Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1293: good news (8k)

"I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see the Taoist priest again!"

Shangguan Lifeng's expression was complicated. He was happy to meet his old friend again, but also restrained. Thinking of something, he hurriedly asked, "I wonder where the other Taoist priest is now?"

Qin Sang sighed, "Senior Yunyouzi has already emerged many years ago."

Shangguan Lifeng was silent, but the feeling of being ashamed in his heart faded a little, at least he was still alive.

'Boom! ’

Suddenly there was thunder in the distance, and the ground shook.

In the depths of the dark clouds, electric snakes danced wildly, and the thunder light erupted like a big sun, almost tearing the dark clouds apart completely.

In the thunder light, there is a vague shadow of a giant falcon, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky, like a divine bird that dominates the thunder, raised its head to the sky, and let out a long, sharp cry.

It's horrifying to watch, and terrifying to hear

Qin Sang stared and saw that Jing Yu was using his magical powers. With such an amazing momentum, he must have encountered a strong enemy, his complexion changed slightly, and he said solemnly: "This is not the time to reminisce about the past, you can come to me with this order in the future... Daoist, be careful."

Qin Sang threw a token to Shangguan Lifeng, and a Leiyi fan behind him turned into a lightning bolt and charged towards the dark clouds.

Shangguan Lifeng opened his mouth and hesitated, until Qin Sang's figure disappeared from sight, then he remembered that he forgot to ask Qingfeng Daoist's true identity.

Daochang Qingfeng must be a pseudonym, otherwise he would never have heard of it.

He quickly flipped the token in his hand and saw the word 'Qin'.

He thought of the beautiful phoenix wings behind Qin Sang that didn't look real.

Shangguan Lifeng suddenly thought of a person, his eyes widened.

"It's him!"


Sin Yuan has been planning for a long time, and he set up a killing formation here to lead the ruler into the urn.

The alliance between the two domains has fallen into a trap, and the failure has already appeared.

Unexpectedly, Qin Sang and others joined the battlefield unexpectedly. With this variable, the situation changed quickly. After a fierce battle, Sin Yuan Yuan Ying saw that he could not get any greater benefits, so he had to withdraw his troops in a hurry.

After the war, Qin Sang and the three were adjusting their breath.

"Thanks to the three fellow Daoists, otherwise this time, not only will we lose our troops, but the two of us will also be more fortunate."

There are two Nascent Souls in command of this army. One of them, after gathering the remnants, came to them and thanked them.

This person is the elder of the Tianxing Alliance, surnamed Zuo.

Elder Zuo was terrified.

Sin Yuan has great ambitions this time. He not only wants to eat this army, but also wants to keep them both together.

"The previous situation was so smooth that I almost forgot that Sin Yuan was a fierce tiger that devoured people, and they took advantage of it if they slack off," Elder Zuo explained embarrassedly.

Qin Sang got up and said solemnly: "Ye Laomo still seems unwilling. This time it should be a premeditated counterattack, and it must be more than Daoist Zuo who was attacked. However, the general trend is unstoppable, and they want to use this to stop us. The steps are also delusional!"

Before he finished speaking, another Nascent Soul hurriedly flew over, "Just now I received a message from the Taoist priest. There are several troops like us who were attacked by surprise. The Taoist leader's life will not retreat, and reinforcements will arrive soon..."

Everyone looked at each other.

True One's judgment is consistent with Qin Sang's. This is Sin Yuan's return to light. As long as this offensive is smashed, Sin Yuan will no longer be able to counterattack!

The bigger picture matters.

It was too late to see Shangguan Lifeng.

After receiving the news, Qin Sang and others left Elder Zuo to clean up the mess, and the rest immediately set off to support elsewhere.

Qin Sang and Jing Yu were almost non-stop, going through several battlefields.

The alliance between the two regions is like a broken bamboo, and its momentum is like a rainbow. Even if it suffers a temporary setback, it is not so easy to collapse. Most of them can stick to the arrival of support, and then organize a counterattack without forming a trend of collapse.

This was a great battle that lasted for two days and two nights.

It rained heavily after the war.

The rain washed away the blood of two days.

The last wave of Sin Yuan's offensive was repelled. Seeing that there was no chance at all, he finally died.

