Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1078: Take a step back

The first thousand and seventy-eight chapters each step back

The length of this province really wants to protect one person, then I really can't help myself. Don't look at myself is very good now, but Lu Jinhui is not much worse than himself. I am now living in fj, and often have to work with Lu Jinhui. , or its subordinates to deal with, this is completely offended Lu Jinhui, that blood soul hall in the development of fj, will be greatly affected, based on this idea, Zhao Tiezhu can only take a step back with Lu Jinhui.

There are always a lot of helplessness in the world. Even if it is as powerful as Zhao Tiezhu, the leader of a province, Lu Jinhui, and even the Zhao family, Zhao Lao, have no time to help.

The car was driving slowly on the road, and Zhao Tiezhu suddenly had the feeling of being in a hurry.

It’s like a woman always has a few days of discomfort. The man actually has the kind of discomfort. It’s sudden, he doesn’t want to do anything. He feels that there is no point in doing anything, just different from women. When a woman is in a few days, her temper may become irritable, and in a few days, a man may have an infinitely low mood. If there is a peerless beauty next to him, there will be a feeling that he does not want to do anything.

"Iron column, what do you think?" Apparently felt the silence of Zhao Tiezhu, Lucy asked a little concerned.

"No." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head, his eyes looked a little melancholy out of the window. Of course, this is really melancholy, not the one that was originally packed for the sake of the girl.

"Tomorrow your semester is over, winter vacation is coming, is there any plan?" Lucy found a topic.

"If you have a holiday, you have to go to Thailand to participate in a school flower school training. I have to go with Linger, and Ziyi will go!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh, can you leave me at home?" asked Lucy.

"There is also a Sun Jiaying, although she went out to film outside these days, but you can't forget her." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, for this Sun Jiaying, Zhao Tiezhu, and even a lot of women in the villa except Li Linger, Sometimes I really forgot this woman. Sun Jiaying actually lived in the villa, but only spent money to buy peace. At least for a while she lived in Zhao Tiezhu, the baron did not harass her again, but thought of the baron. Zhao Tiezhu has another very strange feeling. This man is not like the kind of person who will easily retreat. Zhao Tiezhu always feels that the baron is planning something, but there is a feeling that he can't catch his flaws. This makes Zhao Tiezhu also Very tangled.

"Really!" Lucy suddenly realized, "I just didn't see her at home in the past few days! She is very busy!" Lucy said.

"Well, filming, of course, all of them are running around the world, unlike you, unemployed." Zhao Tiezhu laughed casually, but Lucy screamed proudly and did not answer.

Not long after, Zhao Tiezhu’s phone rang again. This time the call was made by the provincial party committee, Zhang Yihuang.

"I heard that you and Lao Lu are not very happy?" Zhang Yihuang asked directly.

"This, there is a little misunderstanding." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Small misunderstanding? Hey, Lao Lu personally called to complain to me, saying that you juniors do not respect him too much!" Although Zhang Yihuang's words are like blaming, but the tone is very ridiculous, it is inside. "He is also a province, and there is a respect, there is still need!"

"Know, it’s just Zhang, I am not used to the corrupt officials who are corrupt and accept bribes. So when I come across this, I want to take care of it. No way, I am just like this!" Zhao Tiezhu did not Said with a blush.

Zhang Yihuang was silent for a long time and said, "No matter which kind of system, corruption is like stealing and selling yin. It is a phenomenon that must exist. I hope that you can see clearly. Sometimes justice is too Strong, not a good thing!"

"I know this, I didn't even touch it, let me touch it, let me see it badly, and then offend me, then I can only catch him, or else I am too sorry for your training. Not?” Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"You, you really like this letter of mouth, haha, not much to say, Lao Lu, you are offended, find a chance to make up your relationship. The province's longest to make you this little The blood soul hall boss, it is still very simple." Zhang Yihuang said, since the self-concerned, hung up the phone.

Zhao Tiezhu carefully reminisced about Zhang Yihuang’s words. He felt that this wing emperor looked like he was going to apologize to Lu Jinhui, but this time he emphasized the length of one province twice, which is a bit of a saying. Head, because the government work, is the need to block the guidance, it is reasonable to say that within a province, the biggest can be the provincial party committee ***, the provincial governor second, and in general, the two sides of the political, is absolutely It is impossible to completely kill the river, everyone loves each other. This wing emperor emphasized that Lu Jinhui is the chief of a province twice. This should be to tell himself that it is really clear who the length of the province is, but don’t mess with the primary and secondary!

At the same time, this wing emperor is also telling himself that this Lu Jinhui's dissatisfaction with himself seems to be very big!

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly figured out the key points, but these things are all things that catch the wind and catch shadows. Zhao Tiezhu can't make any counterattacks because of Zhang Yihuang's words. That is to find a dead end. So Zhao Tiezhu put these things in his heart, remember it.

It was not long before it was hanged. Zhao Daniu’s phone was called, and Zhao Daniu’s tone on the other end of the phone was very exciting.

"Iron column, back to fj, right?" asked Zhao Daniu.

"Yeah, Da Niu, you are doing something good, laughing so happy?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Haha, when are you free to come to our Zhao's industry, there is a good thing to tell you!" Zhao Daniu said, "It's a good good thing!"

"That's good, I must go as soon as possible!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

Then the two hang up the phone.

"Iron column, you are really busy! How many calls have you received in this time!" Lucy said with emotion.

"Fortunately, in the community, there must be a variety of communication." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, the feeling of depression just now did not know where to go.

I just wanted to sneak a shot on Lucy through this enthusiasm. I didn't expect the phone to ring decisively again. The person who called this time was Linda.

"Iron children, tomorrow's holiday, right?" Linda's voice was a little flying, it seems not in the classroom.

"Teacher your message is really smart!" Zhao Tiezhu took Linda.

Linda said proudly, "That is of course, you have a holiday, when will you come to Beijing to find me?"

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