Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Vol 12 Chapter 54: Lin Lang Tian (4)

Listening to Qingyang Tiannv's words, Tang Jie was completely stupid.

I have always thought that what I got was the secret realm left by the soldier, and this has almost become a consensus in the entire Qixia world.

No one thought that at this time, suddenly the soldier master secret realm turned into a demon secret realm, Tang Jie only felt that his outlook on life seemed to have been subverted.

But think about it.

When did the secret realm say that he was surnamed Bingzhu?

There has never been a single word to prove that the secret realm belongs to the soldier master, and Tang Jie believes that this is the secret realm of the soldier master, only because of the exercises left there-it is indeed the exercise method of the soldier master, but it was left by the Yao girl!

Looking at the eyes of Qingyang Tiannv at this moment, Tang Jie didn't know what to say for a while.

He is also a generation of great power, and at this moment, after facing this person who changed his fate, he seems at a loss.

Qingyang Tiannv has seen the embarrassment in his heart, and grabbed his hand and smiled: "I am also an apprentice, so you don't have to worry about it. Besides, there was also a place where I spent a good time with my husband, that is, it is the secret realm of the warlord. There is nothing wrong."

"Spend a beautiful place together?" Tang Jie caught this word sensitively: "Could it be..."

Qingyang Tiannv nodded: "Yes, I met him later. Together, we spent the best hundred years of life."

"Then why did you separate? Why did the master later fight against the royal court?"

Hearing Tang Jie's question, Qingyang Tiannv's eyes were already hazy.

She fell into a long-lasting memory again: "I met Jiuyang again, 300 years after I escaped from the royal court. That day, I was roaming in the Star Cang Sea, looking for and catching the Starlight Butterfly. Then, I watched. Until he walked away from me..."

She said with a happy smile on her face: "He suddenly appeared like that, with a full beard and tattered animal skins, like a savage walking out of the wild, but his eyes are still like that. Bright. I was so excited that I fainted. I grabbed him, crying and laughing, and refused to let go. Because I was worried that it was a dream, I didn't even dare to go to sleep. I was afraid that once I woke up, I would never let go Will see him."

"How did he find you?" Tang Jie was curious.

Qingyang Tiannv replied: "He and I are husband and wife, and we planted soul attraction on each other. With this method, we can find each other no matter where they are."

"Then how did he escape?" Tang Jie asked again.

It only took three hundred years to escape from the Hongmeng Realm, which means that the soldier's departure did not take advantage of the Hongmeng disaster. It is not an easy task to be able to enter and exit the front and back realms during the period when it is not the Great Tribulation. Unless it is like Baihu Nayang who is proficient in the way of space, but based on Tang Jie's understanding of the soldier, it is obvious that he does not have this ability.

Qing Yang shook his head and said: "I don't know. He has always kept secrets about things in Hongmeng Realm and didn't tell me. Only from the occasional conversations, I can feel that he seems to have experienced some extraordinary things there. Had a huge impact."

"Great influence?"

Qing Yang nodded: "His strength has improved. Once he was not the opponent between me and Yaoxian, but since his return, I feel his strength has become extremely strong. I was curious about him, wondering how strong he is. To what extent, is it still my opponent. But Jiuyang knows that I am stubborn and doesn't like to lose, so he always refuses to fight with me. Sometimes when I am pressed into a hurry, he will make a false story and give in. It's just him. The performance was too awkward, and I saw it at a glance, but it was even more annoying."

After hearing this, Tang Jie thought, pretending to lose makes you angry. It really is a reluctant temper. If you really win, you will be even more serious. This Jiutian Yao girl looked gentle and gentle, but she didn't expect to have such an unreasonable and self-willed side.

But having said that, the spouse's taste may be the tune that the soldier likes.

Qingyang Tiannv didn’t know how many things Tang Jie was thinking about, and she said to herself: “I’m a little anxious to see that I can’t always try his methods. Huang Mie Gong, that is one of my strongest killer moves. With the strength before the Nine Suns, I will be severely injured. In fact, when I hit this blow, I regretted it. But I didn’t expect that he would let me give it a hand. Hit him, if nothing happens, I will endure it."

Speaking of this, Qingyang Tiannv shook her head slightly: "Although I hadn't entered the realm of Da Luo at that time, the power of Huang Mie was very worthy. Even Da Luo Jinxian received this blow from me. Mouthful, it took a few cents. But if he suffered casually, I was shocked at the time. I asked him how he became so powerful, but he didn’t tell me. I asked him to teach me, and neither did he Yes. I just say that behind this power is a huge price. He is taking a road where no one knows the consequences. So he can’t teach because he is afraid that it will ruin me. But if he can, he can take the lead. Jue and Pangu Zhenjing passed to me."

"Soldier Master Art? Pangu Zhenjing?"

