Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1314: strange thing

"During this period of time, all of you must work together to prepare. When you return from Ziwei Palace, the ceremony will be held. At that time, I will invite fellow Taoists to watch the ceremony. Don't weaken the momentum of Qingyangguan."

Qin Sang said with a smile.

He secretly said in his heart that the strength of Qingyangguan's new creation is still too weak, and the scale and cultivation of the disciples are far from comparable to other sects.

Qin Sang decided that he would rather lack than abuse.

Taking advantage of his fame, Li Yufu has recruited many new disciples, including Jindan stage loose cultivators, but they are still under investigation and cannot leave important matters to them for the time being.

When everyone heard the words, everyone smiled and felt a great responsibility.

Qin Sang's fame spread all over Beichen Realm.

At that time, I am afraid that most of the Nascent Souls in Beichen Realm will come to watch the ceremony, but they cannot make jokes.

Afterwards, Qin Sauna produced a jade slip.

"Jade Axe, these spiritual mines, you should arrange for people to mine them first."

Next, Qin Sang prepares the way of refining the refining tool, which requires a huge number of spiritual materials to practice. These little things don't have to be bothered by him, the juniors can do it for him.

After that, Li Yuchu and others left, but Shangguan Lifeng stayed at the end.

"Daoist, I have already thought about it. What I want to do is to kill the Tao! From now on, abandon the sword and cultivate the sword!"

Shangguan Lifeng took off the long knife behind his back with a firm expression.

Qin Sang said nothing, staring at Shangguan Lifeng's eyes.

Shangguan Lifeng was not afraid, and looked at Qin Sang calmly, without any hesitation or hesitation in his eyes.

Qin Sang nodded slightly.

"Okay! I'll pass on your "Green Bamboo Sword Sutra"!"


Peach Valley.

Qin Sang brought Shangguan Lifeng to the Qingzhu Tomb.

"Senior Qingzhu is so kind to me, I can't repay it. The sword scriptures are the masterpieces of seniors, but unfortunately I can only understand the meaning of the sword, and I can't practice the sword scriptures. It is only half of his successor. From now on, I will be my teacher. Preach the Dharma, and pass the "Green Bamboo Sword Sutra" to you."

In front of the green bamboo tomb.

Line cigarette smoke curls.

Qin Sang bowed three times to Qingzhu, turned his back to Shangguan Lifeng, and said in a deep voice.

Shangguan Lifeng looked solemn, stepped forward, respectfully kowtowed to Qingzhu,

"Disciple Shangguan Lifeng, pay tribute to Master! Thank you Daochang for teaching the Fa!"

Qin Sang said softly, "You cultivated the "Green Bamboo Sword Sutra", and you are the descendant of Senior Green Bamboo. You and I are old friends. In the future, you will be friends with me. Call me a senior brother."


Shangguan Lifeng was stunned for a moment, and he didn't dare to overstep it. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Junior Brother has seen Senior Brother Qin!"

Qin Sang patted Shangguan Lifeng's shoulder.

He doesn't like to judge seniority based on the level of cultivation, and the rules of Qingyangguan will definitely not be like that of Shaohua Mountain in the future.

"This sword scripture is the result of the lifelong efforts of Qingzhu senior. The senior is a talented person. It's a pity that his life was tragic and he died unexpectedly.

Qin Sang was disappointed. He admired Senior Qingzhu very much. Whenever he thought of the peach blossom in the Nether Valley, he couldn't help sighing.

"You are the first person to practice the "Green Bamboo Sword Sutra", and you are also the leader of the Qingyang Guanjian Cultivation line in the future. I hope you will not forget your original intention and do not live up to the efforts of your predecessors!"

Qin Sang looked cherished, and handed the Sword Sutra to Shangguan Lifeng.

Shangguan Lifeng knelt down on his knees, raised his hands above his head, took the Sword Sutra, and bowed to the Green Bamboo Tomb again, swearing that he would live in the Sword Dao for the rest of his life.