In this battle, the losses suffered by the Alliance of the Two Domains were the heaviest since the counter-offensive started, but it also aroused their ferocity, and soon gave Sin Yuan a more vicious counterattack.


Two months later.

Since the Great War, the situation has rarely been turbulent.

Before Sinyuan launched the invasion, the central area of ​​the Great Plains was the buffer zone between Sinyuan and Tianxing Alliance.

Wherever the army passed, the cities and spirit mines that originally belonged to Sinyuan changed hands one after another. The Alliance of the Two Domains saw the benefits and naturally did not want to stop.

After the Yuan Ying's discussion, they judged that Sin Yuan had already planned to retreat from the nest, and decided to continue to chase after him and drive Sin Yuan out of the plain.

As for entering Sinyuan's lair, everyone knows that it is unlikely, and it will inevitably arouse the heart of the sinyuan cultivator to fight to the death. Even if the alliance of the two domains can win, it will have to pay a very heavy price.

The hatred between Tianxingmeng and Sinyuan is deep, and some people are eager to try it, but the monks of Xiaohanyu are very calm and lack interest in this, so they will not follow them crazy.

The biggest winner of this battle is Xiaohanyu.

Regardless of other benefits, the resources on the plains, Xiaohanyu had no room to intervene, and now they get half of them directly, and they can also open up the passage into the desert. Moreover, the mainland of Xiaohanyu has never suffered from war, and Sinyuan has always been blocked in the Tianxing Plateau. They just contributed.

An unknown town.

All the way, the army attacked in, chased away the cultivator Sin Yuan, and was resting in the city.

City Lord's Mansion.

Holding a token in his hand, Li Yu Axe hurriedly walked into the most secluded courtyard in the mansion.

After the last retreat, Li Yuax successfully broke through the middle stage of Jindan.

Recently, he has been fighting continuously, but Li Yufu doesn't feel tired at all. During this time, he even had a smile on the corner of his mouth when he was meditating.

Li Yufu remembered the evaluation of the master's uncle back then, and admired it immensely. When the two of them were only in the foundation stage, the master could see the potential of the uncle.

After this battle, Qin Sang will definitely get a share of the spoils of the alliance of the two regions. As long as a few mines are distributed on the plain, they can support the development of a sect.

Under Qin Sang's instruction, he and Aunt Mei also searched for disciples for Qingyangguan in the loose cultivator, and took out Qin Sang's name.

It is conceivable that once Qin Sang announces the establishment of a sect, Qingyangguan will surely become a force that no one can ignore!

This was created by the master!

"I didn't expect that the last wish of the master would be fulfilled so quickly..."

Li Yufu has made his wish, no longer worry about gains and losses, and focus on cultivation.

He knew in his heart that these were only temporary.

There are so many sects that are short-lived in a long time.

The background of Qingyang Temple is still shallow, but the background is not something that can be improved overnight, and the master's ability can't do it, the responsibility is on their juniors!

Li Yuaxe held the token tightly, with a firm expression, and came to the front of the small courtyard, lightly touching the restraint, and said softly, "Master, the old friend you mentioned is currently outside the city lord's mansion and wants to visit Master."

Qin Sang's voice came from inside, "Oh? It's finally here, bring him in..."



Qin Sang walked out of the quiet room, the concrete turned into stone, and turned into tables and chairs.

After the last meeting, Shangguan Lifeng came to visit for the first time.

Qin Sang didn't send anyone to look for him either, as if he had forgotten about this person, but he kept ordering people to investigate secretly, and already had some understanding of Shangguan Lifeng's conduct.

After a while, Li Yuaxe led Shangguan Lifeng in, gave a salute, and exited quietly.


Shangguan Lifeng hesitated for a moment, then leaned over to salute, but felt a gentle force to hold him up.

"You and I have known each other in Weimo, why do you have to be like this? In the future, fellow Daoists will still call me Qingfeng Daochang, which is pleasing to the ears..."

Qin Sang smiled and pointed to the stone bench opposite, "Sit down!"

"Thank you, Chief Daoist, for the seat."

Shangguan Lifeng sat down according to his words, his expression still very restrained.

Qin Sang sighed inwardly, there is a gap in realm, their relationship cannot go back to the way it was before, even if he wanted to be courteous to a corporal, Shangguan Lifeng would not dare to accept it.

