Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1714: road

"Ask the Immortal Way"

The true energy is running.

Running for a week, Qin Sang woke up from the trance.

The Celestial Eye butterfly flew to Qin Sang's shoulder, opened and closed its wings, floating in a faint light in the dark cave.

After devouring Qin Sang's tribulation thunder, the pattern on the wings changed slightly, not only more exquisite, but also a little more sharp.

Qin Sang looked sideways slightly, but he couldn't be as carefree as Tianmudie.

After transforming into a god, it should have been a smooth road.

Just like what the ghost mother said before, when breaking through the corresponding realm, Qin Sang felt the gate of the beacon of this realm and pointed to the east.

Following that inexplicable induction, even if you don't have a chart, you don't have to worry about getting lost in the storm belt.

Not surprisingly, like those seniors, Qin Sang continued to practice in this world for a period of time, and after making sufficient preparations, he went east to return to the ruins, ascended through the road sign, and entered a brand new world.

The Heavenly Dao Demonic Sound disrupted everything!

The natal spirit insect Tianmu butterfly is already at the peak of the fourth transformation. After Qin Sang transformed into a god, he used the "Panhu Scripture" to cultivate the Tianmu butterfly. He couldn't make the blue frost pill, and there was hope of breaking through the fifth transformation. Now he has to Do it carefully.

Since the spiritual wisdom of the spirit insects has not yet been developed, the influence of the magic sound of the heavenly way on the spirit insects should be more powerful than that of monks and monsters.

"You can only start from yourself... how can you quickly improve your strength?"

Qin Sang pondered.

Once there is no other way to return to the ruins by force, only if the strength is strong enough can there be any hope of survival.

Keep your mind inward, and silently practice the "Cultivating the Sword of the Primordial Spirit".

The contents of the eleventh level of the exercises came to mind.

When comprehending the part of the Nascent Soul Stage, Qin Sang felt that the killing power of this Dao of Killing technique seemed to be weakening. Throughout the Nascent Soul Stage, he did not intentionally move closer to the Dao of Killing and started killing.

The rewards of challenging powerful enemies over and over again are enough to support him to comprehend the exercises.

Obtaining follow-up exercises confirmed this point.

The eleventh level of the cultivation method is the process of condensing the sword soul, from the continuous killing to condense the killing talisman and the sword soul, to integrate the killing way into oneself, and divide the sword soul!

"Rather than saying that the killing nature has become weaker, it is better to say that the masters of the exercises no longer and do not need to use 'killing' as a means. Killing talismans, sword souls and other external things, the way of killing is one's own way!"

After thinking this through, Qin Sang faintly grasped the context of this exercise, and felt the process of the master of the exercise creating this exercise, followed by shock.

Before the tenth floor, sword talismans, sword souls, etc., are like those who created exercises trying again and again.

Enlightened the Dao in the killing process, but at the beginning, all he got were foreign objects, and he struggled until he broke through the stage of transforming into a god, that senior finally found his own Dao!

Qin Sang could even feel the process of his hard search.

"Could it be that the senior created his own exercises from the beginning, step by step?"

Qin Sang couldn't help being surprised.

He can create his own exercises now, and it shouldn't be difficult before the Golden Core stage, but after reaching the Nascent Soul stage, he will have to think about it and spend a lot of energy to deduce it.

This is because his realm is high enough, with the profound accumulation of the previous hundreds of years, he can achieve a high-level view.

After becoming a god, Qin Sang has gone beyond his own realm, and it is difficult for Qin Sang to control the direction. If he goes astray, he will easily ruin hundreds of years of penance, and he will regret it.

Qin Sang has self-knowledge, self-created exercises may not be suitable for him, it is better to follow the rules and be safe.

During the foundation building period and even the Qi refining period, one is precarious, confused, does not understand what the Tao is, cannot see the way ahead, and has no evidence of other exercises, so how can one have the ability to create one's own exercises?

