Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1715: Dragon Whale

"Ask the Immortal Way"

The avatar rested in the cave for a few days, still as before, going in and out of the Sutra Pavilion of Ganlu Temple and other places, eagerly reading classics and books, seeking insights.

Some classics seem to have nothing to do with practice, but they speak in a small way, and only when they reach the realm can they understand the true meaning.

All senior monks have to go through this process.

Legend has it that some extremely gifted people don't even need to go out to travel, and don't need to use any treasures to achieve enlightenment overnight.

The avatar's identity is Taoist Master Qingfeng, and he is still a new monk. The Ganlu Temple opened the door for him. It would be abnormal if he didn't seize this opportunity.

Including the holy monk of Ganlu Temple, no one doubted the intention of the incarnation, and no one could have imagined that Qin Sang's deity had broken through the stage of transformation into a god!

He wanted to find a physical training secret technique similar to the "Seven Masters of Buddha Seal" in the Sutra Pavilion, and also wanted to find out the origin of the Jade Buddha. Ganlu Temple is the leader of the Buddhist sect in this world. If there is no one here, I am afraid that the mystery of the Jade Buddha can only be found out in the upper world.

It's a pity that after looking through the Buddhist scriptures collected by Ganlu Temple, I couldn't find any Buddha and Bodhisattva who could correspond to the Jade Buddha.

Of course, the more important purpose of the avatar's trip is to detect the movement of the Holy Light of Wisdom.

For the time being, I can't find a valid reason to go to Xiaofangcun Mountain to visit the saint of Huiguang. The avatar started from below, and took the initiative to find other eminent monks, chatting, sitting and discussing the Tao.

After insinuating, and news gathered from all parties.

The avatar confirmed that the last time the Holy Light of Wisdom appeared was seventy years ago.

Seventy years ago, the Alliance of Three Religions was newly established, and a grand celebration was held. The saints of wisdom and light appeared, and the holy king of green fox watched the ceremony, and the sects of the three religions were overwhelmed.

Since then, the God of Transformation has disappeared without a trace.

It is said that Ganlu Temple took the initiative to transfer benefits in the covenant, and Ba Jingjing and Tianhao Tower, which had been in tit-for-tat with it, were able to agree with one another.

During this period, some people disappeared mysteriously.

Other sect forces either acquiesced or joined, so naturally there was no need for Huashen to come forward.

After understanding the rules of the Three Religions Alliance, the avatar can be sure.

Under the premise that there can no longer be monks of Huashen in this world, unless a certain sect declines sharply, or there is a gap between the three major sects, and there are irreconcilable contradictions, and the covenant is forcibly torn, it is difficult for the world of cultivating immortals to become chaotic.

After this, the Ganlu Temple did not seem to have any special actions, like the handwriting of the saint of Huiguang.

"Could it be that they are so impatient that they have already returned to the ruins?"

Just as the incarnation was thinking about what reason should be used to meet the Holy Light of Wisdom to confirm this matter.

Unexpectedly, the news came from Donghai first.

The monster clan in the East China Sea is in chaos!

In Zhongzhou, most of the human monks are concentrated on land, and the power in the East China Sea is relatively weak. This is the result of the tacit understanding between the two races, the fact that the monster race seldom violates the border, and after years of recuperation.

Legend has it that when the human race was in decline, the East China Sea, the North Sea, and the South China Sea were all the territory of the monster race. Monster beasts roamed along the seashore. The beast swarms rushed to the land frequently, feeding on humans, and no one dared to go out to sea.

Today, the sea area controlled by the human race is only an insignificant part, which is roughly divided into three layers according to the distribution of islands.

The outermost layer is undoubtedly the most dangerous. It is close to the territory of the monster clan, but it is also the easiest to encounter monsters. The monks who think they are strong will come here to hunt monsters, and the opposite is also the same.

No one knows whether they are the prey or the hunter, so this place is also known as the hunting ground of the two races.

To the east of the Northern Wilderness, in the vast sea, there was only one figure riding the clouds in the sky above the sea, flying neither fast nor slow, without any cover.

This move is tantamount to suicidal.

This place has already entered the range of the hunting ground, whoever is not a monster hunter is cautious, or calls friends, or hides his breath, and has never seen such a big person.

If a group of big monsters are attracted, this person will die without a place to bury him.

Strangely, until this person entered the depths of the hunting ground, no monster beast attacked him.

In the hunting grounds.

Two figures flew out of an unnamed island.

Both of them were actually Yuanying Patriarchs, but they were facing west, standing in the void, with respectful expressions, as if they were welcoming a certain important person, and they did not show any signs of impatience after waiting for a long time.

Finally, a figure appeared in the west, and the two of them showed joy, and hurried forward, "See my lord!"

The person who came was Qin Sang himself.

Back on the island, Qin Sang inquired about the monster clan in the East China Sea, and the two replied: "My lord, we have followed your lord's orders and sneaked into the monster clan many times, secretly helping Long Yi and Long Er to clear up obstacles. , to help them gain a firm foothold in the East China Sea, and Long Yi and Long San even got under the command of a demon king, and there is no doubt that the demon clan is in civil turmoil..."