He looked at the old man.

Shangguan Lifeng sat up straight. He didn't dress like a Jindan cultivator, but like a mortal swordsman.

Wearing a strong suit, the treasured saber was not retracted into the body, but was slanted behind him. The sword is hidden in the scabbard, but I can vaguely feel that the treasured sword has an extremely sharp sword intent, as if it will be bloodthirsty when it comes out of the scabbard!

This is Shangguan Lifeng's unique secret technique, which cultivates sword intent.

"Fellow Daoist, what happened?"

Qin Sang noticed the hesitant look in Shangguan Lifeng's eyes and asked.

Shangguan Lifeng seemed to be distracted, his expression tightened, and he was caught off guard.

After deciding to visit Qin Sang, Shangguan Lifeng has been hesitant, not sure how to speak after meeting. Although they are old friends, they have only been together once.

Haven't met in two hundred years, how different is it from a stranger?

Shangguan Lifeng didn't think that this kind of affection would make the Yuanying Patriarch look at him differently, not to mention that he was rescued once by the other party not long ago.

If the other party is a moody person, and he has to make an inch, you can imagine what will happen.

Shangguan Lifeng's heart sank, suddenly stood up, and said, "Please forgive me for being rude, I want to ask the Taoist to give me another pointer."

Qin Sang was thoughtful, he had long seen through Shangguan Lifeng's thoughts.

Without waiting for Qin Sang to ask, Shangguan Lifeng took the initiative to talk about his own experience, "During the parting, the Taoist priest personally showed me that the murderous mood contained in the swordsmanship made me intoxicated. Since then, I will remember it in my heart and I will never forget it. Later, I happened to encounter a big battle, so I took the initiative to enter the battlefield to fight, and searched for a hundred years, and finally realized something. If it weren't for this reason, I should not have encountered so many twists and turns, and it was so late to form a pill, but I don't regret it! But, After breaking through the golden core realm, I can't see the way forward..."

Shangguan Lifeng took the treasured saber into his palm and stroked it lightly, a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

After listening, Qin Sang nodded slightly, looked at Shangguan Lifeng, and then looked at the treasured saber in his hand, and suddenly asked, "You said that you are pursuing a hundred years, are you obsessed with killing, or are you in love with saber?"

Hearing this question, Shangguan Lifeng's face froze suddenly, he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. He was sweating profusely in an instant, sweat dripped down, and his lips trembled.


'Zheng! ’

Without warning, there was a sudden sound of a sword.

Shangguan Lifeng was taken aback, all the scenery between heaven and earth disappeared, including Qin Sang, there was only one flying sword left in his field of vision!

Feijian is so perfect, every arc is just right, thin and transparent, like colored glass.

This was his first thought.

Then he was horrified to find that this flying sword appeared in front of him at some point, and it was so close! He didn't even see the trajectory of the flying sword, so he was pressed between his eyebrows by the tip of the sword.

This time, it was completely different from the previous experience.

There is no sword qi that is vertical and horizontal, and I can't even feel the slightest fluctuation of killing intent.

Back to Basics!

Shangguan Lifeng had a feeling as if he was separated from everything in the world. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape this sword, and of course he couldn't escape.

His whole body cracked, his hands were as heavy as a thousand pounds, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was flushed red, and he couldn't move.

On the verge of death, the terrifying pressure did not defeat Shangguan Lifeng's Dao Xin. He screamed in his heart, his eyes widened, and he stared at the flying sword in front of him.


Shangguan Lifeng's whole body was full of blue veins and his expression was hideous. He finally let out a roar, his voice was abnormally hoarse.

He tried his best, his whole body's real energy poured into the treasured sword frantically, and he slashed fiercely!

'Shhh! ’

In his roar, the light of the sword pierced the air, like a shocking rainbow, slashing on the flying sword without any bias.

The next moment, Daoguang and Feijian disappeared silently.

At the same time, the pressure on Shangguan Lifeng disappeared.


Shangguan Lifeng pressed his knife against the ground, gasping for breath, feeling powerless all over his body, as if his whole body had been sucked dry by the knife just now.


Birds chirping from the sky.

Several birds flew through the air happily, unaware of the strangeness in the yard.

