Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1357: Wan Xiu came to congratulate

"Tomorrow, the opening ceremony of Qingyang Temple is bound to come to congratulate you."

Mu Yifeng took out the mustard seed bag, "I ordered my brother to bring all the peach spirits and nectar juice from Shaohua Mountain. You should be able to use them. The other gifts will be discussed tomorrow.

"Senior Brother Mu is really helping in the snow!"

Qin Sang accepted it unceremoniously, "If you encounter any difficulties in the future, feel free to find me. When you reach the peak of Jindan, you must come to Qingyangguan, and there is a big surprise for you!"

Mu Yifeng is also qualified to understand the heart light futon.

This is Qin Sang's greatest reward to Mu Yifeng.

Mu Yifeng showed a look of anticipation, then remembered something, and said: "There is another person who wants to meet his junior brother, the master of Shangyuan Qingjing Palace - Huang Shengzi. Shaohua Mountain can't take care of himself, and Shangyuan Qingjing Palace also wants to find a new backer. Junior Brother Qin If you're not interested, just send him out."

Gong Liangyu died in the blood lake for no apparent reason.

The whereabouts of the palace lord are unknown, and the soul lamp left in the division's gate went out.

What terrified Shangyuan Qingjing Palace even more was that the most important Yuanying Fu Puppet also disappeared together with Gong Liangyu.

People in the Qingjing Palace of Shangyuan kept silent about this matter. After the panic, they hurriedly elected the new palace master Huang Shengzi, and the situation was stabilized.

"Junior Huang Shengzi, see Senior Qin."

Huang Shengzi walked into the hall and bowed in salute.

He looks like a calm middle-aged man, and he is very familiar with Mu Yifeng, and secretly asks Qin Sang's attitude with his eyes.

"Young Daoyou Huang doesn't need to be too polite."

Qin Sang's tone was gentle.

Huang Shengzi's heart slowed down a little, and after being reminded by Mu Yifeng, he did not dare to hesitate. He took out the jade slip from his arms and said respectfully: "These are several secret realms controlled by me in Shangyuan Qingjing Palace, which are rich in spirit medicine and fairy fruit..."

Not finished.

Yujian was recruited into Qin Sang's hand, and he flipped through it at will, and it seemed that he was not very interested.

Huang Shengzi observed the words and expressions, and was anxious in secret. He was about to say something when he heard Qin Sang say: "I have heard the names of the Four Secret Talismans of the Qingjing Palace in Shangyuan for a long time, which is very mysterious."


Huang Shengzi complained secretly, but he didn't expect this person to have such a big appetite, and he was eyeing the four secret talismans of the Qingjing Palace True Inheritance in Shangyuan.

Qin Sang flipped the jade slip in his hand and returned it to Huang Shengzi, and said with deep meaning: "Qin is quite interested in the interior scene Yuanfu, I wonder if Huang Daoyou can give some pointers?"

The inner scene Yuanfu protects the Yuanshen, and it is the safest to realize the Xinguang futon.

Qin Sang originally wanted to find a time to go to Shangyuan Qingjing Palace and exchange treasures for the refining method of the inner scene Yuanfu. Shangyuan Qingjing Palace lost the Yuanying Fu puppet and must not dare to refuse.

Since the other party took the initiative to send it to the door, Qin Sang was welcome.

Huang Shengzi was stunned.

The four secret talismans, the Yuan Ying talisman has been lost.

The Heavenly Gang Sabre Talisman and the Nine Dragons Heavenly Carriage Talisman, one is the fighting technique and the other is the escape technique.

Comparatively speaking, the inner scene Yuanfu is the most difficult to cultivate and has the narrowest use, especially after the disappearance of the Yuanying Fufu, it lost its greatest effect.

After weighing it, Huang Shengzi said in a condensed voice: "I don't dare to give advice. If Senior Qin is interested, the junior will give him all the money!"


The next morning.

Yuan Mirage Gate, today's view of Qingyang.

The gate is open!

Welcome guests!

The news of Qin Sang's founding of a sect spread throughout Beichen, and there were rumors that the Qingyang Temple would accept disciples on the day of the celebration, which was widely circulated among the loose cultivators.