Qin Sang knew that there are as many monks in the world as the sands of the Ganges River, and there are so many amazingly talented people. The so-called geniuses are like crucian carp crossing the river.

If the senior who created "Cultivating the Sword Chapter of Yuanshen" is really as Qin Sang guessed, he must be a peerless genius who stands out from the rest of the world.

What is the end of these characters?

Ascension to immortality, or...

Qin Sang couldn't help but think of the Disha sword that was pieced together in his dantian.

I hope that the sword is not broken and people die!

Breaking through to become a god, Qin Sang is looking forward to the sword spirit's response to him again.

It's a pity that the sword spirit didn't respond.

Qin Sang recalled the idea passed to him by the sword spirit, asking him to look for more fragments.

Obtaining two fragments of the Earth Killing Sword in the Holy Land of Xuantian Palace, the fragments are spliced ​​into the Earth Killing Sword by themselves, which is not enough to wake up the sword spirit.

"Can the sword spirit hear the magic sound of heaven?"

Qin Sang suddenly thought of this question.

The body of the Earth Killing Sword was restored not long ago, and it is not clear whether there is still a hilt left outside. The sword spirit should still be in a weak state, and I don't know what state it is now.

"The sword spirit must know a lot of secrets. When it wakes up, it may be able to master this peerless sword and ask the secret of the heavenly magic sound."

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]

Qin Sang found that there were actually many roads ahead of him.

East China Sea Guixu, Feishengtai, Sword Spirit, you can also go to Canglanghai to see if the Hall of Seven Kills is ascending, clearing any of them can solve the problem.

Speaking of Sword Spirit.

He has too!

With a slight movement in his mind, the Yunyou Sword swam out from between his eyebrows.

Qin Sang used the "Sacrificing Yuan Art" and performed the secret art once, and the effect was far better than that of Yuan Ying, so he couldn't help feeling happy.

After the scorched wood spirit is conceived, it will be able to use the natal spirit sword.

After comprehending the exercises, we can know that the sword soul is transformed into the killing formation, and the power of the seven soul killing formation will be greatly improved, and there will be more chances to save life in Guixu.

But without the natal spirit sword in charge, the power will always be inferior.

Killing the sword spirit on the ground, and wandering the sword spirit, you need to wait patiently.

Qin Sang tapped her finger on her knee, thinking of another sword formation, the "Seven Stars Fenye Sword Formation" obtained from Wuxiangxianmen.

To obtain this sword formation, Qin Sang has never practiced it, but he has comprehended a thing or two and understood the key points of the sword formation.

Just look at their encounters in the Five Elements God Forbidden in Dishou Mountain, and you will know that this sword formation is extraordinary. If it wasn't for Zhu Wudao's tricks to shake the foundation of the sword formation, until Huashen arrived, they might still be trapped in the Five Elements God Forbidden.

Unless the enemy's strength is extremely strong and they use their strength to break through cleverness, or find out the main star, that is, the sword star where the people in the main formation are hiding, they will have to endure the attack of the sword formation.

The seven constellations correspond to the white tiger seven constellations.

The seven constellations can all be used as the eyes of the formation. Although one person controls the formation, although the power is strong, it is not a complete sword formation.

Gathering all seven top sword cultivators and splitting them into Qisu, the sword formation can have infinite changes.

"Cultivating the Sword of the Primordial Spirit" happens to be able to divide the seven sword souls. At that time, the sword soul clones will sit in Qisu respectively, and the deity will control the overall situation.

Qin Sang alone can set up this grand sword array!

And "Qisu Fenye Sword Array" does not require the natal spirit sword.

In addition, the most immediate way is definitely to continue to improve the "Golden Seed of Fire", as long as you get a suitable spiritual fire, you can continuously improve your spiritual consciousness, and this secret technique will not be limited by the lack of spiritual energy in the world.

After stepping into Huashen, Qin Sang felt that he was about to touch the limit of this world.

