Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Vol 12 Chapter 56: weakness

In the small flower pavilion in Linlangxian Palace, Qingyang Tiannv sat in a daze, the shock in her heart could not be added.

She learned from the Virgin of Linlang and cultivated the way of causal destiny.

The so-called causal destiny is the most direct manifestation of the will of heaven.

For this reason, for over 10,000 years, she has obeyed the will of heaven, followed the way of heaven, and did everything in accordance with the will of heaven. Only in this way can we know the cause and effect, observe fate, trace the long course of time, understand the universe of all directions, see through the world of life, understand the feelings of life and death, and finally cultivate into the infinite mind, the mind of the law, and achieve the immortal golden body.

And now, this young man who was blessed by her arrangement, and who had taken the benefits she left behind and achieved the same achievement as Daluo, actually told himself that the way of heaven is not the goal he pursued, not the object to follow, but her murderous husband and enemy!

This...what is this called?

The goddess of Qingyang knew that it was the law of heaven and the wheel that killed the soldier.

But she never hated it.

Because Tiandao is not a person, it is not even a weapon.

It is just the most original will of the heavens and the earth, the law of the movement of all things, and it is the collection of infinitely deep representations in the universe.

Faced with such an existence, it cannot even be said to be an existence, and hatred is meaningless.

Therefore, Qingyang has always hated the kings of the world. She thinks they killed her husband; she hates herself, she thinks she killed her husband; what she hates is Hongmeng and her husband. The unknown power from Hongmeng killed him.

But now Tang Jie told her.

No one else, or the way of heaven killed Li Jiuyang.

This completely subverted her cognition, her outlook on life, and her outlook on the world.

She shook her head repeatedly: "No, it's not like this..."

She also wanted to explain that Tang Jie had already said, "I know why he didn't pass your secret method that made him powerful quickly."

"What?" Qingyang Heavenly Girl stood up at once: "You know?"

"Yes, because I have one too." Tang Jie replied.

The heavenly realm slowly opened.

Qingyang Tiannv immediately felt an unstoppable pressure swept over it. Under this pressure, she was completely irresistible as a baby as a big Luo Jinxian.

Fortunately, Tang Jie's power was released as soon as it was released, but it was less than a second that had already brought a huge shock to Qingyang Heavenly Girl.

She looked at Tang Jie with horror and horror, completely unable to understand why Tang Jie had become so terrible at once, or the feeling at that moment just now was an illusion.

But then, she knew it was not an illusion.

That kind of feeling is exactly the surging weather when the main soldier fought against the royal court!

At that moment, she finally understood something.

"Li Jing... apostasy?" she asked.

Tang Jie nodded.

After learning that the soldier was reluctant to teach Qingyang's secrets, Tang Jie guessed that the soldier might have gained the power of apostasy back then. It was precisely because of this that he refused to teach Qing Yang alive, because he knew that this was destined to be a way of no return. But in private, he refused to give up his precious discoveries, so he revised the Pangu scripture to hide the true meaning of apostasy.

Only with this kind of power can it sweep the King's Court of Ten Thousand Realms-the strength of the master of war can destroy the divine weapon of countless immortals in the King's Court, but it will not be able to resist the union of all the immortals. What he really relied on was the power of apostasy.

Of course, the power of the warlord's apostasy is not necessarily the same as that of Tang Jie.

Apostasy is a kind of concept. It compares heaven to a king and regards apostasy as an uprising, so different rebel forces naturally have different ways of fighting. But no matter which way, the core meaning is to overthrow the rule of heaven and establish one's own rule.

This is true of Tang Jie's Heavenly Dao realm, and so is the warlord's deviant apostasy.

For this reason, the price of using this power is also the same, which is the catastrophe.

"This is a powerful force, but to follow this path is to embark on a path of no return that is the enemy of nature, and it is destined to have no good results. He does not want you to take this path, so he does not teach you. I try not to use it myself." Tang Jie said slowly.

If possible, the soldier may wish to stop using this power for the rest of his life.

It's a pity that good luck tricked people, he finally used it, and at the same time suffered the punishment of heaven.

Heavenly Maiden Qingyang showed tears of regret, she closed her eyes and asked, "Then why didn't he say?"

"The avenue is unspeakable, and the apostasy is also unspeakable. I don't know how the master's apostasy was taken, but since he took this road from the Hongmeng world, it only took three hundred years. , It is bound to be very different from me. Maybe it will be more restricted than me, and maybe greater punishment." Tang Jie said leisurely: "I once thought that when this kind of power develops to the extreme, I What kind of tribulation will be encountered. Now I know...I know what the ultimate tribulation is!"

He said and looked at the sky above his head, the infinite depths.


When she came out of Lin Lang Tian, ​​Qing Yang Tian Nu personally sent it off.

Looking at Tang Jie, Qingyang Tiannv said leisurely: "So, you have already decided?"

Tang Jie nodded: "It's not that I have decided, but that I am already on the road and can't look back."