Shangguan Lifeng woke up like a dream and returned to reality. He put away his treasured sword and bowed respectfully, "Thank you for the guidance."

This knife failed to cut off all his confusion, but it split the endless fog into a gap, allowing him to see a different scenery.

It's just that the experience this time seems to be a little different from the last time, but it's hard for him to tell where the difference is.

Shangguan Lifeng attributed it to the changes in their cultivation.

However, Shangguan Lifeng likes this feeling very much, it seems that it is exactly what he is looking for.

"An old friend of Pindao, and I practiced the same exercise. According to that exercise, he created a sword scripture. This is the first form of the sword scripture."

Qin Sang said lightly.

Shangguan Lifeng was startled.

Qin Sang got up and walked towards the quiet room, "The question just now, come back to me when you figure it out."

Shangguan Lifeng saw Qin Sang's intention to see off the guests, and he bowed his hands slightly and left the courtyard.

Li Yuchu was waiting outside the door. When he saw him coming out, he stretched out his hand and said, "My uncle ordered me to prepare a quiet room for fellow Daoists, please come with me."

"There is a Taoist friend Lao."

Shangguan Lifeng absently thanked him.

Li Yu Axe saw the strangeness and was a little curious, what the uncle did to him.

I wonder if this person will join Qingyangguan in the future?

As a result, there are three golden pills in Qingyangguan, and this person is somewhat famous, and the uncle seems to value him a lot, and he may have the potential of Nascent Soul.

After that day, Shangguan Lifeng did not go to Qin Sang again.

Qin Sang didn't rush and gave him time.

Since ancient times, knives and swords have been referred to together. Among low-level monks, swords are not very different, they are both weapons of killing. But the higher the realm, the difference between the two can be said to be worlds apart.

If Shangguan Lifeng was unwilling to change his sword and cultivate his sword, it would be difficult for him to pass on his "Green Bamboo Sword Sutra", unless he possessed the astonishing talent of Qingzhu senior, who studied the Sword Sutra and learned the sword technique.

But Qin Sang felt that the chance was not big. Because of the limitation of Shouyuan, there was not much time left for Shangguan Lifeng. For more than two hundred years, how difficult it is to practice asceticism to prepare for the birth of a baby, and to create one's own swordsmanship!

Shangguan Lifeng wins enough focus, which is also a talent.

If he can continue to follow the kendo created by Senior Qingzhu, he may not be able to achieve something, so Qin Sang is willing to give him a chance.

However, the most difficult thing in the world is to choose, not to mention the way of self-cultivation.


The Alliance of Two Domains has been sieging the city and pulling out the village all the way, pressing step by step.

During this time, news spread frequently, and the Alliance of Two Domains had almost figured out Sinyuan's intentions. They were ready to give up the plains completely, return to their old nest in one breath, and stick to Yucheng.

Late at night.

In the hall.

In front of Qingjun was a magic sand table covering the three domains, and he was fascinated by it.

At this moment, the ban outside the hall was triggered, and then Qin Sang pushed in the door, saw Qingjun's appearance, and said with a smile, "Senior sister is still worrying about the battle?"

Not long ago, Yuan Ying from the alliance of the two regions met and discussed what to do after driving Sin Yuan back to Yucheng.

Qin Sang walked to Qingjun, found their location, and estimated: "If everything goes well, we will arrive at Yucheng in more than ten days. It is said that the vicinity of Yucheng has been arranged by Ye Laomo like iron buckets. In general, it is unrealistic to attack or bypass Yucheng and enter the hinterland of Sinyuan, and we still do not have the strength to crush Sinyuan."

Qing Jun nodded, agreeing with Qin Sang's words, his red lips lightly parted, and another message, "Sin Yuan proposed a reconciliation, the desert side has agreed to the peace talks, and Sin Yuan can transfer all the troops to the north."

"As expected!"

Qin Sang snorted coldly, looked at the sand table, and stretched out his hand to draw a line north of Yucheng: "It seems that Chen Bing will continue to confront Chen Bing here.

"You are determined to be the ancestor, where do you plan to build the mountain gate?"