It is still in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, and the practice is faintly restricted. Due to the influence of the external environment, the effect of the dilapidated Four Saints Gathering Formation on the transformation of the gods is far less than that of the Nascent Soul, and this formation can no longer last long.

Qin Sang reckoned that it would be extremely difficult for monks to break through to the mid-stage of transformation in this world. Even if they managed to break through, they would have to face the pressure of Heavenly Tribulation and Shouyuan to enter the upper world, and the gains outweigh the losses.

He guessed that all the cultivators who transformed into gods in this world should have traveled to the east and ascended in the early stage of transforming into gods, and very few of them have obtained the chance against the sky, and there may be exceptions.

Today, ordinary spiritual fire cannot meet the requirements of "Tinder Golden Lotus".

Qin Sang took up the idea of ​​Nanming Lihuo again, hoping for a turnaround.

In an instant, Qin Sang put away the Yunyou Sword, and activated the "Fire Seed Golden Lotus", and both the Fire Lotus and the Sun God Tree were suspended in front of Qin Sang.

Fire Lotus is in control.

It is also much easier to envoy the Sun God Tree than before.

Qin Sang first used the fire lotus to attract Nanming Lihuo.

Black and red flames danced in the cave, reflecting on Qin Sang's face, sometimes dark and sometimes bright.

The fire lotus is suspended above the Sun God Tree.

Regrettably, Qin Sang tried his best, but still couldn't let the fire lotus swallow even a tiny bit of Nanming Lihuo. It can be seen that the rank of this fire is far higher than that of the **** transformation stage.

It's no wonder that the fire bird, which is condensed with the demon fire breath, has such terrifying power.

Qin Sang sighed secretly, gave up trying, held the sun **** tree in the palm of his hand, stared at Shaoqing, closed his eyes slightly, urged his spiritual consciousness, and attracted the sun **** bird.

On the branches, the flames of the nine sun **** birds shone sequentially.

He actually tried to shoot nine divine birds at the same time!

next moment.

Qin Sang's body trembled, his complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly stopped.

"You can't be so ambitious!"

Qin Sang shook his head. His current goal should be to control the six divine birds freely, which is enough to deal with most situations in this world.

"It seems that Canglanghai must go, I hope that the remnant feather of King Nine Phoenix is ​​still there..."

Qin Sang was thoughtful, but she didn't plan to leave now, at least until the matter of Zhongzhou came to an end.

Qin Sang has not yet decided how to deal with the Huiguang Saint and the Qinghu Saint King. There are too many things involved in personal grievances, the way to ascend, and the general trend of the world.

"Cultivating the Sword of Yuanshen" and "Fire Seed Golden Lotus" are followed by "Sky Demon Refining Shape".

These three exercises and secret techniques were carefully selected by Qin Sang from a series of classics for hundreds of years. .

"Heavenly Demon Refining Form" is temporarily behind, so it shouldn't be difficult to catch up.

When crossing the catastrophe, Qin Sang used the catastrophe of Yinhuo to forge his body, which was very effective.

Take out the star platform and sit cross-legged on it.

After a little bit of "Heavenly Demon Refining Form", Qin Sang immediately felt the difference, her physical body was broken and then stood up, and her progress was rapid.

If the physical body can also be raised to the stage of transforming gods before ascension, there is no doubt that the chances of surviving the ruins will be greatly increased.

A figure appeared in Qin Sang's mind.

At the Wuxiang Immortal Sect Emperor Shoushan, that Kun Dao designed in the Five Elements God Forbidden to lure them into the Nine Earth Yuan Magnetic to compete for treasures. Master Huaiyin was the first to be plotted against.

Master Huaiyin was seriously injured and was in a doomed situation, but he didn't know what secret technique he used. He recovered from his injuries in an instant and regained his full combat power, which made Kun Dao's plan come to nothing.

Qin Sang was there at the time, and Master Huaiyin left a deep impression on him.

He guessed that this should be a rare physical cultivation secret technique in the world.

