Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1294: wake

In the quiet room.

The dumb girl was lying flat with her eyes closed, still a sleeping beauty.

Her cheeks were rosy, but her body seemed to contain vitality, and there was a faint aura of death in her.

Before the overdraft, although the mute girl hadn't woken up, her condition was gradually improving, as if she had fallen asleep. At this time, it is like a sculpture, giving people the feeling of only death.

The fat silkworm is sleeping in the dumb girl's body.

After returning to Xiaohan Territory, Qin Sang tried several times, but was unable to wake the fat silkworm.

Qin Sang and Bai sat cross-legged.

After being silent for a while, Bai opened her eyes, nodded and said, "It's rare, this girl's will is stronger than I expected, she has been fighting, never giving up, and her consciousness has not sunk in the dark."

Hearing these words, Qin Sang recalled the experience of the dumb girl.

Since birth, she has fallen into darkness.

Her appearance brought her a ray of light, but brought her even greater disasters.

She stumbled forward in the dark, never giving up her desire for light. Perhaps it was those encounters that made her tough character.

Self-helpers are saved by God.

It is precisely because the mute aunt is always fighting, that Qin Sang's actions have greater significance, not all to fulfill his own beliefs.

At this time, Bai handed Qin Sang a jade slip, "This is a bone spell that I deliberately selected. It is the gentlest part of her power, and it is the limit she can bear."

Qin Sang took the jade slip and said in surprise, "I will do it?"

"It's not you, who else could it be?"

Bai Heng said, "The Celestial Corpse Talisman in her body was refined by you, and you are her master. Engraving the bone spell and pulling the power of the Celestial Corpse Talisman will damage her soul at any time, and there is no room for mistakes, of course. You have to. Don't worry, I've written down how to cast the spell, and I'll help you along the way."

The divine sense penetrated into the jade slip.

Qin Sang first saw a familiar bone spell.

This bone spell is engraved on the white bone arm bone, but it is not exactly the same as the original one. Bai made some changes so that Dumb Gu can also withstand the power of the bone curse.

The so-called spell casting method was also comprehended by Bai himself.

Qin Sang's ability alone makes Qin Sang admire him.

This bone spell is not complicated, Qin Sang quickly understood it.

An hour later.

The two sat cross-legged on either side of the dumb girl.

Qin Sang nodded to Bai, and his eyes fell on Mu Gu's left arm.

Although Duan Gu was given the Heavenly Corpse Talisman, the corpse aura was suppressed by the vitality of the Sanguang Jade Liquid, and her body did not change into a corpse. In the sea of ​​waves, every time Qin Sang took Sanguang Jade Liquid to restore his true essence, he would give his life to the dumb girl, so after several decades, the vitality in the dumb girl was still surging.

There are some beautiful patterns on the crystal jade arm, which are the **** patterns of the witches.

Qin Sang pondered for a while, and his divine sense penetrated into the dumb girl's arm. After examining it carefully, she suddenly raised her hands, her fingers were like wheels, and a spell was formed in an instant.

His movements did not stop.

In the quiet room, the spiritual energy oscillated, and a strange rune flowed out from Qin Sang's fingertips, and they all fell into the dumb girl's body.

The mute girl's appearance didn't change.

But on her arm bone, golden runes gradually emerged, and the runes the size of ants were densely packed. Against the background of the runes, her arm bone seemed to turn into a golden bone.

Bai was not idle either, helping Qin Sang to stabilize the bone curse. Seeing that one after another rune had entered the dumb girl's body, it went very smoothly, and a trace of surprise flashed in Bai's eyes.

At this time, Qin Sang was distracted to perceive the Heavenly Corpse Talisman and the Bone Curse.

Sure enough, as Bai said, there is an inexplicable connection between the two. In the process of casting the spell, he can use the bone spell to draw the power of the corpse talisman to reduce the impact of the corpse talisman on the dumb girl.

"No matter what you feel, don't resist."

Qin Sang whispered, but she wasn't sure if the mute aunt could hear it.

Then the seal formula changed abruptly, completing the final secret technique!

Seeing this, Bai hurriedly put away his distracting thoughts and fully supported Qin Sang.

The next moment, Qin Sang suddenly let out a low drink, and then formed a complex and unusual seal. He suddenly pressed down with both hands, one hand firmly grasped the dumb girl's arm, and the other hand touched the dumb girl's eyebrow.

'Boom! ’

A golden masterpiece.

The dumb girl's body trembled.

After a while, the golden light faded, Qin Sang and Bai looked at each other, and hurriedly looked at Mute.

Qin Sang keenly felt that there was a slight fluctuation in the dumb girl's body, which was extremely weak, but it was undoubtedly a good omen, her spirit was recovering!

Bai's method worked!

"Unexpectedly, this girl seems to be quite suitable for the bone curse, and her endurance is stronger than I expected," Bai Tut tsk tsk amazed.

Qin Sang was stunned. In retrospect, the process of casting the spell was indeed very smooth. After thinking about it, she said, "It's probably because of the Sanguang Jade Liquid. The body has always been nourished by vitality, which must be of great benefit to her."

"It's possible," Bai nodded, "perhaps it has something to do with the fat silkworm, but it's not a bad thing. After she's in a stable state and observe for a while, you can try more complicated bone spells, and the effect will be better."

When they communicated, the mute girl's body changed quietly.

After a stick of incense.

Under the gaze of the two of them, a faint colorful halo appeared in the middle of Mute's eyebrows.

"It's a fat silkworm!"

Qin Sang was overjoyed and stared at the center of her eyebrows.

The halo was getting stronger and stronger, and suddenly, a stubby figure shot out, and was about to plunge into Qin Sang's arms, but Qin Sang reached out and grabbed it.

The fat silkworm finally woke up!

After sleeping for decades, the water and rice have not entered, the fat silkworm is still chubby, but the flesh seems to be firmer.


The fat silkworm conveyed a feeling of intimacy, rubbing around in Qin Sang's palm and acting like a spoiled The small eyes were full of grievances, and she wanted to cry, very pitiful.

However, Qin Sang had long understood the temperament of the fat silkworm, and could see through its careful thinking at a glance.

This guy is obviously starving.

Seeing that Qin Sang was indifferent, it started rolling around, as if it was complaining to Qin Sang that it was hungry and thin!

Qin Sang was amused and took out a poisonous algae fruit from Qianjun Ring.

Seeing the tempting food, the fat silkworm flashed green light in its eyes, flew over, and swallowed the poisonous algae fruit in one bite.

One poisonous algae fruit is obviously not enough.

Worried that it would not be able to digest the poison, Qin Sang took out other food, and the fat silkworm did not dislike it, and swallowed it, as if a starving ghost was reincarnated.

Ignoring the fat silkworm who was devouring it, Qin Sang turned his eyes to look at the mute aunt. The fat silkworm is her anchor in the real world. After the fat silkworm wakes up, the dumb girl's state is more stable, and Qin Sang senses the faint mood swings.

The fat silkworm ate a round belly, turned his body over, and lay lazily in Qin Sang's palm. Immediately, it turned into a colorful halo and flew into the middle of the dumb girl's eyebrows.

Qin Sang was startled, and hurriedly probed into the dumb girl's purple house, and found that the fat silkworm was snuggling up to the dumb girl's primordial spirit, and was sleeping soundly.

However, this time is different from before.

The fat silkworm did not fall into a deep sleep, but as before, digested the food he had just swallowed while sleeping, and could wake it up at any time as long as he wanted.


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