Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1079: Into Beijing

The first thousand and seventy-nine chapters went to Beijing

"Beijing!" Zhao Tiezhu’s mind is now the last time Zhao Lao said to himself, Zhao Lao hopes to go to Beijing earlier!

I just thought that there are still some things on hand that I am not doing well. Zhao Tiezhu feels that I have to wait for the more important things I have done on hand recently, so that I will go to Beijing without any worries, which is probably better!

Zhao Tiezhu has a hunch that when he enters Beijing, he will definitely set off a storm!

Looking at my watch, it seems to be very close to my parents’ return!

"Yeah, when will the teacher come to check that your homework has fallen? No, it’s been so many days, do you have a good study!" Linda said.

"This...should not have fallen!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lucy next to him, apparently not at the time of flirting.

Linda doesn't know!

"Hey, haven't you really fallen? You have to go to Beijing to do homework earlier this time. The teacher, I am waiting to change your homework, and waited for a long time!" Linda said, laughing twice.

Zhao Tiezhu swallowed and said, "This... let's talk about it, teacher, I have something to do, call you later, okay?"

Linda’s tone suddenly became serious. “Are you there?”


Linda thought that Zhao Tiezhu was doing something important, he said, "Well, let me go to the book, you can call me if you have time! I miss you."

"Sure!" Zhao Tiezhu replied firmly.

"Hey, teacher, you one." Linda kissed the microphone, and then hung up the phone. Zhao Tiezhu smiled and shook his head, and hanged the phone.

"Oh? Linda?" Lucy's eyebrows moved and asked.

"Yes!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and did not say anything.

"Hey, iron pillar, sometimes I admire you!" Lucy said with emotion.

"Many people admire me!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"It's hard to imagine that your appearance is not outstanding, and your body is just average. There are so many beautiful women who are willing to turn around you!" Lucy said.

"Cough." Zhao Tiezhu coughed a few times and interrupted Lucy's words. "Lucy said this."

"Haha." Lucy smiled and said, "I said the truth! You see, Yan Ni, Linda, and the red charm! I see it, in fact, Linger is also a little like you. As for Ziyi, I don’t know much!"

"Oh, Lucy, you said so, I should be happy, or oh, is that pride? Or should it be modest to say that the revolution has not been successful, and comrades still need to work hard?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Slow down!" Lucy laughed. "I want to see how many women you can surrender anyway."

"The thoughts of your foreigners are really different from us!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded firmly.

Not long after, the car drove to the place where the Lucy flower shop was located. The two got out of the car. It was as quiet as ever, especially on such a morning, when the white sun shone, it suddenly dispelled the cold in the human body. It makes people feel that the whole person is warming up in an instant.

"Oh, it’s so clean!" Lucy walked to the door, looked at the door, and the yard in front of the door, surprised.

"That is of course, I hired someone to clean it once a day!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Lucy opened the door and walked in, then shouted, "Ah! Iron pillars, these flowers are still there!"

I saw this flower shop as the Lucy had just left, the flowers inside were still very bright, and did not wither because the weather became cold.

"I let people change the flowers in three days, and naturally they are still there!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Iron column, you are so good!" Lucy opened her hands and hugged Zhao Tiezhu, and then opened her mouth and kissed Zhao Tiezhu's face.

"Oh, you are really enthusiastic." Zhao Tiezhu said shyly, "However, I like it."

Lucy loosened the hand holding Zhao Tiezhu and walked up the second floor. On the balcony on the second floor, there were still a few rattan chairs, and a small, delicate table with a vase in the middle of the table. A hiding bright flower. Facing the white sunshine, everything looks so dreamy.

"Iron pillar, you really have a heart!" Lucy looked around at the flower shop as always, saying, "I finally understand why so many girls have been captured by you!"

"It's okay to pull, this is what I should do!" Zhao Tiezhu seems to be a red scarf that does not leave a name for good things, said modestly.

"Follow me here!" Lucy stretched out the hand of Zhao Tiezhu and walked to the side of the balcony. There is a small single room, which is about a dozen square meters. There is a bed in the single room, the sun. Sprinkle the window through the window and make the bed look very warm.

"This room is also cleaned!" said Zhao Tiezhu, "It's all cleaned in three days, so this quilt is clean. You can go up and roll now!"

"Really?" Lucy asked Zhao Tiezhu curiously.

"Of course it is true!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

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