"This secret technique is enough to reverse life and death! When "Heavenly Demon Refining Form" breaks through the fourth-level late stage, if there is time, use the seventh-grade Jade Spirit Bamboo as a medium to repair "Houtian Wooden Man Tablet" and obtain the body of spiritual wood, plus This secret technique, as well as the flourishing Thunder Escape technique, are not bad in terms of physical training! I will definitely go to the Western Lands in the future and visit Master Huaiyin..."

Qin Sang didn't want to let go of any means that could save his life.

In addition, Qin Sang is also very curious, is there a fairy palace in Xitu?

It should not be a coincidence that Canglanghai has Qisha Hall, Beihai has Ziwei Palace, and Zhongzhou has Tiantong and Tianxiang.

Each fairy palace hides a fragment of the killing sword.

Qin Sang had always suspected that the killing sword and the hilt of the sword had been strayed out, and it might have been taken out by the monks of Xitu like Zhongzhou.

Get the complete ground killing sword to help the sword spirit recover as soon as possible.

It is imperative to travel to the West!

"By the way, there are also poison beads."

Qin Sang sank into his dantian and summoned the poison pearl.

Visible to the naked eye, there is a ball of white light inside the poison bead, shaped like a light cocoon, and the outline of the jade beetle can also be vaguely seen.

For more than a hundred years, the poisonous pearls have been constantly devouring them imperceptibly, and the power of the Gu King has passed away unconsciously. Compared with before, the changes are very obvious.

After Qin Sang transformed into a god, he could easily suppress the Gu king without using the Yunyou Sword, so he no longer had to be so cautious, it was time for the poison pearl to stick out its fangs and forcibly swallow the Gu king!

Qin Sang was not satisfied with swallowing the Gu King.

The poison of the Gu King is fused with the poison of the sacred object of Wandu Mountain, which is extremely poisonous.

Thinking about the final fate of the strange-faced man, Qin Sang felt that if he didn't have the poison beads, he would have to be cautious when facing this kind of poison. Using this poison cultivation "Heaven's Absolute Soul Swinging Needle" is also a great supernatural power of poison, which can threaten fierce beasts that are also in the stage of transforming gods.

In addition to the deity, there are also incarnations.

The second soul is tainted with the light of the Jade Buddha, and has the power to resist the magic sound of the heavenly way. Qin Sang considers how to help the avatar break Sangzai carefully sorts out the way.

The way forward is clear.

Essence, energy and spirit go hand in hand, and all kinds of magical powers and secret art treasures cooperate. He doesn't even need to ask himself to break through the middle stage of transformation, and he can have tyrannical strength.

Except for "Sky Demon Refining Shape", there is no bottleneck at all, just travel from Wandu Mountain to Xitu, and then to Canglanghai, and practice hard for a period of time.

The question is, does he have that much time?

These days, Qin Sang has gotten used to the existence of the magic voice, and only finds it noisy.

He didn't know if the magic sound was like this at the beginning, or if it gradually increased over time.

If there is only the magic sound, of course he is not afraid, he can be patient and concentrate on strengthening his own strength.

But one day, what if the world changes again and is no longer limited to the level of spirit and soul?

Incarnate outside the body and enter Zhongzhou, and then go to Ganlu Temple.

The monks of Ganlu Temple were no strangers to Taoist Master Qingfeng's arrival. The Zhike monk didn't even inform the higher-ups of the temple, but greeted him familiarly and let him come and go.

His cave is still preserved.

Incarnate as a familiar person, walk through the halls and alleys, and walk towards the back mountain. Along the way, you meet several eminent monks, and you have more or less contacts with him, and you can have a few words with him.

Some even pointed him out.

Unfortunately, his mentality has changed.

Before that, he wanted to establish a good relationship with Buddhism.

Separated from a familiar monk, the avatar put away his smile, glanced at the ancient temple hidden in the mist, sighed softly in his heart, walked to his cave, looked towards the direction of Xiaofangcun Mountain, and stared for a long time.

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