Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1104: All the girls are coming.

The first one hundred and four chapters are all in the form of a girl.

I didn’t know how long it took to fly, and the plane finally landed at the mg airport.

Although Zhao Tiezhu of Southeast Asia has come many times in the past, every time there is a task in the body, can you still go back and say it, how can it be as easy as it is now? There are beautiful women around, and it is really more pleasant, how comfortable it is.

"Ah, is this Thailand?" Li Linger looked around curiously and asked.

"How, how do you feel?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"It's okay to pull, it's warm here! It's not cold!" Li Linger said, "I am a little hot now!"

"Of course, here is Southeast Asia. Generally there is no winter here! Like the island we are going to, it is winter without winter! When you get there, you have to wear summer clothes!" Zhao Tiezhu explained.

"Oh, okay! I like summer, don't wear it so thick!" Li Linger said as he took off his jacket.

"Students, everyone is waiting here for a while, wait for us to fly directly to Phuket, everyone will follow me!" The director held a small flag, just like a tour guide.

Zhao Tiezhu is trying to go, suddenly saw two familiar figures walking away from their side.

"I am a grass, heaven, hehe!" Zhao Tiezhu was surprised to call.

"Oh, iron pillar!" The two seemed to see Zhao Tiezhu, and his face was full of surprises.

"How come you?" Zhao Tiezhu went to the two and asked.

"Recently, I have to go back from Thailand to take a batch of goods. Let’s take a look." Tiandao replied, "Iron Tie, I didn't expect you to come here too!"

Zhao Tiezhu wrinkled every day and said, "You two, shouldn't you just want to pick up a girl? I remember you mentioned it last time!"

"What a girl? Where is the girl!?" Tiandao denied it.

When Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to talk, he heard two feminine female voices coming from the side.

"Heavenly brother!"

"Hey brother!"

"Oh, it’s you!" Tiandao’s face was followed by a surprise look.

"Well, I didn't expect you to come last time, you really came!" Zhou Yu looked at the two men.

"Oh? They said they are going to do it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked the fish road that week.

"Tiandaoge said, they want to see us!" Zhou said, his face has a trace of happiness, and that Nangong Zi is looking at you, his face is also with a happy look.

"My grass!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the two women, and then looked at the 蛤蟆 and Tiandao, and suddenly understood the reasons why these two animals came here! Sure enough, the girl is coming!

"The classmates over there, come over soon!" the director instructed not far away.

"Let's go first, wait for Phuket, everyone play together!" the two female voices said, cheerfully ran away.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the heavens and the hustle and bustle, and said, "You two, really come to pick up the girl!"

"This, the iron column brother..." Tiandao said a little embarrassed, "This is all for me to come, oh, I can't live or die, but I can't help, use my brother's feelings to force me, saying that I don't come, it's not a brother." I have no choice but to come!"

"I am grass, heaven! You are shameless!" He looked at Tiandao with a grievance, and said, "Is it true that you want to come? I didn't come, but you said that you want to be all-inclusive, I am this. Come!"

"Don't say those." Zhao Tiezhu interrupted the performance of the two men and said, "You... are you really tempted by these two sisters?"

"This... yes!" Tiandao hesitated and said, "I have to be twenty-seven, and I can't always manage the computer for a lifetime."

"I am grass, you are a farm animal! It is really a farm animal!" Zhao Tiezhu scorned. "This is all Huanghua niece, you can not harm others. If you just play, the **** soul is not happy, I am Zhao Tiezhu. Also look down on that!"

"Of course not, Tiezhu brother, what kind of person do you take my heavens? I am the kind of person who will play casually? I think, I earn more money, then I have the power, if there is no woman at home, I always feel that something is missing, so hey, it seems that this week, I looked very pleasing to the eye. The key is that people are obedient and obedient. I am thinking about now that I also have a car and a house. If you look for someone, you should be able to Let's go."

"Well, if you think so, then nothing! Hey, what about you?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"This... I am the same as Heaven!" I am not good at words.

"That's good. You will come out this time. You will let others stare at those goods. Let's go to Phuket together later. It's counted as I give you a vacation. If you can be here." I successfully won the target in the week. I personally sponsored two hundred pieces. I wish you all the best for a hundred years."

"Two hundred?"

"Too much? That hundred! Of course, all the expenses of your period during this period can not help you reimburse!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded his own self. "I am gone, you wait for your turn." Go to Phuket."

The two looked at Zhao Tiezhu and left, then they looked at each other and said in unison, "It’s shameless!"

"Iron brother, what are they doing?" Li Linger asked curiously.

"The girl is coming." Zhao Tiezhu replied casually.

"Hey, it’s really a thing to gather together!" Li Linger laughed.

"Cut, I have something to do!"

"What is the right thing?"


"Cut, despise you."

At this moment, Chen Lingshan came over from the side and sat next to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Iron Pi."

"Well, everything at home is okay?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, it’s all right!" Chen Lingshan nodded and said, "My grandfather told me to say sorry to you."

"Nothing." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "What is the relationship between you, your business is my business!"

Chen Lingshan left with a red face.

"Iron brother, do you dare to say that you are not coming to pick up a girl?" Li Linger asked with a smirk.

"It's okay to pull." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged his shoulders shyly. "You see her, it's your own. It's not me going to hook up."

Zhao Kunlun sat in a place not far from Zhao Tiezhu. When Chen Lingshan walked to Zhao Tiezhu, he showed a curious look in his eyes. Then he picked up his mobile phone and wrote a text message. After a long time, he received a reply. Seeing the contents of the reply, Zhao Kunlun smiled and collected the mobile phone. He chatted with several teachers who were on the side of the team.

Chen Shao was sitting next to Zhao Kunlun. He did not take a ride and followed the teachers. His eyes were sweeping through Zhao Tiezhu from time to time. There was still no hostility in the last time. Some were just deep fears.

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