Qingyang Tiannv sighed: "Since this is the case, I won't stop you anymore. But I want to tell you that although most of the thirty-three heavenly masters are big Luoye, there is no lack of holy immortals. Although they don't ask. This is an exception in the world of human affairs."

"Because the reason they don't ask about the world is that they are all pursuing the way of heaven, and my approach is undoubtedly undermining their efforts, right?"

Speaking of it, isn't it the same as the Immortal Emperor Yuchengzi? What he did and did was also a threat to the Dao of Heaven. It's just that he is taking the route of high power, so it is not suitable for Tiandao to shoot him directly, but to shoot him through the Three Sage Patriarchs and others.

To put it bluntly, if you want to reach the top and achieve the supremacy, you must be an enemy of nature.

Because this day is their top!

To break this roof, you need to break this day!

Tang Jie has a deep understanding of this.

Qingyang nodded: "It's fine if you know."

Tang Jie smiled: "Since he has decided to go against the sky, even the way of heaven must be regarded as an enemy, then the master of the thirty-three heavens should not be an obstacle. If you can't even pass this level, then what are you talking about as an enemy of heaven."

Qing Yang looked at him with admiration in his eyes: "Sure enough, he is a man who inherited the mantle of Nine Suns, he has his courage and spirit."

"Oh, right, Master. I have seen a great power in the giant spirit world for a while, displaying the master's demon-killing fist. Does the master know the origin of this world?"

"Is there such a thing?" Qing Yang thought for a while to answer, "Jiuyang didn't tell me about it."

Tang Jie pondered for a moment and said, "If it was before entering Hongmeng, the master has no reason not to say. That is to say, his relationship with the giant spirit world may be after entering Hongmeng."

Qing Yang wondered: "What do you ask this for?"

"I want to follow the trace of the master, but looking at his path of apostasy may help me. The stone of his mountain can be used to attack jade. On the road of fighting against the gods, I am afraid that I can't find it except for the master. Go to other places to see." Tang Jie replied: "By the way, does Master know where the Giant Spirit Realm is? My astrolabe has limited knowledge, and I can't reveal many star realms in the Great Thousand Realm."

Qing Yang took out an object, which was also an astrolabe, but it was shining and radiant, and it was a top treasure at a glance.

This is no wonder, but those who are proficient in arithmetic and arithmetic must have good astrolabes, fate books, and hexagrams and other treasures.

Qing Yang only glanced at it a few times and said, "In the Xumitian star cluster, near the Great Buddha Kingdom in the West Heaven."

"Thank you for your advice, Master."

"Between you and me, you don't have to be polite." Qingyang Tiannv said, already squeezing the astrolabe into Tang Jie's hands.

"Mother!" Tang Jie was stunned.

"If you want the path to the planetary sky and swallow the stars and stars, then this astrolabe is what you need. Take it, this is the only thing I can do for you." Qing Yang slowly said.

Tang Jie knew that Qing Yang followed the path of causal destiny and was limited by the sky. If he betrayed the path of heaven, he would lose all mana in the next moment. If Tang Jie possessed the realm of Heavenly Dao, it would no longer be possible to comprehend the same truth of the Twelve Great Dao.

So to be able to do this step, Qingyang Tiannv has already taken a great risk.

At that moment, Tang Jie also looked at Qing Yang slightly moved, and whispered: "If one day, I am the way of heaven, and time and space will be turned back. Master will resurrect and grow old with Master Baishou."

Qing Yang said indifferently: "The deceased can't be chased. If you have this heart, I wish it would be enough."

He turned and walked back to Lin Langtian, flicking his sleeves, Lin Langtian was already closed.

Seeing this situation, Tang Jie could only bow to Lin Langtian, and let it go.

He did not see that at the moment when Lin Langtian closed, Qingyang Tiannv suddenly changed her face and vomited a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, wrinkles have appeared on the face, and gray hair has appeared all over his head.

In just an instant, the Qingyang goddess became old for ten years.

Ten years old in appearance, for an immortal who is almost immortal, it means the loss of thousands of years of life.

This is the punishment from heaven.

Qingyang Tiannyu smiled slightly, and glanced at the boundless sky indifferently: "Can you only do this step? You are the way of heaven, the collection of the laws of all things in the world, but that's why~ You also respect the rules and do not go beyond the rules. You know that I am helping the criminals of rebellion, but there is nothing you can do about it, right?"

no response.

Qingyang Tiannv smiled more and more openly: "You are not a human after all. You have no human emotions, let alone human freedom. Even if you have boundless power, you are bound by rules. This should be your biggest weakness, right? Today? , You punish me, but in the future, Tang Jie will definitely wait for me to punish you!"

As she said, she turned her head to look outside Lin Lang Tian.

Outside Lin Lang Tian, ​​Tang Jie was also looking at Qing Yang.

He saw Qing Yang's old face, and his heart trembled slightly.

But at the moment when he met Qingyang, looking at her eyes, Tang Jie suddenly understood all her meaning.

He looked up, looked at the sky, and muttered to himself.

"You are here, insight into the world, knowing everything. You punished her, but ignored me, because I didn't use the realm of heaven...Your behavior, your own rules, this is your weakness!"

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