Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1339: Scarlet Altar

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Qin Sang flew out of the inner hall and saw the magic cave they passed through when they came in.

The earth was torn apart, and the magic cave was not spared.

A huge gap opened in the hole.

Countless gravels rolled in.

The magic cave is like a bottomless pit, swallowing so many gravel, there is no sign of being filled.

However, the inside of the magic cave is not calm, and the space is extremely unstable.

Qin Sang suspected that the fluctuations caused by the vision in the inner hall of Ziwei Palace were transmitted along the magic cave to the Sin God Palace. If it continued, not only the magic cave would be destroyed, but the Sin God Palace would also follow in the footsteps of the outer palace.

The scope of the visionary influence is too broad.

Fortunately, there is more than one exit from Ziwei Palace. Even if the magic cave is going to be destroyed, they can leave the outer hall and not be trapped here.

Qin Sang landed on the ground. Standing here, he could already feel the unique gloomy and cold meaning of the ghost fog. The surrounding ghost fog was very thin and thicker as he went forward.

However, there is a steady stream of ghost fog spreading outward.

It is hard to imagine how much ghost fog has accumulated in the immortal tomb before, and after the outbreak, the scope of influence is so large.

There are countless ghosts and ghosts in the immortal tomb.

For some unknown reason, these ghosts and ghosts generally do not leave the range of the immortal tomb. Even if there are powerful corpse kings and ghost kings, they will only attack after strangers break into the immortal tomb.

The other corpse kings and ghost kings do not have the Heavenly Corpse Talisman in their bodies, and they are ghosts and ghosts. No one knows how many heads have been bred for countless years.

At this moment, the ghosts and ghosts also rushed out of the fairy grave together with the ghost fog.

The whistling of ghosts came and went, the gloomy wind burst, and the ghosts ran rampant, making the scalp numb.

The outer hall turned into a ghost realm and was extremely chaotic.

This should be the position where they sent the signal, and the Fujian stopped when it pointed here.

He was late, and no one else was around.

Qin Sang didn't know what happened before, and Fu Jian lost his senses. For a while, he couldn't determine the position of Senior Sister and the others. He didn't dare to act rashly, and stared into the depths of the ghost fog.

The ghost fog is thick.

In addition to the immortal tomb, there are several forbidden places in the outer hall, all of which are now covered by ghost fog.

The only sight that was a little different was that in the depths of the ghost fog, there was a **** light, even if Qin Sang stood here, he could vaguely see it.

Because of the distance and the occlusion of ghost fog, the outline of the blood light is not large.

"There should be the Bloody Altar."

Qin Sang remembered that after walking out of the immortal tomb, he could see a **** altar.

The scale of the altar is huge, shaped like a huge pyramid, and the scarlet blood evil aura is floating around the altar.

Even if the Yuanying cultivator went to the Tianshan Mountain in the inner hall, he would not touch the **** altar.

Therefore, the **** altar has stood in the outer hall for so many years, and few people have any thoughts about it.

Around the blood-colored altar, the **** murderous aura that condensed and did not dissipate was bright red, but in Qin Sang's memory, it should not have been so dazzling before, and even the ghost fog could not cover it.

"Did they all go there?"

Qin Sang secretly said in his heart.

Chu Guiwu couldn't see anything clearly, so Qin Sang could only guess.

Qingjun, Jingyu, and Bai are all missing, and there is a high probability of being trapped in the ghost fog. In any case, he couldn't stand idly by, and he was bound to go in and have a look.

The three of them are not weak, and they all have life-saving means. With so many Nascent Souls joining forces, it is impossible for them all to be killed by Ye Laomo.

What's more, Ghost Mist is Bai's home field.

In the ghost fog, it is estimated that no one can leave white.

Bai Zaigui was like a fish in water, even if he lost to Old Demon Ye, he would definitely be able to escape.

Qin Sang guessed that the situation inside was likely to be in a stalemate.

Ye Laomo's purpose is interesting. First, he released a demon head from the Sin God Palace, and then came to the **** altar. Could it be that Ziwei Palace also sealed the demon head?

Qin Sang remembered that the Jiuyou Demonic Fire was obtained in Ziwei Palace, it was really possible!

A single devil makes Qin Sang like a great enemy. If the two devils meet, it is hard to imagine what the future Beichen realm will become.

There is no need to struggle at all, Qin Sang will not hesitate to retreat to avoid the refuge.

At this moment, Qin Sang finally made a new discovery.

In the ghost fog, there are a few places where there are faint rays of light, and they disappear in a flash. No accident, it should be the monk's envoy to fight with the magic weapon.

These battlefields are not in one place, they are separated.

"No wonder there is no movement. A spiritual formation was prepared before, and all the Nascent Souls joined forces to deal with Ye Laomo. It seems that Senior Sister and the others were forced to separate before they could set up the formation. They are fighting each other. Ye Laomo has only one side. Two people, I really don't know how he did it..."

Qin Sang glanced back and forth to determine the location of these battlefields.

The light of the magic weapon is too weak, and it appears and disappears from time to time, and it is impossible to tell who is using the magic weapon. Qin Sang called out the Tianmu Die and tried his best to activate the Tianmu supernatural power, but failed to find the Wufang Pagoda.

"I can't determine the location of Qingjun. I can only choose the one closest to me. First ask what happened, and then make a decision. After I go in, Bai should contact me..."

Qin Sang thought about this, no longer hesitated, and urged the ebony sword to rush into the ghost fog.

Eighteen magic flags are hidden in the cuffs.

The magic flag consumes too much, Qin Sang can't support it for too long, and good steel is used on the blade.

‘Whoosh! ’

Qin Sang turned into a sword light and galloped through the ghost fog.

There was a ghostly ghost that was chopped into pieces by a sword on the spot.

Soon came to the vicinity of the first forbidden area, where the ground was riddled with holes, full of large and small holes, and the interior was interconnected, which was extremely complicated.

In the past, when monks passed by here, if they didn't pay attention to the hidden breath, they would alert a strange snake-like creature in the cave and come out in groups to besiege the intruders.

Now these creatures have all disappeared, and ghosts are everywhere.

Qin Sang was lucky. He didn't encounter any ghosts of the ghost king series. After passing through a forbidden area, he could see more clearly, and the blood light emitted by the blood-colored altar became brighter and brighter.

Seeing that he was not far from the target, Qin Sang suddenly stopped his sword.

He frowned and looked at the ghost fog in front of him. There were no weird fluctuations, but through the supernatural powers of Tianmu, Qin Sang found that the flow of ghost fog here seemed unusual.

After watching for a while, I couldn't see why.

The time was pressing, and he was not allowed to think about it. He waved his hand and released the Nascent Soul Talisman to explore the way forward. After confirming that there was no danger, he also rushed forward.

Entering this place, Qin Sang found that the field of vision was more severely restricted, and the consciousness was suppressed. Others did not have the supernatural powers of Tianmu, and I am afraid they could only see the surrounding area of ​​a few feet. No wonder they could not meet.

Finally, Qin Sang found the target.

Several Nascent Souls joined forces and are being besieged by something, and the leader is the true leader!

At the same time that Qin Sang broke in.

Bloody Altar.

The two figures suspended on both sides above the altar were Old Demon Ye and Yugu.

"Another guy who doesn't know how high the sky is! Hehe, the swordsmanship seems to be good, and there is a Nascent Soul puppet..."

The ghostly fire in Yugu's eye sockets was beating, and the tone was sullen, with a trace of disdain. (To be continued)

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