Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Wash white

Chapter 1 101 is washed in white

"Yan Ni sister!" Li Linger first ran to Su Yanni, and then enthusiastically took Su Yanni's parcel from the hand of Zhao Tiezhu's younger brother and said, "Yan Ni sister, welcome home, let's go in."

"Well, Linger, there are a lot of things here, let the iron column mention it!" Su Yanni said.

"No, the iron column brother is busy sending a text message to the sister to spread the net and less fishing, and can't take it off!" Li Linger said, carrying Su Yanni's luggage into the villa.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger with a black line, and it was really uneasy to conceal this little girl. Could it be that she also belonged to the kind of secret ambush? Then wait to see the contradiction between yourself and Yan Ni, and then sneak into it?

Su Yanni walked up to Zhao Tiezhu, but did not ask Li Linger what she said, but smiled and said to Zhao Tiezhu, "I finally came back, think about me?"

"Think!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded seriously.

"Then you didn't say anything?" Su Yanni looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a charming look.

Zhao Tiezhu laughed and hugged Su Yanni, and then said, "Lucy Ziyi, go, go back to the house and welcome Yanni."

"Well!" Lucy smiled and followed Zhao Tiezhu, and Cao Ziyi turned to look at the younger brother who drove and said, "Thank you."

"Yes." The younger brother nodded a little blushing, Cao Ziyi's temperament and beauty, so that this person who has been in the community for ten years has a feeling of self-defeating.

When Cao Ziyi walked into the villa, the younger brother took a deep look at the magnificent villa in his view, and sighed, "Zhao Ge is Zhao Ge, I am not really able to meet!"

"Come on, let me talk about it. How do you welcome the law?" Zhao Tiezhu put Su Yanni on the sofa, and then sat next to Su Yanni, reaching out and rubbing Su Yanni's shoulder to the crowd.

"This is up to you, iron pillar!" Lucy sat on the other side of Su Yanni with a smirk, then said, "You want to steam and fry, you look at it."

At this time, Li Linger had already sent Su Yanni’s baggage to the building. She ran down the stairs and came to the front of the crowd. He asked, “What steamed and fried?”

"We are discussing how to eat Yanni." Lucy said with a smile.

"Oh, this is good. In fact, how to eat is a matter of the back. I think that Yan Nijie has been sitting in the car for a few hours. It is not easy. We should not bully people like this."

Su Yanni was moved and looked at Li Linger. The secret voice was still good for Linger. I just didn't expect that the words behind Linger would directly let Su Yanni put it into the hostile list.

"We still have to wash the geese sister, and then consider how to eat it!" Li Linger suggested.

"This suggestion is good!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded seriously. "I agree. Lucy, what about you?"

"I agree too!" Lucy nodded. "Zi Yi, what about you?"

Cao Ziyi also said with a smile, "This proposal is good, I agree!"

"Since the pass has passed, it can be implemented. Let's go. Let's go and wash Yani." Zhao Tiezhu shouted and reached down at Su Yanni's waist. Then he forced Su Su Ni directly to squat up. On the shoulders, it is like anti-wood.

Su Yanni’s face was facing down, so she was held by Zhao Tiezhu. The face was red and tender, especially the hand of Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was not honestly honed on her hips. This made Su Yanni have a kind of The strange feeling of numbness, but Su Yanni's character is destined to be not easily controlled by people.

"Let me go, you guys!" Su Yanni shouted.

"Beauty, you call it, you are called a broken throat, and no one cares for you!" Li Linger’s face with an evil smile, Lucy is responsible for turning off the lights downstairs. As for Cao Ziyi, it is Laughing behind Zhao Tiezhu.

Not long after, Zhao Tiezhu took Su Yanni to the bathroom, and then put Su Yanni down.

As soon as she landed, Su Yanni wanted to run, but she was caught by Lucy.

"Yan Ni, just wash it in vain, what are you afraid of? This is not washed in white, steamed and cooked, it is not good!" Lucy smiled evilly.

"What do you want!" Su Yanni looked at the people in front of her with a weak woman who was about to be stunned.

"We don't want to be like it, just feel hungry!" Li Linger smiled and grabbed Su Yanni's hand and said, "Yan Nijie, let's go in, wash it."

"Ah!" Su Yanni screamed, but Lucy pushed Su Yanni into the bathroom behind Su Yanni, and then Li Linger immediately entered the bathroom, followed by Cao Ziyi. When Zhao Tiezhu was going in, the bathroom door was awkward. Stay tuned.

"Hey, there is me!" Zhao Tiezhu shouted anxiously.

"Iron column brother, you are waiting outside, it is hard work, or let us come." Li Linger called in the bathroom.

"I said that you don't want to cross the river to break the bridge. I also have a copy of this Tang dynasty meat!" Zhao Tiezhu yelled at the door and shouted, "I will come here to wash the white work."

"Iron column, don't bother you, we can come!" Lucy said.

Zhao Tiezhu is completely helpless, without such a bully!

Not long after, there was a burst of **** sound in the bathroom.

"Ah! Don't take off! Oh! I take it off myself!" Su Yanni cried.

"Nothing is ok, Yan Ni sister, I will help you off." Li Linger’s voice came.

Then there was another sound of undressing.

"Lucy, you have to take off! Let's wash together!" Su Yanni said.

"Well, everyone will wash it together."

Another is the sound of undressing.

Zhao Tiezhu can fully think of the current scene in the bathroom is a kind of spring, but... but Nima buddies can't see it! Going in stealth? There is a phoenix on the gods list. It is estimated that as long as you go in, you have to be thrown out by this Cao Ziyi!

Zhao Tiezhu turned helpless and turned a few laps at the door. He couldn’t think of any way to come. At this moment, Wang Cai appeared quietly at Zhao Tiezhu’s side.

"Proud." Wang Cai said a low sentence.

"Nothing, Wangcai, big deal, let's wait for the following, wash things, let them do it!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a grin.

"Hey!" Wang Cai was swearing again.

"No way, wait for you to give me a downstairs, human game, you can not participate in this animal." Zhao Tiezhu said.

Wang Cai shook his body helplessly and had to go downstairs.

Soon after, a few beautifully washed and beautiful women came out of the bathroom. The beauty of the bathing scene made Zhao Tiezhu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and cursing their circles, and they all looked at it for a while.

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