Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Vol 12 Chapter 55: Lin Lang Tian (5)

Being caught by the people of the King's Court of Ten Thousand Realms was a coincidence, but it was also inevitable.

Because the people of the King's Court of Ten Thousand Realms weren't here to arrest her, they were looking for the missing immortal emperor.

During the period when Li Jiuyang and his wife were hiding in Taoyuan, the fairy emperor Yuchengzi disappeared inexplicably. Wang Ting claimed to be a retreat for the immortal emperor, and the high-level secrets said that the immortal emperor was dead. The ones who really mastered the truth were those who had also "dead" in the practice of cultivating the great immortal art.

But no matter what, the absence of the immortal emperor caused the king of the world to numb his claws.

They dispatched manpower to look for traces of the immortal emperor.

They were also really capable, and they also found clues, and found that the place where the immortal emperor finally disappeared was in a wild land outside the 33-day star realm—there was only a fairy-year distance from Qixia Realm.

Coincidentally, the paradise of the Yao girl and his wife was also nearby, so when the man in the palace found this place, he bumped into the Nine Heavens Yao girl without accident. Considering that Yao Nu was also wanted by Wang Ting, she took her back easily.

Those who caught her back, of course, didn't know what kind of trouble it caused them this time, and what kind of terrifying power they provoke.

The soldier is here!

Waving his emperor blade battle axe, smashed ten thousand soldiers, split the palace, and beat the palace of ten thousand realms. Even the most powerful four saints of the royal court at the time joined forces and failed to win him.

He is like an undefeated god, with great power and prestige, crushing the entire royal army with one person.

On this day, he shocked all the immortals, and also shocked the Nine Heavens Yao Girl.

At the moment when she thought she was free and about to get a new life, she saw the sight that made her sorrow all her life and couldn't forgive herself.

The law of heaven and the wheel appeared.

The rising Sanskrit sound, the mysterious Dao pattern, the most powerful and terrifying power in the heaven and the earth, the source of all things, the world worships, the insurmountable...the way of heaven!

Just like this appeared in front of all the immortals.

Then Li Jiuyang, the soldier, raised his battle axe towards Daofa and the wheel of the day.

The next thing Tang Jie knew.

Under the power of heaven, Li Jiuyang was crushed to pieces.

That's it all.

Hearing this, Tang Jie also sighed slightly.

All the puzzles were finally solved at this moment. It turned out that the beginning of everything was only because of Yao's anger and ran away. The incomparably tragic curtain call of the King's Court of Ten Thousand Realms was not because of some earth-shattering conspiracy, let alone because of the wrestling of the world, but just...

Presumably the fairies who caught the Yao girl had already regretted breaking their bowels.

Tang Jie said: "Then later, how did the master become Lin Langtian's master?"

Although the secret realm of the soldier master is actually the secret realm of the Yao girl, there is still no doubt that Tang Jie inherited the inheritance of the soldier master, so Tang Jie still chose to call the girl master Yao.

Qing Yang replied: "After the war, the immortals fell, and the immortal was either seriously injured or escaped. There was no power to stop me. At that time, I saw the body of the nine suns fall, and I was desperate to die. When the rest of the people were all killed, the Virgin Linlang appeared. This was a profound Taoist and well-versed in the cause and effect of fate. She noticed that there was a catastrophe in the royal court, and came to stop it, but it was still a step too late. After seeing me, I awakened the kind thoughts in my heart with the Pure-hearted Universal Good Immortal Technique and calmed my sorrows. However, all thoughts in my heart were grayed out at that time. Madame Linlang was helpless, so she decided to leak a glimmer of secret to me at the expense of Shouyuan, and use this secret to replace the lives of those who survived."

"A ray of secrets?" Tang Jie was slightly startled, already aware of something.

A smile appeared at the corner of Qingyang's mouth: "Yes, it's about the secret of the disappearance of the emperor...huh, the great celestial art of stealing the sky... a good method, but since you let me know, how can he let him complete it so easily? It's him, I was separated from Jiuyang forever, so how can I not let him pay the price!"

Qing Yang continued: "After knowing the secret of the immortal emperor, I asked Mother Linlang to do a divine calculation for me again. As a price, not only could I let it go, but I would also like to enter her door from now on, as her disciple, and never leave Linlang. Heaven. The master agreed, and did not hesitate to divination again. So I knew what to do to cause the greatest harm to the immortal emperor. According to the master’s words, I returned to the secret realm and moved the secret realm to the sky above Qixia Realm and attached to it. , And leave the Nine Suns inheritance, make various arrangements, and leave here. I don’t know what these arrangements will bring, but I know that this is calculated by the master at the cost of a large amount of life, so there must be no mistake ."

Speaking of this, she looked at Tang Jie: "The master is really right. When I saw you, I knew that you were the one who was destined to destroy Yu Chengzi's plan and cause him great trouble."

