Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: Angel's true body

The true body of the first thousand one hundred and forty two chapter Angel

"Oh, don't stare at people, you will be shy." Angel saw Zhao Tiezhu staring at her so desperately, and said pretty.

"Cut, you will not be shy when you change clothes in front of me. Now you are shy?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a squinting eye.

"This... this is the biggest secret of people." Angel said faintly. "For so many years, no one has seen my true face."

"Come on, or you will turn around." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This is fine!" Angel said, turning directly to one body, then facing Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Angel, first took off the long blond hair, a slightly brown hair appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu, then Angel picked up a towel that didn't know what to rub, and wiped it on his face. After a while, and then got somewhere on the side of the body to get a look, Zhao Tiezhu can see the same thing was taken from Angel's body.

Looking at the things that are full of land, Zhao Tiezhu is completely admired by Angel. These things are not on the body, but in the hands, it is estimated that they are also a few pounds. These things can be so natural. It’s really amazing how amazing it is to get a person on the body.

Angel's original white skin, in the case of Angel did not know how to get it, turned into a color similar to brown, but not as deep as brown.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Angel said with a smile, "Is it ready?"

Zhao Tiezhu swallowed his mouth and said, "Ready. You turn around."

Angel's body slowly turned over.

As soon as he saw Angel's appearance, Zhao Tiezhu was shocked.

If Angel, who used to be like a Chinese person, can be considered to be the best of the country, then Angel is the kind that looks like people can burn!

"Angie, you... you turned out to be a Gypsy!!" Zhao Tiezhu cried in surprise. Angel's beauty, true, Zhao Tiezhu was surprised, but not much shocked. After all, the beauty she had seen was more immune to the beauty. The force is naturally strong. However, Zhao Tiezhu thought forever, and did not think that Angel would be a Gypsy!

In the cognition of people all over the world, Gypsy is a wandering nation. They never stay in one place for too long. They wander around the world. They don’t have their own religions, and they don’t have their own bases, as if they were born. In the beginning, they have been wandering.

The greatest impression of the Gypsies is that they can sing and dance. Of course, there is one that is also very well known. That is Gypsy's astrology. These are all ideal things, there is no need to say here.

There are not many Gypsies in the world. At least in the years of Zhao Tiezhu’s mercenary career, I have not seen the so-called Gypsies. I just didn’t expect that the comrade An Qi, who has been with her for so many years, is actually a Gypsy. And it is the kind of Gypsy woman who is as fascinating as Esmeralda in Notre Dame!

"You... you are a Gypsy!" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"Yeah, why, have you looked down on me?" Angel asked.

"No, no, why should I look down on you? The Gypsies are Gypsies, and there is nothing to be ashamed of?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Many people all over the world like to see our Gypsies with colored eyes." Angel said faintly. "It seems like thieves and prostitutes have become synonymous with our Gypsies. When I first came out, I often touched them. When people say this, they simply use the ancient make-up techniques learned from our family to make up themselves, so it is much easier to do things!"

"That is also true. Now the world is not very good about the Gypsies. It’s not too much trouble! Just, hey, it’s really hard to imagine that you are a Gypsy. You look at it after makeup, it’s not like Ah!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

"That is of course, my gypsy ancient make-up, but a kind of makeup that was combined with your ancient Chinese ancient abilities and modern biochemical techniques, is not passed on!" Angel said proudly. "Is the iron column, I saw my true face, how do you feel? People, is it pretty?"

As he said, Angel was quite a pretty chest.

"Well, it is really beautiful. It is said that the woman of Gypsy is the most fascinating. It is true that you want to sin if you look at it!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Then you want to sin?" Angel asked flatteringly.

"I am still good to pull." Zhao Tiezhu said shyly, "We are so familiar, not good to start."

"Cut, you have seen me change clothes, what are you afraid of?" Angel said with a sigh. "You...what have you heard of a gypsy legend?"

"What legend?"

"The woman of Gypsy, I don't know the style, and I love it." Angel looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a burning gaze. "You... didn't think about what could happen with me?"

"When I go, I said, we are so familiar, can't get it, although you look really charming, but... I think we are like brothers, I have always been a brother, you have seen two brothers. Do you want to do seven things?" Zhao Tiezhu laughed.

"Cut, you guy, it’s boring." Angel grinned with dissatisfaction. "People still think about rolling sheets with you, oh... sorry for my body for so many years, finally planning to give me the best comrades. People don’t want to, don’t hesitate, that’s all, when I’m back in the family, just ask someone to give it.”

"You said this, we are brothers, aren't we?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"But... I want you!" Angel took Zhao Tiezhu's hand and put it on his chest and said, "Is my heart beat?"

"I feel it." Zhao Tiezhu nodded honestly. "It is very powerful."

"Well, you are too uninteresting." Angel threw away Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and said, "At night, when you sleep on the bed, I can't climb my bed in the middle of the night. I gave you a chance. You don't want it yourself!"

"Haha, it's okay." Zhao Tiezhu said indifferently, "I can sleep at will."

"Oh." Angel snorted and took a quilt and a blanket from the side of the cupboard and said, "Under the blanket, the quilt covers you."

"Thank you." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and laid the blanket, then took off his shirt and lay down on his head and said, "Good night."

"The guy who is not as good as the beast. Hey." Angel snorted and lay down on the bed.

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