Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1141: Not living for yourself

Chapter 1 141 does not live for yourself

"What the **** is that!"

Wang Junxi’s hands were bandaged and his face was full of horror. His bodyguards and Sam’s bodyguards were put down by the person named Li Maozhang in just a few minutes, although I heard that there was still A woman's help, but two people, if they put down their bodyguards and Sam bodyguards in such a short time, it is simply a fantasy.

It is the Arabian Nights, but it is really in front of my own eyes.

"Mr. Wang, that person is too arrogant. We grabbed the Thai before and forced him out!" Sam’s face was hateful. His hand was also interrupted by Zhao Tiezhu. At this time, like Wang Junxi, they were bandaged.

"Do you want to die?" Wang Junxi said with a cold face. "Since he just interrupted our hands instead of killing us, that is to say that he does not want to completely blame us, if we go to threaten the Thai people again. He, then he might have to die for us, for a little thing to get into a big master, do you think it is worth it?"

"But we can't be beaten like this!" Sam cried. "I have never been interrupted!"

"To revenge yourself to report, I am now letting my people go to him, and it is nothing more than a gesture. With the skill of that person, how can we find him, this time it will break your hand, you If you are completely guilty of sinning the master of that level, I promise that the day you will continue, certainly not one day will be peaceful!" Wang Junxi said.


"No, you have to revenge yourself. I don't want to do it. I don't have a hand. Oh, he doesn't have much strength, and he doesn't have a smashing, so I can still bear it. In the scope!" Wang Junxi said with a smile, "I have already recorded his appearance, and when I return home, I will find him to play again."

"You... how can you see it!" asked Sam.

"Oh, in Shenzhou, you can’t see more things. After a long time, it’s natural to look at it.” Wang Junxi shook his head and said, “It’s your file, think about how to tell your boss. ?"

Sam’s face fell on time.

"This, I also hope that Mr. Wang can help me a few words in front of my boss!" Sam smiled charmingly.

"Oh, let's talk about it later." Wang Junxi looked out the window and said, "This time I went to find General Kun, how are you prepared for the gift?"

"No problem!" When it came to this, Sam’s face was already radiant. "My gift, General Kunshan will love it!"

"Well, I hope so, if this time your boss can tell you what you can do, the loss of the file is not a big deal!" said Wang Junxi.

"This is also true!"

Looking back to Angel's room.

"What are you going to do next?" Angel sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"How can I plan?" Zhao Tiezhu shrugged indifferently, waiting for the boat to land, and I took my people back. ”

"Oh? Don't you want to take revenge?" Angel asked curiously.

"How to revenge? General Kunshan! The big warlord, how can I fight with a gangster boss? Don't say anything, I am martial arts super, a heavy machine is enough for me to drink a pot. People are a howitzer. There are a lot of horses. When a few howitzers come over, I don’t have any **** left. How do I play with others?” Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Hey? This is not the magic shadow I know!" Angel grinned. "You were in the same year, but it was rampant. I remember once the head of the Sicilian Mafia, did not offend you? You The trick is to kill three people in the headquarters of the people who killed us. They can only hide in the basement and dare not come out. Now, how are you so timid?"

"It's not timid, it's more scruples." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "When you find a few of your opposite sexes, you will find that your life is actually more than yours."

"What about your women?" Angel asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, and my brothers, I can't let them go to die for their own affairs. Yes, now there is a lot of my brothers on the island of Phuket, and they are all elite, I am confident. If you follow the staffing of my side, even if you kill the headquarters of General Kunshan, it is not a problem, but even if it is killed, how about it? How many helicopters are there? When you board the plane, you will leave. What can I do? And my brothers, can I guarantee that they will live after going through thousands of people’s chasing and blocking? I can’t! So, this thing, just forget it, anyway, I also Not dead, is it?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"You see your woman, the life of a friend, is it more important than you?" Angel asked.

"That is of course. If you live forever, you can't live for yourself!" Zhao Tiezhu said, and there was a happy smile on his face. "Before we were abroad, we lived one day without a day." Now, you see, Lei Zi has already taken root in the army, and you are no longer staying on those battlefields. I also have my own territory in the underground world of fj. This kind of life has already Enough, I think."

"Well, the shadow of the year has now become a middle-aged uncle." Angel said helplessly.

"Hey, said so much, Angel, don't you think you forgot one thing?" Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt like a young man from the middle-aged uncle, and suddenly became a wretched youth.

" are still so fickle." Angel looked at Zhao Tiezhu resentfully and said.

"Family change is not good, later said, now, Angel, should you show me, your true content?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"I really want to see it?" Angel bit his lip and said.

"I really want to see!"

"Well, you go out, I remove makeup!" said Angel.

"No, your makeup level is unparalleled in the world. If you make up another makeup later, I can't see it. You will remove it from my face!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"This... really want to be like this? Iron column, can you still believe me?" Angel asked.

"It's not a trustworthy letter. From knowing you to the present, you haven't let me trust it a few times. Of course, I am talking about gender."

"Well, then you are optimistic," Angel said, putting his hand on his face.

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