A wry smile appeared on Tang Jie's face: "What he said caused him a big trouble, obviously he brought me a big trouble, and he took away the clone of my hard work when I was born. The clone of the two kinds of avenues."

Qing Yang shook his head, "But your clone consciousness is still in his body, isn't it? In your opinion, you have lost an important and powerful clone. But in Yuchengzi's view, his plan fell short. The final seizure has allowed the original master’s consciousness to remain, and there have been hidden dangers since then. Now that you have lost this clone, who can be sure, it will not be you in the future to eliminate Yu Chengzi’s consciousness and regain the clone? By then, Maybe your clone has been cultivated to be stronger, but it has become you."

Tang Jie was stunned, then shook his head.

Although Qing Yang's remarks sounded nice, they were a bit too shocking. After all, Yuchengzi is not bystander, even in terms of strength, the current Tang Jie is not sure that he can fight Yuchengzi. That was the only golden immortal he couldn't say and would win.

At this point he already knew what happened. After finishing the arrangement, Jiutian Yaonv went to Linlangtian and became the disciple of the Virgin of Linlang, and changed her name to Qingyang.

Although Daluo Jinxian has almost endless life, like the yang of Linlang Madonna, the temple counts the universe, and the existence of the mystery of time and space destiny will be consumed even if the infinite life is limited. Therefore, although the Virgin of Linlang was strong, she eventually ran out of life in the temple calculations and died. She liked Qing Yang very much. After her death, Qing Yang succeeded to become Lin Lang Tian's master.

"By the way, Master, why is Lin Lang Tian not allowed to merge?"

After listening to what Qing Yang said about her and the soldier, Tang Jie asked.

"Do you understand, what is Tao?" Qing Yang asked back.

Tang Jie was stunned by this question.

After thinking about it, I replied: "Taoists, the rules of the movement of everything."

The so-called Tao is the law of the movement of everything. All existence and operation of all things have their own rules and laws. This rule, this law, is Tao.

In the world where Tang Jie once existed, this law was called the law of nature, and in this starry world, it was called the will of heaven.

Either the former or the latter, no matter which one can be understood, used, mastered, or even dominated, the difference is only the way of expression.

Qing Yang said: "Since you know this is the law of the movement of all things, then the stars and the vast thousands of realms, the existence of all things, are the rules of heaven and earth, the law of all things?"

Tang Jie was stunned, and nodded instinctively: "Yes!"

"That's right. The existence of every star realm in this star Luo Daqian realm has its own meaning, compounding the laws of heaven's movement. Combining realms is destroying its operation."

Tang Jie understood what Qing Yang meant.

She didn't let Tang Jie do that Yang, not because of selfish desire, but because she didn't want Tang Jie to destroy the way of heaven and earth.

A continuously merging star realm is like a certain cell in the body, constantly swallowing other cells in order to expand itself, and eventually form a disease.

This kind of thing is placed in the Xingluo Great Thousand Realm, that is, if Tang Jie is allowed to do this, then the final theoretical height will be that the Xingluo Great Thousand Realm will eventually disappear, and eventually only one Qixia Realm will remain.

From then on, this universe has become the real world Qixia, and the anti world Hongmeng. Moreover, it is a unified supercontinent regardless of the front and back.

No one knows what this will bring, but what is certain is that this is definitely not the original will of heaven, let alone the original law of heaven.

The Heavenly Dao that has been subverted and changed is like a body occupied by spreading cancer cells. The greatest possibility is to destroy the entire space universe.

Therefore, the 33 days are not allowed to merge.

In the past, Tang Jie was bounded by barbarians on the edge of this endless void, so no one cares about him. But once you enter the real big star realm group, you are faced with obstacles from the peak power of the real realm.

Including Qingyang Tiannv, every Tianwaitian master will not accept this change.

They are not sure that this change will surely bring destruction, but as long as it is possible for this reason, it is enough to prevent it.

"Is that so?" Tang Jie murmured after understanding what his master meant, and then suddenly laughed.

He said: "Can I understand it this way, and the matter of union itself is going against the sky and against the way of heaven?"

"Yes!" Qing Yang replied.

"Then what if I insist on acting against the sky?" Tang Jie asked again, "Will the teacher stop me?"

Qing Yang frowned, "Tang I don't understand why you must choose to go against the sky."

"Because you originally arranged it." Tang Jieyou said.

"I arranged it?" Qing Yang was stunned, completely unaware of the meaning of Tang Jie's words.

"Yes, if it weren't for you, how could I get the inheritance of the master? I'm just walking the path that the master has walked. If I don't know that the union is against the sky, it may be fine. Now that I know If you are, you have to go to the end. Because that is the fate left to me by the master and you."

"Fate?" Qing Yang looked at Tang Jie incredulously.

"Yes, fate! Don't forget how the master and his old man passed away. God, it is not the object of your pursuit, but your murderous husband and enemy!"

"So, this is my destiny, and also your destiny!"

"The fate of apostasy!"

"The destiny to challenge heaven!"

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