Qin Sang nodded secretly, "Get up, we also have a senior sister who is the daughter of Senior Qingzhu. I have the opportunity to introduce you to me. You suddenly abandoned the sword and cultivated the sword. You must have a lot of discomfort. , find yourself a spiritual sword that suits you, and collect a few good seedlings of sword cultivators by the way. Only by practicing outside and realizing the sword scriptures when you come back can you gain more.”

"As ordered!"

A few days after Shangguan Lifeng left, Qingjun returned.

These days, Qin Sang engraved a puppet seal on the Yuan Ying talisman, just in time to encounter difficulties, and hurriedly went out to ask Qingjun for advice.

In the stone pavilion.

The two sat opposite each other, and the Qingluan puppet shrunk in size and fell on Qin Sang's shoulder.

At this time, Tianmu Die flew out on its own.

One phoenix and one butterfly play and play.

Yuan Ying Fu Puppet stood aside, Qing Jun raised his hand and pressed it.

The next moment, Yuan Ying Fu Puppet's body shone with light, and the talisman and puppet imprint appeared in the body at the same time. The two forces collided and entangled, and seemed to be swallowing each other, appearing chaotic.

The struggle on its face was even more intense, and its eyes were red.

"It's not a big problem, I neglected some key points before, just make some changes."

Qing Jun could easily see what was going on, the jade fingers connected, and streams of light disappeared into Yuan Ying Fu Puppet's body.

Soon, the puppets were separated, and the talismans were no longer aggressive, and the two forces were at peace with each other. One after another talisman was transformed into a puppet, and Qing Jun was much faster than Qin Sang.

Seeing this, Qin Sang was relieved, leaned on the wooden chair, and leisurely drank a cup of peach blossom brewed by his senior sister, and looked sideways at Qingluan and Tianmudie fighting, which was unprecedentedly comfortable.

"Senior sister, what happened to you before? Do you need manpower? I'm going to visit Bing Han in Ethereal Sect in a few days, and ask her about the way of refining equipment. It is estimated that I will stay in Ethereal Sect for a while."

Qingjun said: "It's okay, I still need to confirm some things, you just do your own thing. Binghan is very scheming, I'm afraid it's not easy for her to take out the inheritance of the Ethereal School, you should be careful, don't want to hit her count."

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air in the valley.

Bai also left the customs, a few flickers, and before the figure arrived, he said in a continuous voice: "My realm has been stabilized, and I need to cultivate with the help of the earthly evil energy later, and strive to improve my cultivation as much as possible before the birth of Ziwei Palace. Brother Qin. Where is the sinkhole you mentioned before?"

Bai Shan came to the stone pavilion. Seeing Qingjun, he seemed to be quite jealous of her. With a straight face, he cupped his hands and said, "I have seen Qingjun Daoist friend."

Then, Bai glanced around and saw the Yuan Ying talisman in front of Qing Jun.

"Dishen Cave is near Shaohua Mountain, and only the disciples in the Qi refining period are guarding it. As long as Brother Bai doesn't make a big noise, don't worry about being discovered by Uncle Dongyang..."

Qin Sang said while drinking peach blossom stuffed suddenly felt that Bai's breath was not right.

Looking sideways, Bai's eyes were straight, his face was dull and he looked at Yuan Ying Fu Puppet, his eyes were a bit incredible.

Qin Sang was stunned and saw a voice: "Brother Bai..."

"this thing……"

Bai's eyes were straight, and he pointed at Yuan Ying's talisman, his voice trembling, "Where did you get it?"

Qin Sang just remembered that it was the first time that Bai had seen Yuan Ying Fu Puppet. Looking at his expression, could it be that Yuan Ying Fu Pup still had some secrets?

Qin Sang looked serious and sat up.

Qing Jun was also surprised and put away the secret technique.

Qin Sang and Qing Jun looked at each other and said, "This is the Yuan Ying talisman inherited from the Qing Jing Palace of Shang Yuan. Not long ago, in the blood lake, Dongyang Bo calculated Gong Liangyu, and I happened to grab it. I didn't talk to you before. Did you mention... Brother Bai recognizes this thing?"

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