king must consider.

As the saying goes, the loot cannot be returned to the original owner directly. It needs to be distributed according to the merits. This is the opportunity for Qin Sang and Qingyangguan.

Qing Jun was not very interested in these things, but he knew that Qin Sang wanted to start a sect, and he was doing his best to help him win.

"The green grass is fragrant. I haven't smelled the refreshing fragrance on the grassland for a long time."

Elder Ji took a deep breath, showing nostalgia.

Zangqing smiled and said, "Those old ghosts of Nascent Soul are cunning, and they all cherish their lives. However, in the process of escaping, the low-level monks in Sinyuan don't have so many means of escape, and the casualties are countless. Yuan's foundation has been shaken, and the losses can be said to be heavy, and the vitality is greatly damaged. In a hundred years, he should only be able to shrink his old nest, and he will not be able to make waves. During this hundred years, Ji Daoyou can roam in the wilderness to the fullest."

"Don't be afraid of the jokes of fellow Daoists, Ji Mou once thought that he couldn't keep Tianxing City and would become a lost dog."

Elder Ji was full of emotion, looking at the surrounding scenery, both unfamiliar and familiar.

The two-hundred-year war on and off has changed so many things.

"Qin Daoyou," Elder Ji came back to his senses and suddenly turned his head to ask Qin Sang, "Ji heard that several disciples under Daoist friend are also young talents, but they claim to be disciples of Qingyang Temple. Right? I don't know if you have decided, where will you choose Qingyang Guan?"

When Qin Sang heard this abrupt question, he was stunned at first, and then he realized it. He smiled but said, "The top spiritual veins of Beichen Realm all have masters.

"How difficult is this!"

Elder Ji's eyes lit up, "Daoyou Qin personally recovered the southern foot of the Tianxing Plateau, and he must have discovered that there are several top-level spiritual veins there. , and some were slaughtered by Sin Yuan and almost wiped out the family. As long as the Taoist friend is interested, Ji Mou will report the matter to the Taoist priest. What? If there are surviving descendants of those sects, Ji Mou can mediate on their behalf. My Tianxingmeng monks are all righteous. As long as fellow Daoists promise to take care of them in the future, or accept them as disciples, they will definitely be happy. "

While speaking, Elder Ji Yu Guang quietly glanced at Jing Yu.

The Alliance of the Two Domains already knew the origin of Jing Yu.

The strength of this demon king is also unfathomable. When he lived in seclusion in Wuya Valley, he was quite famous.

What shocked them was that, from the battle of Shuangjingshan till now, Jing Yu had followed Qin Sang almost all the time, never leaving, as if Qin Sang was following him.

You must know that after the two-region alliance counterattacked, King Yu ordered Tian Yaoqiu to withdraw his troops and stay on the sidelines. The alliance of the two domains promised great profits, and did not invite a demon king.

This made everyone speculate about their relationship.

Qin Sang and Qingjun have a very close relationship and everyone knows it. Uncle Dongyang once revealed in public that the mysterious beauty Chen Yan, who was short-lived in the past, also seemed to have a deep entanglement with Qin Sang.

In view of this, good people envy Qin Sang's charm, so big that even banshees fall for him.

The more courageous, suspected that Jing Yu had been subdued as a spirit beast by Qin Sang. To be more reliable, thinking of the Battle of Blood Lake, I think Jing Yu's purpose is to repay her kindness.

In any case, they must have a very deep friendship. If they can persuade Qin Sang to set up a sect on the Tianxing Plateau, Qin Sang will not be the only one who will be attracted.

"All our fellow Daoists in the Tianxing Alliance welcome fellow Daoist Qin."

Elder Ji had something to say.

Seeing Elder Ji attracting Qin Sang in front of him, his expression froze, secretly angry, but Dongyangbo and Qin Sang were in the same situation and couldn't resolve it, just giving others a chance to take advantage of it.

Zangqing snorted coldly: "Sinyuan is very ambitious, and one day, it is bound to make a comeback. The Tianxing Plateau is not a good choice, and there is a risk of being involved in the war. Even if the Xiaohanyu is smaller, it is still easy to accommodate the Qingyang Temple. Can watch and help each other with Yuan Mirage Sect. Some sects inherit the legacy of their ancestors, but in fact they have long been gold and jade, and they have failed in the war.

Qin Sang seemed to want to sell, but he didn't make a statement. He bypassed the problem with a few words.

Seeing Qin Sang's slickness, Elder Ji's tone changed, and he looked at the murderous Zangqing, and said in a calm tone: "I don't know how Zangqing daoist friends think about the future situation, Xiaohanyu and Tianxingmeng still need to continue to be clear and separate. each other?"

Zang Qing was startled and thoughtful.

Qin Sang was secretly surprised, "Is this the meaning of the Taoist priest?"

Elder Ji was noncommittal, and said to himself, "Xiaohanyu and Tianxing Alliance were originally one, but later split due to various reasons, resulting in estrangement and even hatred of each other. These years, they have joined forces to fight against Sinyuan, sharing the same enemy, and the cultivators of the two places have worked together, and they have long been familiar with it. It's the best time to resolve the Ji Mou had this idea long ago, before the war was urgent, and he had been hiding in his stomach."

Qin Sang was silent.

This matter is very involved, and it is inconvenient for him to express his position, and he needs to discuss it with his senior sister.

However, when the two domains are integrated and barriers are abandoned, their strength will be greatly increased, and they will be more calm when facing Sin Yuan. Senior Sister should be happy to see it happen.

At this moment, Zangqing let out a sneer, "Old Gui Ji, you said it easily, the two domains are one, and you can get a piece of the pie in the Ancient Immortal Battlefield without breaking a sweat. What's the benefit for us? Also, in the future Does the Skywalking Alliance listen to Xiaohanyu, or does Xiaohanyu listen to Tianxingmeng?"

Facing the questioning, Elder Ji calmly said: "These can be discussed! Ji believes that as long as everyone is willing, they will be able to negotiate a charter that will satisfy all parties."

Afterwards, Zangqing fell into silence, and Elder Ji stopped.

While speaking, everyone had already traveled thousands of miles in the wilderness.

Baiyun suddenly stopped in mid-air, Elder Ji took out a map, pointed to the northeast after comparison, and said: "Not far ahead, is the secret pyroxene mine, the value is second only to the largest spirit stone mine. Mine’s Sin Yuan Yuanying knows the truth of the three caves of the cunning rabbit, and he should not be able to find out the location of his cave. Everyone, be prepared, maybe you can be here, and have the opportunity to rob and kill this person!”

"it is good!"

Everyone sacrificed the magic weapon and quietly left the cloud group. The figure flickered and disappeared into the dark place.


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