Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1313: arrange

"The Heavenly Corpse Sect didn't rise for a long time. It is said that it suddenly declined, and the reason has long been unknown. I learned some information about the Heavenly Corpse Sect because I practiced the corpse refining technique. Corpse, the cruelty of this kind of corpse refining is rare in the magic way, and it is frightening to hear, and it is not surprising that it was jointly destroyed by other forces."

The judge was eager to get back the dead jade, and he knew everything and said everything.

Qin Sang remembered the corpse king found in the immortal tomb, and probably guessed the reason for the rapid decline of the corpse sect.

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Corpse Sect entered the Ziwei Palace back then. For unknown reasons, he accidentally died inside. The Corpse King should be his refining corpse, and he was trapped in the Immortal Tomb until he was discovered by Bai.

Except for the sect master of the corpse sect, no one knew that there was a mysterious person in the water prison, or knew but had no way to contact him.

Since then, the Heavenly Corpse Sect has been headless, with internal and external troubles.

In the Immortal Cultivation World, like the Heavenly Corpse Sect, there are countless short-lived forces, and only a few are able to prosper for a long time. Basically, there are heritage treasures that shelter the sect.

For example, the Yuanying talisman in Shangyuan Qingjing Palace.

"In recent years, have fellow Daoists heard of anyone or news related to the Heavenly Corpse Sect?"

Qin Sang asked.

The judge recalled carefully for a while, then shook his head and said, "I have never heard of it, if fellow Daoist Qin wants to find the descendant of the Heavenly Corpse Sect, I will send someone to look for it. The corpse monk is the most special, if he needs to refine a corpse, he will definitely be able to. Find clues."

The judge volunteered.

Qin Sang's purpose is exactly this, and he said: "Okay! Let the daoist worry about it, whether it is the successor of the Heavenly Corpse Sect or the practice method, Qin must do it. In addition, the daoist must remember not to speak up, so as not to startle the snake, maybe that person will take the initiative. contact you."

The mysterious person behind the Heavenly Corpse Sect was trapped in the water prison, and he did not forget to toss out a Heavenly Corpse Sect, and it was estimated that he was also a restless master.

Ziwei Palace was born ahead of schedule, Ye Laomo's conspiracy, the mysterious person behind the Heavenly Corpse Sect...

The world of immortals seems to be calm, but in reality, undercurrents are surging.

If this person wants to rebuild the Heavenly Corpse Sect, the fastest speed is to subdue other corpse demon cultivators.

When the judge heard the deep meaning of Qin Sang's words, he was shocked and became a little more alert.

"The Three Regions War has subsided, and Daoist friends have no chance to fight with others. Dead Jade will stay here first. Daoist friends can rest assured that I will not move Dead Jade rashly. Waiting for Daoist friends to find Qi Lingcai, or find the person I want, Return it in its original form immediately."

Qin Sang clenched the palm of his hand, and in front of the judge, placed a layer of restraint on the surface of the dead jade, and put it in the ring.

The judge watched eagerly, but could do nothing, sighed secretly, and said goodbye.

When the judge's back disappeared, Bai Dun came out of the corpse puppet bag, looked at the direction the judge was leaving, and said, "This person should not be hiding, that mysterious person has been sealed for an unknown number of years, and it is estimated that he is recovering from his injuries, so he can only wait for him to come out... ...take me to the main altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect first."

Soon, the two entered the water prison.

Bai checked the seal in the water prison and walked around the main altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect, but found nothing.

Then, they returned to the altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect that they found at the beginning. There are various signs that Tan Hao never came back after he left.

Failing to find any useful information, Qin Sang told his senior sister and left Sinyuan.

Although Sanyu had already negotiated peace, Qin Sang killed and injured several Nascent Souls. It is estimated that many people did not visit him because he was not pleasing to the eye.

The southern foot of the Tianxing Plateau.

The first step, Wanye Mountain.

Wanye Mountain is towering, and the top of the mountain is snow-capped, which does not change all year round. Below the snow line, it is a lush scene, full of vitality.

