Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1340: holy fire

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The ghost fog is extremely thick, like a turbid river surrounding the **** altar.

There are countless ghosts and evil spirits in all directions, exuding extremely resentful emotions.

They all showed their original shape, with strange shapes and incomplete bodies. They were wrapped in the river and rushed to the blood-colored altar. They struggled in the river and screamed helplessly and in pain.

This kind of scene is reminiscent of the legendary Huangquan.

When the ghosts approach the altar, they will be assimilated by the blood-colored ancient forbidden, turned into nothing, and become a part of the altar. Countless ghosts were swallowed by the **** altar, and the blood on the altar became more and more prosperous.

Above the altar, a cloud of blood emerged, exuding a thick **** aura, and the blood light shot straight into the sky.

'Boom rumble...'

The blood cloud rolled violently, the gloomy wind howled, and the void vibrated.

The momentum is no less than the five-color fairy wind in the inner hall.

There was a strange wave in the void above the altar, as if something was brewing.

Ye Laomo and Jade Bone were suspended in the air, and their figures appeared to be windy and rainy, and they were unusually thin.

Countless evil spirits are beside them, full of hatred for them, but unable to get close.

Ye Laomo raised his head, his eyes penetrated the blood cloud, and looked at the top of the altar, his eyes were fiery, and he was not interested in the words of jade bones.

Yugu also fell silent, not taking Qin Sang to heart.

From the palms of Jade Bone and Old Demon Ye, blood-colored filaments stretched out, floating in the ghost fog.

Another time passed.

Ye Laomo looked at the altar from time to time, licked his lips, and asked in a hoarse voice, "How many ghosts will it take to unblock it? Don't live with them for too long. If you let them get out of trouble and destroy too many blood baby crystals, it will affect the big plan."

Nascent Soul fused with the crystal ball is the blood baby crystal in Ye Laomo's mouth.

The Nascent Soul who turned into a blood baby crystal had already lost his mind, turned into a murderous blood baby, controlled by them, and formed a great formation of soul babies.

"If I knew today, why should I be in the first place!"

Yugu snorted coldly, "Open the seal for this seat early, and collect enough ghosts outside, there is no need to make such a big movement..."

Halfway through, Yu Gu suddenly stopped, turned his head to look in Qin Sang's direction, and let out a light hum.

"Holy fire?"

There was a bit of surprise and surprise in his tone.

Ye Laomo was surprised and looked at Yugu.


In the ghost fog.

There were clouds of red blood floating around Shinichi and the others, and there were many ghosts.

Countless ghosts and ghosts surrounded them, all of them with red eyes, exuding substantial resentment, as if they were controlled by something, extremely evil and crazy, attacking everyone.

Notice the escaping light coming straight towards them.

A look of vigilance first appeared on Zhen Dao's long face, and after seeing the escape, he immediately turned to surprise, "Fellow Daoist Qin!"


The sword qi was as sharp as a horse, one step before Qin Sang, pierced through the ghost fog, and stabbed a cloud of blood.

The cloud of blood was pierced by the sword energy and exploded on the spot.

After an instant, the scattered blood clouds gathered together into a ball and recovered as before. The sword just now seemed to be amazing, but it failed to injure the blood clouds in the slightest.

Qin Sang, who followed closely behind, stopped suddenly and looked at the blood cloud with a solemn expression.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, be careful not to be approached by blood clouds. This is an evil soul refining object, which can taint the body and true essence. If it is invaded into the body, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Really a long and loud reminder.

At the same time as Zhendao let out a long voice, two blood clouds changed their targets and rushed towards Qin Sang.

Qin Sang withdrew the ebony sword, frowned and glanced at the blood cloud, the figure flashed back, and a black shadow appeared on the spot, which was the Yuanying talisman.

The Yuan Ying talisman is a puppet and should not be afraid of these evil things.

Qin Sang was eager to find out the whole story, worried about the safety of Qingjun and Bai, so he did not continue to hide the Yuanying Fu Puppet.

next moment.

Yuan Ying Fu Pup hits the blood cloud with a punch!

Yuan Ying Fu Puppet's whole body flashes with runes, and you can faintly see the outline of the puppet seal, and there is a layer of azure light. At the moment of the shot, a black light came out of the body, turned into a fist shadow, and smashed the blood cloud into pieces.

Fragmented to the blood cloud and floated to the Yuan Ying Talisman.

Qin Sang ordered the Yuanying talisman not to dodge, and as he expected, the blood cloud fragments could only be attached to the body after they came into contact with the Yuanying talisman, and could not penetrate the slightest.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang's expression softened, and he ordered Yuan Ying Fu Pup to open the way, and his Yujian followed behind it.

One person and one puppet rushed in, and the surrounding blood clouds and ghosts rushed wildly.

The ebony sword beheaded the ghosts and ghosts, and the Yuan Ying talisman rushed to disperse the blood cloud. One person and one puppet had a clear division of labor and rushed forward.

Seeing this, Zhendao quickly greeted everyone to respond.

'boom! ’

A dark figure rushed out from a cloud of blood and appeared in front of them.

When he touched the eyes that contained a strong killing intent, with such a long cultivation base, his heart could not help but tighten.

Glancing at the Yuan Ying talisman, Zhen Daochang saw that it was Qin Sang's puppet, suppressed his surprise, urged Fu Chen, and shot out white lights one after another to help Qin Sang reduce the pressure.

‘Whoosh! ’

Qin Sang took the opportunity to break out of the siege, nodded and said hello to everyone, then joined the battle tacitly and joined forces to fight the enemy.

Yuan Ying Fu Puppet and Qin Sang fought side by The others couldn't help but cast their eyes on Yuan Ying Fu Pup from time to time, with different expressions, but without exception, their eyes were full of shock.

Qin Sang's current reputation even has a tendency to surpass that of the old-fashioned powerhouse. You must know that he has only been born for a few decades. With such an achievement, it is enough to shock the world.

Who would have thought that it had only been twenty years since the end of the war, and he did not know where to get a puppet of the Nascent Soul series.

Looking at the performance of the puppet, it seems to be slightly stronger than the monks in the early Nascent Soul.

How can people not be shocked?

Zhen Daochang thought about the relationship between Qin Sang and Qingjun. Although it was surprising, it made sense, so he didn't ask any more questions, and started talking about the business, "Daoyou Qin just came out of the inner palace?"

Qin Sang nodded, "Yes! I broke into a secret realm. I didn't expect the ancient ban in the secret realm to isolate the sense of the sword. When I saw the communication, I rushed over immediately. You are all gone... What happened?"

"Don't worry, Daoist Qin. When we separated, Pindao saw Daoist Leng and Daoist Jingyu together, so there shouldn't be any danger."

First Master Zhen knew what Qin Sang really cared about, so he stabilized his emotions first, and then talked about the experience.

"Everyone went into the inner hall to search, but there was no trace of Ye Laomo. The vision in the inner hall became more and more intense, and the power of the ancient forbidden in the secret realm was prohibitive. With the appearance of the five-color fairy wind, the inner hall became more and more dangerous. We So we had the idea of ​​retreating and wanted to wait and see. At this moment, the **** altar shot out the sky and the trace of Old Demon Ye was exposed. We went back to the outer hall and wanted to take down Old Demon Ye first. He might know The reason for the vision of Ziwei Palace. Except for Qin Daoyou, Yuwang and Lu Daoyou, the other top masters are basically here..." (To be continued)

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