Long Yi and Long Er are the names Qin Sang gave to several ground-bound dragons.

Listen to Ming Yuewei's detailed report.

Qin Sang fell silent.

According to the news sent back by Long Yi and other monsters, the two sides of the civil strife are the Holy Palace and some powerful monster clans headed by the Dragon Whale. Dragon Whale is still called the Great Saint, which means that it has not yet transformed into a god, and these monster races do not have a strong person who transforms into a god, so they dare to challenge the Holy Palace!

What's even more strange is that the Dragon Whale Great Sage's uprising has been going on for so long, not only has it not been suppressed by the Qinghu Sacred King, but the Sacred King's Palace is gradually shrinking its sphere of influence.

Qin Sang remembered that the Holy King of the Green Fox once said that he didn't care about the life and death of his cronies, but it was too strange to swallow his anger like this.

Deep in the East China Sea.

The sky and the sea are the same color.

On the boundless blue sea, a white line suddenly appeared in the north, pushing horizontally at an astonishing speed, surging and surging, with the momentum of breaking mountains.

Upon closer inspection, one realizes that the white line is actually a monstrous water wave as high as a thousand feet.

Between the water waves, black shadows loomed and undulated in the water. Even if you couldn't see the whole picture of those black shadows clearly, you could see how huge their bodies were just from the exposed backs.

The back of the crest is slender and shaped like a fish.

In fact, this is exactly a Dragon Whale, which is famous in the East China Sea.

It is rumored that the dragon whale has a violent temper, and the roar of the dragon whale can be heard for thousands of miles, and the monsters retreat wherever they pass. At this moment, the group of whales moved out, but there was no howling sound, they all galloped silently in the water, only the roar of the waves was deafening.

Behind the whale group, there is a huge black shadow closely following.

The black shadows are everywhere, and the surface is covered with a layer of black cloth. Black ropes extend out, tied to the tails of the whales, and are dragged forward by the whales.

The black cloth is soft and seems to be composed of some kind of strange spiritual water.

While speeding, the black cloth flew all over the sky, but it covered the things inside tightly, and the breath could not leak out.

In front of the group of whales, a burly man sat on the head of a dragon whale.

The strong man with a wide nose and wide mouth, straddling the back of the dragon whale, is as stern as a mountain, without being stingy, you can use any word about strong on him.

He was dozing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the strong man seemed to sense something, and suddenly opened his giant eyes like copper bells. His eyes split the void like two lightning bolts, and the sunlight on the sea dimmed for a moment.

Where the strong man was watching, a faint mist rose from the sea.

Compared with the menacing water waves, this cloud of mist looks so weak and insignificant.

The child's hole of the strong man is as tight as a needle.

The next moment, the light and shadow in the mist changed, and a phantom was looming.

The moment he saw the phantom, the strong man suddenly flew up, raised his arms, and roared to the sky. The whale song suppressed the sound of the waves, but there was no ethereal and loud meaning, it was sharp and full of hostility.

Hear the whistle.

The figures of the group of whales suddenly stopped, and their forward momentum stopped abruptly.

'Boom! '

Thousands of feet of waves crashed down.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp roar, and the water jets rushed straight to Xiaohan.

The group of whales suddenly dispersed and formed a whale array, but left a large area in the middle for the strong man, in a posture of guarding.

At the same time, the group of whales exerted their strength together, and the huge black shadow behind them rose high and landed steadily above the forest of water columns, hanging in mid-air.

The figure in the mist seems to be unable to see the group of whales waiting in full battle, and is indifferent, gradually showing its outline in the mist.

This person sat cross-legged, with a black fire lotus under his body.

The fire lotus supported him and slowly floated up from the sea. Compared with any dragon whale, he looked extremely thin, but he dared to stand in front of the group of whales.

The group of whales stopped because of him, as if facing a formidable enemy!

His face is still unclear, he seems to be wearing a blue Taoist robe, and his long hair hangs down behind him.

Obviously such a person appeared there, but once the dragon whales closed their eyes, they couldn't sense any abnormality, as if that person had merged with the heaven and the earth.

The strong man stared at the mist, roared, the bones in his body exploded, and his figure swelled.

In an instant, a mountain-like black shadow appeared on the sea surface. It was also a dragon whale, but its momentum and size were far from that of other dragon whales. It was different from mountains and mounds.

The strong man is the number one sage in the East China Sea—the Sage Dragon Whale!

He refused to accept the Holy King's Palace and led his men to join the battle, but unexpectedly met a mysterious person.

'Wow! '

The Great Sage Dragon Whale manifested his true form, and when the whale's tail swung lightly, there was a huge wave. Its huge mouth opened wide, and it roared angrily, "Wu Na Taoist, report your name! This king has no grievances or enmity with you, why stop him?" road!"

The other party didn't answer.

Only mist floats.

The outline gradually became clear.

The sight of the Dragon Whale Great Sage was attracted by the black lotus under the phantom, his giant eyes shrank suddenly, the tail of the whale slapped the sea surface vigorously, the group of whales got the order, and howled one after another.

I saw their torsos tense, pulling the long rope at the tail.

