Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1356: grudge 2 clear

Qin Sang entered the mountain gate.

Tan Yien was informed, and hurriedly walked out of the hall and bowed to greet him. Behind him was a big man with a strong stature and a calm expression, it was Mu Yifeng.

Mu Yifeng originally had a free and easy temperament, a sloppy beard and a sloppy appearance, but now he has a bearing far beyond the past, in line with the identity of the master of the faction.

Old friends meet again.

One hundred years apart.

Qin Sang and Mu Yifeng's eyes lit up.

Mu Yifeng's face was full of joy, but a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth, hesitantly did not know how to address Qin Sang.

"Senior Brother Mu!"

Qin Sang stepped down in front of them, called out the name he used to call him when he was in Shaohua Mountain, and blamed, "When did you become an ascetic, let me wait so hard!"

Mu Yifeng's expression softened, and the hesitant color in his eyes disappeared. He grinned, smiling extremely happily, and nodded his head, "Junior Brother Qin! It's been a long time!"

Tan Yien called Master Sheng, and then retired.

Jing Yu and Bai Mao both went to rest elsewhere and did not disturb them.

Qin Sang and Mu Yifeng put their arms into the hall.

After some reminiscences, the strangeness between the two quickly disappeared, and recalling all the things that happened in the past, I can't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect that as soon as we parted, Junior Brother Qin soared into the sky and achieved such extraordinary achievements! I was always apprehensive before I became a brother.

Mu Yifeng was very emotional.

This statement came from the heart.

The majesty of Nascent Soul cannot be violated.

What's more, Qin Sang's strength is also top-notch among the Nascent Souls in the Beichen Realm.

There was an insurmountable gap between the brothers and sisters back then.

"Without Senior Brother Mu, I would not have Qin Sang today."

Qin Sang turned serious and said seriously, "No matter who Qin Sang becomes in the end, I will never forget the kindness of Senior Brother Mu in front of the Bronze Hall."

Mu Yifeng waved his hands again and again without taking credit, "Did Junior Brother Qin forget? In Yuncang Daze, you saved my life first. If I attacked my benefactor, how could I have any face in the world?"

Qin Sang shook his head, his gratitude to Mu Yifeng did not diminish.

As someone else, even if he was facing a benefactor, he would not have the guts to disobey the Yuan Ying Patriarch. Mu Yifeng not only shattered the Nine Fire Gods that were very important to him, but also risked his life.

"I wanted to see you after I came back, but your temperament changed drastically. You retreated in Jingyuefeng and never showed your face, and no one dared to break into Jingyuefeng without authorization... What happened after I escaped back then?"

Qin Sang asked about what happened to Mu Yifeng.

Mu Yifeng didn't hide anything from Qin Sang, and smiled bitterly: "I thought I did a perfect job back then, but now I think it's too naive. How could this little trick be hidden from the ancestor's discernment? Fortunately, Fairy Chenyan pleaded with the ancestor, He also gave me a healing pill, took me out of the Ziwei Palace, and later allowed me to open a cave under the Jingyue Peak, but the Patriarch did not clear the door and killed me, an unworthy disciple..."

With that said, Mu Yifeng gave Qin Sang a somewhat ambiguous look, "After leaving Ziwei Palace, Fairy Chenyan looked for you everywhere, but if she couldn't find it for a long time, she thought you had fallen, but I didn't expect you to hide so tightly."

Mu Yifeng didn't know the relationship between Qin Sang and Chen Yan.

There are various indications that the relationship between the two is definitely not easy.

Mu Yifeng had heard of Qin Sang's role in building the foundation, but it was clear that the target was the real Mawu, who died on the battlefield shortly after the war in the Three Domains.

Mu Yifeng didn't dare to think of this kind of thing to Fairy Chenyan, who was out of this world.

Hearing this, Qin Sang frowned slightly.

Chen Yan wouldn't be really bewitched by Uncle Dongyang to practice the **** "Shiqiao Zen", right?

"Did she mention why she was looking for me?" Qin Sang asked.

Today is different from the past.

Even if Chen Yan really has some intentions, he is not afraid.

Chen Yan has only been in the early 200's. Even though she is Tian Linggen's favorite child, it is impossible for her to break through the late Nascent Soul in such a short period of time.

Senior Sister Qingjun is a demon, a genius among geniuses.

Mu Yifeng snorted, "What kind of identity was I at that time, how could I dare to climb high! I was a blessing in disguise. Not long after I returned from Ziwei Palace, I felt a sense of healing when I was healed. Unexpectedly, it was a matter of course, and I was summoned by Fairy Chenyan. She first I inquired about your situation, junior brother, and gave me a magic weapon similar to Jiuhuo Shenfeng to guide me in my follow-up cultivation. Fairy Chenyan is on the top, from when I entered Jingyue Peak for meditation until she left, I only saw that side."

Said, Mu Yifeng squinted at Qin Sang.

His eyes seemed to say, that you two are okay, and even help to pay back what you owe.

Qin Sang was also a little confused, unable to grasp Chen Yan's attitude.

Of course, Qin Sang would not naively think that Chen Yan would have any feelings for him.

Is it guilt for implicated innocent people?

"I remember when you broke through the bottleneck several times when you were seriously injured, I didn't expect that the pill formation would be no exception. I have met so many immortal cultivators, and Senior Mu, you are the only one, no wonder you have a golden pill. Later cultivation."

Qin Sang recalled the difficult journey when he formed pills, and it is true that people are more popular than people.

Mu Yifeng put away his sarcastic expression and said solemnly, "Brother Wei just broke through the late stage of Jindan a few days ago. With my talent, if I don't have the chance, I'm afraid I can only hope for a few more decades of meditation. , is the credit of the patriarch who bestowed the elixir."

"Uncle Dongyang?"

Qin Sang nodded slightly, not surprised.

The leader of the faction of Shaohua can only calm the situation in the later stage of Jindan.

Although the elixir that assists the Jindan cultivator to break through the small realm is also very precious, it is easier to obtain than the elixir of breaking through the Nascent Soul, and there is definitely no shortage of Shaohua Mountain.

Mu Yifeng hesitated for a moment, "After Fairy Chenyan left, I knew that I would not be seen by my ancestor, so I hid in Jingyue Peak for many years. Half a year ago, Che Yutao failed to gather infants and fell. The ancestor found me, yes I stated my interests, and I agreed after careful consideration."

After a pause, Mu Yifeng looked directly into Qin Sang's eyes, "In any case, I, Mu Yifeng, got what I am today in Shaohua Mountain. Even after that incident, the teacher's door did not cut off my cultivation resources. Don't forget the kindness, because my brother can't just watch Shaohua Mountain decline!"

"Senior Brother Mu, don't worry, the grievance is only between me and Uncle Dongyang," Qin Sang said with relief knowing what Mu Yifeng was worried about.

"Wei brother really did not see the wrong person!"

Mu Yifeng was relieved, and his face was full of relief, "The ancestor has a few words, which should be said to Junior Brother Qin. From now on, he will not step into Shaohua Mountain for half a step, and any affairs in Shaohua Mountain will be up to me. Decision!"

Qin Sang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Dongyang has such great courage, and the sect, who has devoted his whole life to it, would let go when he said let it go.

But I have to admit that this decision is very clever, and it is the most beneficial to Shaohua Mountain.

Qin Sang couldn't make Mu Yifeng refuse.

"If Uncle Dongyang did what he said and didn't come to trouble me, I wouldn't be bothered to pay attention to him!"

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