Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: Going to Thailand

Chapter 1103 travels to Thailand

The plane to Thailand is at 10 o'clock in the morning, but it is said that it will be gathered at the school at nine o'clock, and then the school bus will be carried to the airport in unison, so after everyone has had a meal together, they have to be separated.

"Come back soon, pay attention to safety." Su Yanni said reluctantly.

"Well, you are too!" Zhao Tiezhu touched Su Yanni's face. "Don't miss us too much!"

"This will not!" Su Yanni said, "I can call you anyway, you can also video or something! Right, iron pillar, you can take care of Linger and Ziyi!"

"That is a must!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "Not only Linger and Ziyi, I will take care of other girls in our school! This is my unshirkable responsibility!"

"Cut, that's why people will let you take care of it! Just, iron pillar, no matter what, you must not hook up with a Thai woman, you have to dare to bring me a Thai girl back, the consequences, you are conceited!" Su Yanni serious Said.

“Why?” Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"If you are engaged in a shemale, what should I do?" Su Yanni asked.

"Cough, this firm will not!" Zhao Tiezhu is a little shameful. "I am not here, I will arrange people to protect you here. You two should go home early, or try to go home as early as possible. The outside is sloshing!"

"When are you and Lucy, are you?" Su Yanni said disdainfully. "We can be more specific. You say yes, Lucy?"

"This...Yes!" Lucy was shocked first. She thought that Su Yanni knew about herself and Zhao Tiezhu. It was just to see Su Yanni saying that they were both single-minded, not all of them dedicated to Zhao Tiezhu. This is to let go of your heart.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lucy and then said goodbye to everyone. He took the car to school.

"Yan Ni, don't look at it, anyway, it's only a week's time, and it will pass." Lucy said to Su Yanni, but it seems to be to her.

"Well, this week, we have to live together!" Su Yanni looked at Lucy pitifully.

"It's okay, we can have a good time too!" Lucy said seriously.

Turn your eyes to Zhao Tiezhu.

Because I have to go out for a week, Zhao Tiezhu will hand over the things of the recent Blood Soul Hall to the Iron Hand and the Solitary Emperor. In any case, there are no enemies of the cows. Basically, as long as this is stable and stable, you can Well, so things are not a lot, Zhao Tiezhu simply confessed to hang up the phone, and then asked a side of Cao Ziyi, "Zi Yi, what are you doing in Thailand?"

"Go to find a material for my uncle!" Cao Ziyi replied.

"what material?"

“It’s a material for making medicines, only growing in the virgin forests on the golden triangle.”

"Then you have to be careful!" Zhao Tiezhu said with concern. "On the other side of the Golden Triangle, they are all poisonous and militia armed!"

"Well, I will!"

After arriving at the school, Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger came down from the car and went straight to the school. Cao Ziyi continued to take the bus to the airport. Although she was on the same flight as Zhao Tiezhu, they were the economic class of the school, and then they had to listen. The school arrangement, and Cao Ziyi is his own personal, so do not have to follow them.

In the school, a golden bus has stopped in front of the teaching building. There are many people standing in front of the bus. Zhao Tiezhu saw three other school flowers in it, Chen Lingshan Zhou Yu and Nan Gong Zi. Of course, next to the school flower, there is school grass, one Zhao Kunlun, one called Zhang Jiandong, and one is Chen Shao who was last engaged by Zhao Tiezhu.

The director of the school is holding a roster of names and seeing Zhao Tiezhu. The director of the school said with a smile. "Tiezhu classmates, come and pull!"

"Well, it seems that I am late!" Zhao Tiezhu said with embarrassment.

"It’s not too late, just right!"

After another five minutes or so, after everyone arrived, the group took the school bus and went to the fj airport.

On the way, the director of the school explained the attention of everyone, nothing more than that everyone went to a foreign country, to act collectively, not to run, especially boys!

Zhao Tiezhu also wondered why the director of the school emphasized that especially the boys, he listened to the director of the school and said with a serious look, "The leopard industry in Thailand is very developed. You are all handsome and handsome young boys. When you get there, you are very vulnerable. People, if you run around, you are likely to be caught and get adult demon, so you have to be very careful, don't run around!"

Zhao Tiezhu is speechless. This director of the instructor does not find a good reason. This **** is not what you want to do. It is known to Zhao Tiezhu. It seems to have been cultivated from an early age. It is better to take estrogen. Years, and then grow up slowly, will become a **** that can be introduced, which, like the director said, can be made into a **** when pulled away, which is simply impossible.

"Iron brother, you have to be careful, don't be made into a shemale!" Li Linger whispered.

"I am going, I am a shemale, you want it?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger dissatisfied.

"Maybe, after all, turnip greens have their own love, although you have won the name of this school grass by popularity, but it is undeniable, you are still very good-looking!" Li Linger said, "you have to give yourself confidence!"

"Well, if I am caught as a shemale, I will let them catch you as a spring brother." Zhao Tiezhu smiled wretchedly.

"How to do it?"

"Take Mimi!"

"Iron brother, you are disgusting!"

The two talked all the way to the sky, not long after they arrived at the fj airport.

Under the leadership of the Dean of Teachers and several team teachers, Zhao Tiezhu and his entourage boarded the plane to the Thai capital mg.

"Sunshine, beach, bikini, I am coming!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the clouds drifting through the window, excited.

At the same time, Cao Ziyi was sitting in the first class, quietly holding a book while watching, and next to Cao Ziyi, sitting two men, these two, Zhao Tiezhu know, and is particularly familiar Kind!

These two people are awesome and awkward!

"I said Tiandao, let's sneak up, will the iron column brother be angry?" asked Xiao whispered.

"No, don't we have a task in the body?" Tiandao said. "This time there is a batch of goods to be smuggled into and from Thailand. Let's just stare at it, isn't it?"

"But... this is just tens of millions of goods. Is it useful for us to come in person?" he asked.

"Of course, money is also meat is not? We are a new gang of blood souls, these things, naturally have to accumulate a little bit! Hey, hey, don't be afraid, anyway, then, the iron column brother can not drive us back? ”

"That is also!"

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