"Yes!" Qingyang Tiannv replied: "Jiuyang has always believed that above enlightenment, entry, and control, there is actually another realm of Tao, that is, the Taoist. The so-called Taoist is the person who truly controls the principles of the Tao. Because it is in charge of the great avenue, there can only be one master in a road. What Jiuyang chooses is the military road. He believes that soldiers have natural kings, who gather the essence of the avenue and become the emperor for the emperor blade. Once the emperor blade is trained to a certain level You can become the master of the military path. So the real name of the Bing Zi Jue is called the Bing Zhu Jue. This is the origin of his warlord. As for the Pangu Zhenjing, it is the real name of the Lijing you practiced. Yang made some changes to it and renamed it Lijing."

It turned out to be like this, Tang Jie suddenly realized.

The so-called "soldier master" actually means "soldier master"?

Tang Jie finally had some understanding of the bravery of the soldier.

"It's a pity that I failed his kindness." At this time, Qingyang Heavenly Girl said quietly: "The idea of ​​Jiuyang's emperor blade was created before I knew him, and he has been working hard for it. It's just that. At that time, he couldn't even break the blade with his power, let alone condense the golden sand of the emperor blade. For this reason, I took a dismissive attitude toward him to teach me the master secret of the war. Not only that. , I even think that he is hiding his privates, and he refuses to tell me the truth behind his strength. As for the Pangu Scripture...huh, let me learn the exercises for a woman, and only his brain with muscles would think about it. Come out!"

Speaking of this, Qingyang Tiannv's face was already showing regret: "I lost my temper and had a big fight with him."

Not every fairy tale has a happy ending.

The story of the Jiutianyao woman and the soldier sounds like a story of a pair of men and women who have gone through hardships and walked together and returned to the pastoral.

If this story does not develop, it may be beautiful.

But in fact, for anyone in the story, development is inevitable.

When a group of immortals such as Ji Yaoxian and Yuchengzi become an obstacle to love, the husband and wife can work together to overcome the difficulties, but when there are no external factors, some seemingly inconspicuous small problems inside will cause new troubles. .

This is the case with the Bingzhu and Jiutian Yaonv.

Perhaps it was because it was too easy to live in this paradise. After there was no foreign enemy, the little Yao girl who had never existed had **** instead. She was very dissatisfied with the soldier's unwillingness to tell her the secret of the rapid advancement of her strength, knowing that every practitioner has an extreme desire to improve herself. The soldier's approach looked more like a cherished broom, so it's no wonder she couldn't accept it.

So she refused Bingzhu Jue and Pangu Zhenjing without hesitation.

It wasn't until a long time later that she knew what she gave up.

Speaking of this, Qing Yang looked at Tang Jie: "Let me see your Emperor Blade."

Tang Jie took out the Emperor Blade.

This emperor blade has now become as tall as a giant mountain. Since the last time he confronted the enemy, Tang Jie realized that the development of the emperor blade was far from the end, so he cultivated the emperor blade whenever he had a chance. Now this weapon is as high as a thousand feet, exuding boundless power. Of course, what appeared now was only the condensed form, even so, in the serpentine sword light, one could still feel the terrifying power compressed to the extreme.

Qing Yang stroked the Emperor Blade Glory lightly and muttered: "The Soldier Lord... Soldier Lord... Nine Suns, he really succeeded. He became the Lord of the Way of War and preached by the law."

Preaching by the law, this is exactly what Tang Jie realized when he felt the power of the emperor blade.

It now seems that to achieve this step is to become the lord of the same as the soldier said.

That was the highest state on the Tao. After understanding this, you would be able to understand why the warlord, when he fought against the King's Court of the Ten Thousand Realms, only drank thousands of divine weapons and Taoists to pieces.

Because he is the master of warfare!

Also because he is the master of the military path, he can pass on the military master tactics and pass on the avenue by way of teaching.

Once the soldier wanted to pass this to Qingyang, UU reading was rejected by her.

Tang Jie didn't know why the soldier didn't insist on letting her study, but he guessed that this was the limitation of inheritance. Because what the soldier master really inherits is Tao, since it is Tao, it is impossible to pass it on to those who oppose it. And for some reason, he couldn't say it.

The great avenue is not passable. It is no easy task to break through this restriction. Perhaps it includes the unspeakable!

In short, Jiutian Yaonv gave up this inheritance because of her own temperament, even if the soldier was helpless. He can only keep the inheritance here for fate.

Qingyang continued: "After this incident, I became dissatisfied with Jiuyang. I always felt that he deliberately didn't teach my secret method, just trying to overwhelm me. I'm an aggressive temper, and I always want to find a way to improve myself. That's it. One year is exactly one hundred years of my time with Jiuyang. That day, I did something extremely willful and selfish... I had a quarrel with him, and after the quarrel, I ran out and ran out This is the paradise where our husband and wife have been together for a hundred years. I just wanted to go out and relax. But..."

Tears of regret flowed in her eyes.

She said: "I was caught by the people of the King's Court of Ten Thousand Realms."

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