Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1102: Have to start again

Chapter 1102 is about to depart

Where is the beauty of beauty? Zhao Tiezhu felt that it might be that the kind of scent that accompanied the water vapor would make people feel beautiful, but at the moment, the wet hair, and then look at the little waterdrops above the Qiong nose, is undoubtedly impenetrable. A touch of wetness.

The so-called "returning a smile and smiling, the six palaces have no color. The spring cold baths the Huaqing pool, the hot spring water washes the gel. The waiter lifts the petite power, and the beginning is the new Cheng Enze. The Yunxiaohuayanjin step, the hibiscus account warms Degree spring."

It's really wet, so wet!

"Iron brother, what are you shaking your head?" Li Linger rubbed his head and gave the water on the mushroom head to the side.

Zhao Tiezhu woke up from the wet feelings and looked at the girls. He said, "Your gas field is too strong, I am being stunned."

"Really?" Su Yanni just wore a short skirt and stood in front of Zhao Tiezhu. Because Zhao Tiezhu was sitting on the ground, Su Yanni was watching Zhao Tiezhu at the height of the time. It was known that the short skirt of the thigh could not stop Zhao Tiezhu from seeking knowledge. Sight.

"Of course it is true!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded quietly, seemingly casually lowered his head slightly, his eyes just fell on Su Yanni's thigh, although the two had already had a relationship, but in front of everyone Looking at Su Yanni's spring, Zhao Tiezhu also has a strange feeling, just like stealing.

"Hey, Yanni sister, let's go back and change clothes, or else wear it like this, and you won't be able to play for a while!" Li Linger said.

"What are you playing?" Lucy asked.

"Of course, I want to play what I am playing. In the evening, our madness is good. On the one hand, Yan Nijie is back. On the other hand, Lucy’s flower shop is going to be reopened, and I am also on winter vacation. Some things, shouldn't we have a good time to play?" Li Linger said.

"That's true, I went back to change clothes!" Lucy said, trotting into her room, and Li Linger immediately walked into her room. Cao Ziyi smiled and said, "Iron, you can change it." ""

"I? Well, I am going to be **** and horrible!" Zhao Tiezhu said, standing up and walking into his room.

Not long after, everyone changed into the clothing of the home, and then played the game, Zhao Tiezhu specially changed a pair of shorts like beach pants, and then the upper body is a tight vest, Zhao Tiezhu that is thin but not lacking strength The figure is perfectly displayed in front of everyone.

It wasn't until 9 o'clock that everyone played all kinds of games. Zhao Tiezhu simply called and took out the takeaway. Then a group of people sat in the hall on the first floor of the villa. The carpet was soft and heated. Even now it is winter, but the villa is full of spring.

Eat and drink until eleven o'clock, these are not the beauty of the night owls are a bit unstoppable, one by one yawning wants to sleep.

"This night life begins, do you want to sleep?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Of course, our nightlife, we can do it at this point, we are serious girls!" Su Yanni said, because of a few bottles of beer, Su Yanni's face was very rosy, the whole person looked very cute.

"When you look at the girls in the nightclubs, which one is not active now?" Zhao Tiezhu said, "You seem to be really unsuitable for such a life."

"Of course, we can live a healthy life, and we don't need to be a bachelor. We don't need to indulge ourselves. We said that we are good at getting up!" Li Linger yawned and stood up and said, "Iron brother, I am going to sleep." Yan Yan sister will hand it over to you at night."

"Well, we don't bother you!" Lucy said with a smile, but the eyes are still a bit lonely. After all, the man he likes is with his own sister, and it will be tasted by the individual. West is not a small intestine, although it is lonely, but also knows that this evening is Zhao Tiezhu and Su Yanni, so I followed Li Linger upstairs.

After Cao Ziyi packed up the things on the ground, he also went to the second floor. For a time, there was only one Zhao Tizhu and Su Yanni in the entire villa hall.

"This, Niangzi, let's rest." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Su Yanni's enchanting figure and swallowed her mouth.

"Hey, everyone who knows this knows, and I am sorry." Su Yanni said with a blushing face. "At night... you go to my room."

“Why?” Zhao Tiezhu asked in confusion. “My bed is much bigger!”

"I haven't come back in so many days, I want to sleep in my room." Su Yanni grinned and pulled Zhao Tiezhu's hand and said, "Well, pull it."

"No problem, as long as you have it, just sleep on this floor, I don't care!" Zhao Tiezhu said emotionally.

"Cut, you should say that as long as there is me, you can not sleep!" Su Yanni said, went to the stairs, turned up the stairs, turned a flirtatious eye to Zhao Tiezhu, said, "people... Waiting for you."

When Zhao Tiezhu was there, the blood of the beast was boiling. After Su Yanni went upstairs, and then looked at the other people's rooms, they were all closed. Zhao Tiezhu walked into Su Yanni's room lightly and then closed the door.

Not long after, there was a slight whistling sound from the room, and there were all sorts of miscellaneous sounds. As for what the sound was, I couldn’t hear it.

Nothing in the night.

The next morning, Su Yanni looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a tangled look and said, "I am just coming back, are you going to Thailand?"

"This...the school arranged, I can't do it? Or else you follow along?" Zhao Tiezhu suggested, "I can't make a big deal."

"It's still not needed." Su Yanni hesitated and said, "I haven't been to work for a long time. I have to go to work tomorrow. Are you going to go for a few days?"

"One week!" Zhao Tiezhu replied.

"Well, let's wait for you for a week, anyway, for a week, the blink of an eye will pass, isn't it?" Su Yanni said with a smile.

"That is!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Since you have to leave later, then now, the good times are short, let's do a morning exercise."

"Hey!" Su Yanni did not speak, Zhao Tiezhu directly turned over and pressed her.

Morning exercise begins.

Good times are always short-lived. It doesn't take long for the morning exercise. The two have to get up, because today Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger and Cao Ziyi have to go to Thailand together. When the villa is in time, there are only two women, Su Yanni and Lucy. Of course, if Sun Jiaying comes back to live, it is three women.

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