There are even scattered cultivators from the Beichen Great Desert who come to watch the ceremony from thousands of miles away.

When the East first saw the light, the Qingyangguan was full of people.

Among the surrounding mountains, birds, beasts, fish and worms were awakened from their sleep, and they saw rainbow-like escaping lights in the sky.

Qingyangguan Yingke Peak.

Led by Li Yu Axe, many disciples were all delighted and in high spirits.

After years of preparation, I finally waited for the day when the sect was established.

In particular, their spectator is Qin Sang, one of the elders of the Beichen League, a top expert in the Beichen realm, making all the disciples proud.

The celebration has not yet begun, and those famous sects have not yet arrived.

But looking at this situation, some people began to worry that the division would not be able to accommodate so many monks watching the ceremony.

For decades, Qingyang Guanxin has received many disciples. Except Shangguan Lifeng, who is accompanying Qin Sang, everyone is at the Welcome Peak, waiting for arrangements.

Thousands of mountains and sea monsters are also there.

Tan Yien has been a major manager for many years, and is very good at dealing with such matters. He is busy but not chaotic.

Li Yufeng and others also obeyed Tan Yi's words.

"Master, have you seen it?"

Li Yu Axe raised his head and looked at the forbidden area.

Qin Sang moved the whole Qingyang Temple over, and invited Yunyouzi, Jixin Daoist and Mingyue's spiritual positions to enshrine them here.

In addition, the inheritance of Qingyangguan in the mortal world has been unbroken.

When Sedum emerged, there were two in eighty-nine years of life and dozens of apprentices.

These disciples spread morality and righteousness in the country controlled by Qingyangguan. Qingyangguan now has thousands of Taoist temples in the mortal world, with countless believers, and the incense is flourishing.

"Fellow Daoist Dao Lei, Senior Brother Li and Senior Sister Mei, you are here to welcome your guests. The famous sects of the Beichen Alliance will definitely send people here, as well as the Patriarch of Yuan Ying and the Demon King who are friends with Master Uncle. Don't lose your courtesy. "

Tan Yien's words pulled his thoughts back.

Li Yufu nodded and saw the Yuan Mirage Sect Elder Xun on the side, and said, "Elder Xun also come with Although the Yuan Mirage Sect has not been merged into the Qingyang Temple, Qin Sang is still the only one who will follow the lead and Qingyang. Views are closely linked.

In the Qingyang Temple, some disciples came from the Yuan Mirage Sect.

These people were later brought in by Qingjun, and they had no feelings for the Leng family and their sons, and they were equivalent to Qingjun's descendants. Under Qingjun's instruction, Qin Sang brought them into the Qingyang Temple.


Inside the Qingyang View.

Headed by Li Yuax, as the descendant of Yunyouzi, he is the orthodox of Qingyang View.

Headed by Aunt Mei, Moyan Sect was renamed Moyan Peak.

Shangguan Lifeng brought back a few disciples from outside to support the Jianxiu lineage.

Qingjun is the daughter of Qingzhu, but her puppet method has no successor, and the inheritance has nothing to do with Qingzhu. Headed by a female disciple of the Jindan period named Zhao Ying, most of them practice the Yuan Mirage Sect formation method. , is also considered a vein.

In addition, Qianshan Bamboo Sea will also leave some monsters in Qingyangguan.

Qin Sang also had other miscellaneous exercises like "Du Tianmayin", all of which were placed in the sect for disciples to choose and practice.

Although there are several lines of inheritance, Qin Sang does not want to create a gap within the Qingyang Temple, so the lines will not be clearly distinguished. As long as he is not worried about affecting his own path, he can modify other exercises.

As for the interior of Qingyang Temple, there will also be an inner door and an outer door. Bai Hanqiu is in charge of the outer door affairs. After the outer door disciples have established their foundation, they can enter the inner door.

For example, Li Yufu, Mei Gu, Tan Yien and others are all second-generation disciples of Qingyangguan!

Tan Yien spoke quickly, and a group of disciples flew out of the Yingke Peak to receive the guests in an orderly manner.


Chaoyang was born.

Purple Qi is coming from the east.

Suddenly, the sound of a bell rang in the forbidden area.

Shake the world!

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