Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: Undercurrent!

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-eight chapters are undercurrent!

"That's good! But it's really weird. Yesterday you obviously broke the bones of so many knots. Today your hand can move! You Chinese people are really wonderful!" Zach said with a face of worship.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at this Thai man named Zach, and he was very emotional. Yesterday, it was this Zach who found himself at sea, then took himself on the boat, and then took care of himself, after he made a phone call. It was also that he found someone to borrow a mobile phone for himself. Later, Zhao Tiezhu learned that Zach was actually a fan of Chinese culture! That Chinese actually said very good!

This cruise ship is a large sea cruise ship with many things for people to play, such as swimming pools, dance halls, casinos, etc., Zach said, there is still a boxing ring to enjoy Muay Thai. the match of.

"There is a chance to welcome you to play in China!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Yes! I will definitely go, wait for me to save enough money!!" Zach said.

In Phuket, Thailand, Li Linger almost received a call from Zhao Tiezhu with Tiandao and others. After learning that Zhao Tiezhu was fine, Li Linger finally put down his heart and then asked Zhao Tiezhu where he is now. Zhao Tiezhu simply said For a moment, Li Linger intends to let Tiandao ship directly to Zhao Tiezhu, but it was stopped by Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu said that now he has a plan and should not expose himself too early, so let Li Linger stay in Phuket first. Go and find her after I have handled my affairs.

For this time, some people have shattered the shark prevention nets, and the elites who have brought out the blood souls brought from the country have already begun to investigate. Zhao Tiezhu believes that they will definitely find out the behind-the-scenes ambassadors of this incident. .

Another day passed.

Zhao Tiezhu’s body stood up under Zach’s incredible eyes.

"God, you Shenzhou people, are... are all martial arts masters? How can you recover so soon!" Zach said, looking at Zhao Tiezhu's somewhat unstable appearance, Zach hurriedly walked to Zhao Tiezhu and held it. Zhao Tiezhu.

"You have been to our China for a few years, and the body can be very good!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Well, I have heard that the body of your Shenzhou people is the best body in the world!" Zach said earnestly.

"Oh? Why?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Every day, you have to face a series of chemical products such as melamine, plasticizer, Sudan red, lean meat, waste oil, bleach, etc., all of which can live well, such a body, not good. No wonder!” Zach said, his eyes are equally revered, but this reverence, but Zhao Tiezhu is a little shame.

"I want to go to the deck to see!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Upper deck? I look at the time now!" Zach said, looked at his watch and said, "Well, there aren't many people on the deck now, let's go up!"

As he said, Zach was holding the deck while holding Zhao Tiezhu.

It was at this time that Zhao Tiezhu had the opportunity to see the whole picture of the cruise ship. At this time it was already at night, there were not many people on the deck, but the rooms in the cruise ship were full of lights, but there was a faint music. Come.

"Call!" Zhao Tiezhu walked to the front of the deck, the place where Titanic and Jack liked to stand. They looked at the distance, dark and could not see anything.

"Iron column, after we stood for a while, we have to go back. Here, it is not the place where the crew can come." Zach looked around and said.

“Why?” Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Our boss is a very strict and strict *** person. He said that if our crew members come to such a place and let tourists see it, they will be very dissatisfied. Therefore, we usually cannot come to this deck. "Zach explained.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "When is this, I still engage in such discrimination!"

"We have a lot of ships like this! We often say that under the boat and on board, there are two worlds. They eat, they wear, and we are not a world. Maybe they have a meal, it is enough for us. Work hard for a week!" Zach said.

"Then you still want to go to China? The money left to spend on yourself, isn't it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I grew up watching Li Lianlong Chengjie's movie, so I like Chinese martial arts very much. I also hope to learn Chinese martial arts!" Zach said seriously.

"Then you won't learn in your Thailand?"

"No, no, in our Thailand, learning Chinese martial arts, will be forgotten! They are proud of practicing Muay Thai, learning martial arts in other countries, will be unanimously rejected by others! But, I really I don't want to learn Muay Thai, there are killings everywhere! I just want to learn about the martial arts of health!" Zach said.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "When you go to China, I introduce a few powerful people to you!"

"Really? That thank you so much, Zhao Tiezhu!" Zach said gratefully.

Just then, a general voice with ducks came from the side.

"Thailand, who will let you come up!"

This person is speaking Japanese, Zhao Tiezhu naturally can't understand, but for the convenience of narrative, Lao Shi let him understand.

"Ah! Mr. Dad!" Zach’s eyes were full of horror. "Sorry, Mr. Dad, I will go down!"

"Come on me, and the one who is supporting the branch, and hurry up, save you is our great grace, you can not trouble us!" said the chief.

"Iron pillar, let's go, let's go!" Zach held Zhao Tiezhu's hand and went to the crew room.

Zhao Tiezhu did not say anything and left the deck with Zach.

"Call, okay, it looks like the big man is in a good mood at night, it should be winning in the casino!" Zach patted his chest and said with a lingering heart.

"You are a big man, but also a *** person?"

"Yeah, our captain and chief officer are brothers!" Zach said. "It’s just that the big man likes gambling, and the captain likes women."

"Oh!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded, but did not speak again. Now his injury is just right, but it is not the time to win, although the recovery is very fast, but at least until tomorrow, Zhao Tiezhu will have combat power!

And this evening, on the ground of fj, there was such a message. Before the fj, the second big gang of the dragon gang, Xiao Tianhu, did not die, now returned to fj, and then it seems that before Xiao Tianhu was The people of the Blood Soul Hall gave a secret calculation, and this had to hide in the capital. Now the boss of the Blood Soul Hall is gone, Xiao Tianhu is back to fj, and the Panlong before the call to help the public, returning to his own.

For Xiao Tianhu's series of actions, Xueshentang did not have any response.

An undercurrent, already in the underground world of fj, began to surge.

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