Qing Jun glanced at him, and then said, "The Yuan Mirage Gate is very good. It is adjacent to the Tianyao Hill and not far from the Qianshan Bamboo Sea. They are all under your command, and you can watch and help each other. I will be the villain and hand over the Yuan Mirage Gate. Send it to you, because of your reputation, no one dares to speak. As for the Yuan Mirage Sect, I have already made arrangements. Among the new disciples, the talented ones all agree with me but not Leng Yuntian. You can be admitted to the Qingyang Temple. , don't worry about any hidden dangers. As for the other golden pills, they are also quite aware of current affairs, so you can handle them. Although they are enemies, they have obeyed me over the years, so that they have a home. "

Qin Sang was startled when she heard the words, and quickly asked, "Where is Senior Sister going?"

Qing Jun said lightly: "I disguised as Leng Yuntian, and I used Yuan Mirage Sect to do things for me, but I don't want them to be a burden to me. Now Yuan Mirage Sect can hardly help me, and the war is about to end, I can concentrate on going back. Retreat. Since you have such an idea, I just leave it to you."

"I'm also fulfilling my friend's last wish... This matter is not urgent. We will discuss it when the situation stabilizes. The Ziwei Palace is about to open, and senior sister may need help."

Qin Sang secretly said that the Qingyang Temple is very lively.

In the Later Sect, there are not only the Qingyangguan lineage, but also the Qianshan Bamboo Sea lineage, the Demon Flame Gate lineage, the Yuan Mirage Gate lineage, the descendants of Qingzhu and Qingjun.

However, although Yuan Mirage is good, it is not so easy to swallow. It needs to be carefully screened. Otherwise, once you are not there and no one is suppressing it, it is inevitable that some people will have a different heart, and the tail will not fall off.

Qing Jun didn't say anything more, in her opinion, it was just a trivial matter.

"I asked you to come here, because I have some eyebrows on Fu Pup."

Qing Jun waved his hand to close the ban on the hall, and took Qin Sang into a quiet room. Yuan Ying Fu Puppet no longer looked like a villain, returned to its original appearance, and stood there quietly.

During this time, the Yuan Ying talisman has been placed with Qing Jun.

Qing Jun raised his hand to point to Fu Pup's eyebrows, and a faint light flashed on his fingertips.

Yuan Ying Fu Pup suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were still crazy, staring at Qing Jun, once he let it go, I am afraid that the first thing is not to kill the enemy, but to eat the master!

"The senior in Qingjing Palace of Shangyuan had a whimsical idea to condense the talisman in its body with the help of the talisman, and refine it into an existence similar to the talisman, so as to control the talisman. I have a secret technique of the talisman, one of which is The puppet seal is quite similar to the talisman. It only takes some time to convert the talisman in the fu puppet body into this kind of puppet, and it can be manipulated like the Shangyuan Qingjing Palace."

Qing Jun slammed towards Fu Puppet's chest in a volley, and saw the dense shadows of Fu Pup flickering on his body.

Qin Sang was overjoyed to hear that.

Although he has obtained the Yuanying Talisman, he does not know how to manipulate it. If he seeks to capture the secret technique of Yuanqing Jing Palace, Dongyang Bo will definitely interfere with it and cause twists and turns.

Senior Sister is very accomplished in the way of puppets, and she really came up with a way.


Qingjun suddenly changed his tone, "Even if it is transformed into a puppet, it will not change its fierce nature. Because of this, the ancestors of the Qingjing Palace in Shangyuan have nothing to do with it. With your cultivation base, junior brother, it is still very dangerous to manipulate. , it is best to find a secret treasure that can protect the primordial spirit."

Qin Sang nodded and frowned, "Can't even Senior Sister be able to solve the chaotic soul shadows in Fu Puppet? If all the soul shadows can be refined and integrated with Fu Pup, the strength of Fu Pup should be improved, right?"

"Junior brother is right, but it's almost impossible. Unless we can figure out why Fu Puppet is so special, it can block the soul shadow, and it exists to this day."

Qingjun looked at Fu Puppet, looked at it for a long time, and said helplessly: "I have been comprehending it for a long time, but I can't see the clue. In my opinion, the reason is probably not the prohibition in Fu Puppet's body, but the Fu Puppet itself!"

This idea coincides with Qin Sang, and he also has a similar feeling.