The black shadow in the air swayed, and with a 'wow', the black cloth was lifted, revealing an iron cage inside, with a blood-colored skeleton lying horizontally inside the iron cage.

The skeleton has been stripped of flesh and blood, but it is bright red and soaked in blood all year round.

The skeleton is complete, the skull is pointed and long, and the blood condenses in the eye sockets, making it even more monstrous. Judging from the outline, it is likely to be the skeleton of another dragon whale.


The ropes were tense, and the cage shook.

Lifting the black cloth, the blood suddenly rushed to the night, and the terrifying and fierce aura filled the world, as if a fierce beast was about to revive, which was frightening.

This breath is connected with the whale group and the Dragon Whale Great Sage, and an astonishing coercion erupts from the whale group, pointing forward.

Until the Great Sage Dragon Whale called out the skeleton.

The people in the mist seemed to be aroused. They raised their heads slightly, looked at the skeleton in the iron cage, and let out a chuckle: "This is your reliance?"

The casual tone made the Great Sage Dragon Whale very ashamed and angry, and he sternly shouted: "Cultivation must be rampant! Taoist priests are lucky to become gods, and they don't want to ascend. The nine sons are all here, once the king orders you to go retrograde with blood, explode your body, and wake up the rebellious mad whale, you will be seriously injured and your path to ascension will be broken..."

The other party relied on his cultivation and did not make any cover-ups.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale has confirmed that the other party is a humanized deity cultivator.

His threat was exaggerated, but it was not considered a stern one. If he dared to challenge the Holy Palace, the Great Sage Dragon Whale would naturally have his own support.

The iron cage could be opened at any time, and a stream of blood flowed non-stop between the skeletons, and every time it circled around, the blood color of the skeleton became more intense.

In addition, he has secretly summoned the alliance.

The league is not far from here.

Although they suspected that the Holy King of the Green Fox had already ascended from the east, out of caution, after the incident, every time he left the cave, he had to accompany him and walk with him.

When the shout came out, the Great Sage Dragon Whale also saw clearly the face of the figure in the mist, his expression froze suddenly, and he exclaimed: "It's you?"

"you know me?"

Qin Sang revealed his true face in the mist, looking at the Dragon Whale.

The Dragon Whale Great Sage's eyes were uncertain, and he said coldly: "How can I not know the famous fire demon?"

In the battle of Wuxiang Xianmen, the fire magic power resisted the holy king of the demon clan, and a fire bird killed the phantom of the holy king, which was not only talked about by the human race, but also spread to the monster clan of the East China Sea.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale has always been rebellious, and he is most concerned about the movements of the Sacred Fox King, so it is natural to investigate this matter in detail.

Knowing that the Qinghu Holy King provoked such a powerful enemy, the Dragon Whale Great Sage took pleasure in other's misfortune, and even thought of contacting Qin Sang to fight against the Holy King together.

But Qin Sang huddled in the deer field and could not come out.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale couldn't spare too much energy, so he put it aside for the time being.

I never expected that after more than a hundred years, this person reappeared, and he was no longer from my generation!

Rumors say that although this person's strength in Wuxiangxianmen is strong, the strongest is a magical treasure, and his cultivation may have just broken through the late stage of Yuanying.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale thinks about himself again, he has been trapped by the bottleneck of transforming gods alone for more than a thousand can't help but feel depressed.

"I never thought that fellow daoist has achieved the position of true emperor in a short period of time, and this king also wants to express his admiration!"

Confirming Qin Sang's identity, the Dragon Whale Great Sage's tone couldn't help softening a bit.

Since this person is a fire demon, it is impossible to form an alliance with the Qinghu Holy King.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend!

Back then, the fire demon almost fell into the hands of the demon fox. He didn't believe that the fire demon could swallow his anger.

Endured the humiliation and finally turned into a god, and still not going back for revenge?

If you can win over this person, great things will happen!

Qin Sang was keenly aware of the change in Dragon Whale Great Sage's tone, and also smiled, "It seems that the Great Sage has already guessed the purpose of Pindao's visit."

The Great Sage Dragon Whale turned back into a human body, took a deep look at Qin Sang, his throat twitched, and he let out a low growl of unknown meaning.

The group of whales was in chaos behind them, and the group of whales pounced on the surrounding shark guards like hungry tigers, instantly turning this sea area into a sea of ​​blood, leaving only the dragon whales.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale said coldly: "Zhenjun shouldn't want to reveal his whereabouts for the time being, right? I can trust you guys like me."

Nameless Demon Island.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale sat on a high chair.

Next to him sat two rows of demon kings, all of whom were allies who rebelled together.

All the monsters were arguing endlessly because of a word from the general under the Dragon Whale just now.

"I'm still not sure that Fox Sao has really ascended. Now forcing the Holy Palace to fight us, wouldn't it be forcing her to jump over the wall?"

"That's right! The reason we followed the Great Sage is because the coquettish fox is too domineering and has monopolized several holy places. Now that the army of the Holy Palace is retreating steadily, the Holy Land is about to be acquired, so why bother?"

The Great Sage Dragon Whale quietly watched the demons arguing.

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