There was a strong spiritual energy in the mountains. Originally, there was a sect, which was destroyed by Sin Yuan, and later occupied by Sin Yuan.

Now that Wanye Mountain has no owner, Qin Sang asked him to come here as a temporary residence for Qingyang Temple.

Qin Sang was not going to choose the mountain gate here, indicating that only a simple protective formation was arranged.

This place is close to the grassland. Most of the resources that Qin Sang has allocated are in the grassland. After Wanye Mountain, it will be a transfer station, and the disciples can also rest here.

‘Whoosh! ’

In the air, one green and one red two escaped lights, it was Li Yuaxe and Mei Gu.

Flying to Wanye Mountain, his eyes swept across the mountain, and Li Yuaxe said, "It seems that we came early, Junior Brother Tan and the others haven't arrived yet."

Aunt Mei nodded, "Let's go down the mountain first, and then wait for everyone to go to greet the master."


Li Yu Axe nodded, pressed the escape light, and landed on a large rock at the foot of the mountain, his eyes wandering, looking at the great rivers and mountains.

They received a summons from Qin Sang not long ago and ordered them to come to Wanye Mountain to discuss matters.

Imagining a bright future, Li Yuaxe is full of ambition.

He turned his head to look at Wanye Mountain, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He secretly said that although the area is a little smaller, it has a strong spiritual energy. As a mountain gate, it is not a disgrace to Qingyangguan.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking the sky in the distance, and four figures fell in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Fat Chicken, White Cat, Shangguan Lifeng, Tan Yien and Bai Hanqiu.

During this period of time, Shangguan Lifeng has been fighting with Li Yuaxe, and they are already very familiar with each other. Li Yuaxe also knows that Shangguan Lifeng and Qin Sang are old acquaintances and dare not neglect him.

After saying hello to Shangguan Lifeng, Li Yuaxe looked at Fat Chicken and White Cat, "When will the two fellow Daoists, Senior Willow and Senior Spirit Monkey arrive?"

"They can't come."

A trace of worry flashed in Fat Corn's eyes, "My mother just closed her doors a few days ago and is about to break through. The two seniors need to stay behind in the sea of ​​​​bamboos and bamboos to prevent outsiders from disturbing them."

Li Yufu saw that the fat chicken was different, and comforted him: "Don't worry, fellow Dao Lei, Senior Jingyu is blessed by God, and he will definitely be able to break through successfully!"

The Feather-Shocking Tribulation is approaching. If this breakthrough is not successful, it will become a benevolence. This matter must not be leaked. Only Qin Sang and Fat Chicken know. The fat chicken could only press his worries to the bottom of his heart and nodded lightly.

On the other side, Bai Hanqiu, who had successfully established the foundation, followed behind Tan Yien.

Tan Yien was already in the fake pill realm, he walked over to Aunt Mei and whispered a few words.

Aunt Mei was startled and looked sad.

Everyone has Everyone walked up the mountain, through the dense forest, and came to a cave on the top of the mountain.

This place is covered in silver, and it is pure white and pure.

There is an ice gate in the cave, exuding bursts of chill.

The ice door opened automatically, everyone walked in, and when they saw Qin Sang, they stepped forward and saluted.

Knowing that Jingyu was in retreat, Qin Sang couldn't help much. With the corpse flower and blood amber, her chances of breaking through were still very high.

"Where is Zhao Shanran?"

Qin Sang asked.

Aunt Mei said sadly: "Report to Master, Junior Brother Zhao failed to break through the golden pill, and he sat in the cave not long ago."

Sha Yao Dan can't guarantee that it will be able to form a pill.

Qin Sang nodded. He was used to seeing life and death, and his expression remained calm, and said, "I originally thought that Zhao Shanran would be responsible for the trivial matters in the door, but I didn't expect that he would not be able to cross this hurdle. Before finding a suitable candidate, in the future You should share a part of the Qingyangguan affairs."

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