Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: Bureau?

The first one hundred and twenty-seventh chapter?

"Dice, let me introduce, I am a cannon." Zhang Cannon turned his head from the co-pilot and smiled and said to Lucy and Su Yanni.

"Well, the cannon, I listened to the iron column and talked about you!" Su Yanni nodded and asked, "Can you tell me something, what happened?"

"Iron column brother disappeared in Thailand, the iron hand rebelled, we people, can't see the past, I heard that they want to catch two nephews, we want to protect you, just did not expect them to be faster, still Ok, now it’s safe.”

"Iron column, what happened in the end?" Su Yanni asked with concern.

"I don't know, but the iron pillars of Geji people have their own natural world. I think there should be no problem!" Zhang Cannon smiled and said comfortably. "And, our people have already gone to Thailand, and soon should I can send back the news!"

"We are going to Thailand!" Su Yanni said seriously.

"Don't worry, scorpions." Zhang cannon said with a smile. "Wait a minute, let me talk about what I know and tell the two scorpions."

"it is good!"

In the iron hand's team, the iron hand is full of anger.

"Bastard, it turned out to be a cannon!" Ironman roared, "that bastard, actually facing me!"

"Nothing, just two women, the top people, will not blame you." Jing Yu said faintly, "Our current goal is to be alone and Wang Jian and eight fingers, if the three are in control, then this Blood Soul Hall, it is really your iron hand, then, even if Zhao Tiezhu safely returns to fj, then you don't have to worry about him!"

"Well, there is no news on the other side of the Emperor. As for Fan Jian, the man turned in this morning, the eight fingers disappeared, and the gunmen with his training disappeared. This is a trouble!" Said the hand.

"Hurry to find them! Xiao Tianhu also wants to come to fj. By then, by his influence, it is much simpler to put those industries on the bright side to us," Jing said.

The man with the cannon carried Su Yanni and Lucy to the outside of an ordinary two-story building in the suburbs.

"Dice, get off the bus." Zhang cannon said with a smile.

At this time, Lucy thought that she was called by her nephew on the road. Her face was quite awkward, but because of Zhao Tiezhu’s affairs, Lucy did not care about it.

"You all go to the police around." Zhang cannon waved to the next few people and said.

The few people dispersed, Zhang Cannon took Su Yanni and Lucy on the second floor and said, "The two nephews lived here temporarily. After the iron pillar brother came back, everything was fixed. ”

"Is the iron column back? Do you know when the iron column will come back?" Su Yanni asked in surprise.

"Well, Tiezhu brother, now, it is actually very safe!" Zhang cannon said with a smile. "In fact, everything today is the bureau of the Iron Pillar."

"The bureau of the iron column?" Su Yanni asked in confusion, "What is it?"

"Oh, things, I will start from scratch." Zhang cannon said, "I have been going to go abroad for the sake of going to the country. It’s not just fun to play. When he went abroad, he also gathered us. When I got up and said his plan, the plan of Tiezhuge is actually very simple. It is to find an opportunity for him to disappear in Thailand. As soon as the iron pillar disappears, the enemies hidden in the dark may be one by one. When I got out, I was all cleaned up when I was back. It was just that, but one thing that was beyond the expectations of the Iron Column is that he only intended to arrange an accident to let himself disappear, but this But it’s really a matter of almost hitting a life!"

"What about the iron column now?" Su Yanni asked.

"Iron column brother is now on a cruise ship on the high seas. The news that the iron pillar brother sent back yesterday is that he somehow drifted to the head of the high seas and was rescued by the people on the cruise ship."

"Call, the iron column is fine!" Su Yanni patted the crispy chest, and finally she was relieved, then she said with a sullen face. "This iron hand, the iron column is not thin, he even rebelled!"

"Oh, this is what the iron column brother asked the iron hand brother to do!" Zhang cannon put another blockbuster out.

"What?" Su Yanni asked in amazement. "Do you mean that the iron hand is an iron column to make him rebel?"

"Yeah, in fact, this time, the iron column brother will set up this bureau, or the iron hand brother!" Zhang cannon said, "Iron brother received the temptation of some people above, as if those people believe that the iron brother will definitely I don't accept the iron column brother as the blood soul hall boss, and then I hope that after using the things, let the iron hand brother be the **** soul of the boss to lure the iron hand brother, but the iron hand brother did not have those ambitions, directly told this matter Tiezhu brother, then Tiezhuge contacted the last time Wang Jun betrayed, and made up his mind to set up such a bureau, let those people get out, and then solve it once, for the iron pillar brother to Beijing, to do a Prepare for everything!"

"Hey, that bastard, didn't even call us first!" Su Yanni said dissatisfied. "We are so worried about him."

"Iron Tie said, if you call now, you will not behave like this today. If you do this, how can you get through Jingjing?" Zhang cannon explained.

"Jing Jing rebelled?"

"Well, the iron pillar brother thought that Jing Jing was conquered by him, but this Jing Jing was only conquered by the iron pillar brother on the bright side. Today, the iron hand brother will catch you, and Jing Jing asked. I guess he also wants to see it. Did Iron Hand really invest in their side?"

"Hey, did the iron column say when to come back?" Lucy asked.

"It is estimated that after the fish are all in the net, he will come back to collect the net." Zhang cannon laughed. "So, for the safety of the two nephews these two days, I hope you can live here!"

"What are you talking about, your nephew is this!" Lucy, who had let go of her heart, finally had the energy to care about this.

"Oh, they are all blind, they are all blind!" Zhang cannons smiled and left the room.

The eyes turned to Thailand.

At this time, above the open sea outside of Thailand, a gorgeous cruise ship is slowly sailing on the sea.

"Are you better?" A dark-skinned man took a bowl of porridge and handed it to Zhao Tiezhu lying in bed.

"A lot better!" Zhao Tiezhu took the bowl with a smile and said, "Thank you, Zach."

"Oh, people who are going to hug in the sea, people who come across you, are all to help, so there is nothing to say!" Zach touched his head a little shy, then said, "Right, we still It takes a few days to get to the port, your relatives and friends, what did you notice when you called yesterday?"

"I have notified!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

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