There are countless strange things for immortal cultivators. There are too many treasures that they have never seen before. Moreover, Fu Pup has many restrictions on it, and it has long been unrecognizable. It is difficult to find out Fu Pup's heels.

Qing Jun pinched a seal, and the puppet shrank suddenly and flew into Qin Sang's hands.

"I have already completed a part of the transformation with secret techniques, and now I will teach you this kind of puppet seal. It only takes some time and step by step to convert the seal into a puppet seal. You can take it back and make your own sacrifice, these soul shadows. It doesn't help me much. However, my younger brother can sense as many soul shadows as possible, which will definitely help to overcome the bottleneck, and my younger brother may soon be able to break through the mid-term."

"Follow Senior Sister's auspicious words."

Qin Sang looked at the Fu Puppet in his hand. Whether he could be as smooth as Senior Sister said depends on the Fu Puppet and the corpse flower Xuepo.

Next, Qing Jun taught Qin Sang the puppet seal.

The way of the puppet, like the way of swordsmanship and the way of pills, is complicated and profound. If you don't want to spend energy to comprehend it, it is difficult to achieve anything.

Fortunately, Senior Sister has already laid the foundation. What Qin Sang needs to learn is not a complete secret technique, he only needs to remember the puppet seal and a few precautions.

After learning the puppet seal, Qin Sang was about to get up to say goodbye, then suddenly his face changed slightly, as if he had sensed something, he stood up suddenly, and said in surprise, "Brother Bai is here!"

The Heavenly Corpse Talisman in Bai's body came from Qin Sang's hand. There was always this connection between the two of them. As they got closer, they could sense each other.

Qin Sang was surprised.

Bai left the customs at this time, and suddenly appeared on the battlefield. Could it be that he encountered any problems?

Or, has he successfully broken through the Corpse King?

Qin Sang quickly bid farewell to Qing Jun, and flew out of the main hall, swept away from the city.

The army was stationed in the city and was heavily guarded, so Bai didn't dare to sneak in. Qin Sang sensed it when he touched the restriction outside the city.

Qing Jun sent him out of the hall, looking at Qin Sang's back, frowning slightly, as if he was thinking about something, then looked at the direction of Sin Yuan, and then returned to the quiet room to meditate.

"Senior Qin!"

"I have seen Senior Qin!"


It's not good to break the rules that he set, Qin Sang did not fly out of the city directly, but swept through the streets of the city. When the monks encountered along the way saw Qin Sang, they all avoided and bowed.

Qin Sang thought about things in his heart, and quickly came to the city gate, looked at the soldiers on the left and right, took out his token and shook it, "Open the city gate!"

"Follow your orders!"

The guards did not dare to neglect, and immediately followed suit.

It was late at night.

The sky was overcast with clouds, and no stars could be seen.

Qin Sang flew out of the city, swept his eyes to the surroundings, and flew out for dozens of miles in a flash. Unexpectedly, an accident occurred, and he lost his sense of dialogue.

Immediately afterwards, a sudden change occurred.

'Boom! ’

The grassland below suddenly exploded, creating a big hole, and the earth, rocks, grass and leaves splashed everywhere.

Amidst the messy grass, a shadow silently charged towards Qin Sang.

Qin Sang was startled at first, then overjoyed and laughed, "Brother Bai, Qin Mou is not what he used to be, and he still wants to ambush me with these little tricks?"

The voice did not fall.

Eighteen magic flags flew out from his cuffs, circling in mid-air, the wind rose, and then the magic fire rushed out, instantly forming a sea of ​​fire.

The dark shadow was caught off guard, plunged into the demonic fire, and suddenly screamed, "When will you be able to control all the demons?"

Qin Sang didn't answer, he just laughed and joked, "Dare to attack this old man, let you taste the magic fire!"

Having said that, he choked out a formula, and all the demonic fires rushed towards Bai, turning into a fireball around Bai in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of hero is he who relies on foreign objects! If you plant it, you can fight me hand-to-hand!"

Caught in the devil's fire, Bai did not show weakness and shouted loudly.

"I'm not necessarily afraid of you in melee combat!"

Qin Sang was disdainful, but his eyes were a little surprised.

In the demonic fire, Bai was wearing a Taoist robe, his appearance was no different from ordinary people, but his face was a little pale.

After sensing the true power of the magic fire, he didn't know what secret technique he used. The corpse gas surged all over his body, and his body shape remained unchanged. He didn't become like the corpse king in the immortal tomb, who became blue-faced and fangs, nails skyrocketed, black hair all over his body, and ugly. Incomparable.

Only the eyes turned into red blood eyes, full of bloodthirsty meaning.

For a while, the magic fire was actually blocked, and even if there was a trace of flame close, it did not cause any damage to him.

Ordinary corpse kings can't face the devil fire so easily. It seems that Bai has gained a lot of benefits from the corpse soul beads and bone curses.

"Stop fighting! You devils are so shameless!"

Bai yelled.

Qin Sang put away the magic flag, and the two fell to the ground.

"Congratulations to the advanced corpse king, Brother Bai!"

Qin Sang cupped his hands in congratulations.

Bai waved his hand gently, looked around, and sighed, "I broke through too late, I don't know how many good things I missed."

Qin Sang was amused, "After returning from Yuanxu, I have gone through countless battles until now. It is even more dangerous to face Old Demon Ye in the blood lake. What's a good thing?"

"Of course it's a good thing to explore the secret realm! Tell me about your experience in the Lake of Blood," Bai said impatiently.

"Follow me back to the city, we will go to the city to discuss in detail."

The two flew towards the city.

Qin Sang said happily, "I still want to protect the law for you when you cross the robbery, but you are bold enough to cross the robbery without making a sound. Have there been any changes?"

"I finally sensed the opportunity and didn't dare to wait for you to come back, so I had to find a place to forcibly cross the calamity. It's really different from you, and I almost fell into the calamity of the heart, but it's not dangerous."

Bai grinned and said with lingering fears.

"Your strength is obviously much better than that of ordinary corpse kings, and you must be sure to survive the calamity." Qin Sang nodded, remembering the strange scene before, and asked quickly, "You advanced corpse king, the corpse talisman in your body. Has it been cracked, why is the induction sometimes absent?"

"It's cracked! Because the Heavenly Corpse Talisman is already one with my Primordial Spirit, it's not easy to break it, but it has no effect on me. The reason why I have been in seclusion for so long is to solve the trouble of the Heavenly Corpse Talisman."

Bai spread out a hand, and the flesh and blood gradually became transparent, revealing the bones in his body, which were actually engraved with strange patterns.

"Bone Curse!"

Qin Sang recognized it at a glance.

Bai nodded, "I comprehended the bone curse and found that although the bone curse and the corpse talisman are two completely different things, they are vaguely related and seem to come from the same source. I used the bone curse to draw the power of the corpse talisman. I have failed so many times, but finally succeeded.”

"The corpse talisman is only a treasure at the foundation-building stage, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome!"

Qin Sang was filled with The Heavenly Corpse Talisman was more difficult to deal with than expected.

"The Heavenly Corpse Talisman refines the most flying Yaksha, but it doesn't mean it is of this level. The power displayed by the Heavenly Corpse Talisman and the Bone Curse is only the tip of the iceberg, and the number of paths is very strange. There is no one that can correspond to them. I racked my brains to find some contexts. The real origin has to be found by the mysterious person in the water prison. These two secret arts must have a lot of background!"

Seeing the happy look on Qin Sang's face, Bai knew what he was thinking, and his tone suddenly changed, "Don't be too happy, this method of mine can only be used on yourself. The dumb girl's realm is too low to bear a complete bone. curse."

Qin Sang's smile froze.

He also thought that Bai Neng helped Mute to unlock the Heavenly Corpse Talisman, and he also had a problem on his mind.

"But you don't have to worry, I have come up with a solution that can solve the urgent need. Although it can't save her, it can be relieved. At least she can be pulled out of the darkness and restored to the state before the overdraft, or even better. I can't say exactly how much it can recover. That fat silkworm is a variable, and it may be able to help us. Of course, if we want to wake up the dumb girl, we still need to find a mysterious person and obtain a complete secret technique."

Bai explained.

Qin Sang breathed a sigh of relief, "It's also good news. When the battle is over, I'll send someone to look for Tan Hao's trace. The city gate is approaching. Daoist friends don't make public appearances for the time being. Let's escape into the corpse puppet bag first."


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