Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1154: Rescue

The first one hundred and fifty-four chapter rescue

The southwestern part of Mae Sai is a small market. It sells a lot of local specialties and is a must for many tourists.

Zhao Tiezhu stood at the door of the market and looked at his watch from time to time.

Just then, a dark green pickup truck came from a distance, and the dust on the ground was rolled up, making it impossible for people to see who was sitting in the car.

The pickup truck stopped in front of Zhao Tiezhu. The thunder of a camouflage suit jumped from the car and saw Zhao Tiezhu. Leizi nodded, and there was no hippie smile in the past when he was with Zhao Tiezhu.

Lei Zi looked seriously, "Iron column brother, where is Angel now?"

"It has been positioned." Zhao Tiezhu took out something similar to a watch from his pocket, then took off the watch on his hand and took the thing he had just touched.

"Jack has just positioned Angel's position, just in the northwest direction of the Mekong River, and has to go deep into the depths of the Golden Triangle for a few kilometers, where is the site of General Kunshan!" Zhao Tiezhu said simply.

"Kun Shan? Is that the most insidious drug lord in Southeast Asia?" Lei Zi frowned and asked.

"Well, the positioning coordinates of Angel's mobile phone have disappeared. Fortunately, she also carried the miniature locator that we customized at the beginning, so now I can find her!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Now her specific location, still have to When we go deep into the office, she can find it in the place of 500 meters. Let's go get something."

“Yeah!” Lei Zi nodded and said, “I haven’t touched those hot weapons for a long time, and I haven’t played in the rainforest for a long time!”

"Be careful this time, Kunshan can be hailed as the most insidious drug lord, warlord, it is not without reason, the master who died under his hand, certainly a lot!" Zhao Tiezhu shouted.


The two talked and walked into the market on the side. However, the two did not go shopping with most of the tourists, but went to a remote place in the market and then walked into a small shop that looked very inconspicuous. .

"Oh! Zhao, Lei, it's you! I haven't seen you for a long time!" A Thai person saw Zhao Tiezhu and Lei Zi, and he cried in surprise.

"We are also, now is not the time when the old, when the dam, we need equipment!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

The man who called the dam nodded and said, "I have just arrived at a good group of things, the old rules, give you 15% off!"

When Zhao Tiezhu and Lei Zi came out from this small shop, the two men had already carried a half-man high camouflage bag on their backs.

Zhao Tiezhu had a sunglasses on his eyes and a little beard on his chin. He didn’t know how to have a knife on his face. If it is not a person who is very familiar with Zhao Tiezhu, it is generally not recognized by Zhao Tiezhu, and Lei Zi is also through some simple makeup, although not as enchanting as Angel's make-up, but at least not his identity A small cover.

"In this action, we don't ask for murder, just ask for the rescue of Angel!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously. "So, when Angel is rescued by us, she will run immediately! The strength of Kunshan is not what we can now shake!" ”

"Know!" Leizi nodded seriously.

Next to the town of Messer, it was directly a piece of forest. Zhao Tiezhu and Lei Zi did not delay, and went directly into the forest.

After about ten minutes of walking, the two have been completely isolated from the outside world.

The Golden Triangle region is the world's largest drug exporter because of the complex terrain and the geographical and historical reasons of the three countries.

Zhao Tiezhu and Lei Zi were moving fast in the woods. General Kunshan’s camp was on the upper reaches of the Mekong River in Thailand, so as long as you walk along the Mekong River, the two people actually encountered a lot of soldiers with live ammunition. These are the men of Kunshan.

Kunshan is in a high position, and one person almost controls the output of the Golden Triangle drug by 10%. Naturally, it will make countless people jealous, and hiring mercenaries and killers to assassinate Kunshan is the simplest and most practical and effective method. Kunshan’s armed forces who did not get his permission to enter his territory were always directly destroyed.

Zhao Tiezhu slightly bowed his waist, and a camouflage suit made his body almost integrated with the surrounding trees. If you don’t look carefully, you really can’t see anything, and Leizi’s figure is equally quick and quiet. People just avoided several dark whistle whistle, and then spent about half an hour to come to the camp of General Kunshan about a kilometer.

When they arrived here, the two had already been difficult to move forward, because the camp around General Kunshan was full of wall-like things, and then every few hundred meters there would be a sentry that would surround the camp. At the very center of the camp, it is a magnificent building, and it looks like a palace.

The big drug lords are very rich, and the money is used to arm themselves, and the other is to bring themselves to a better life. The surrounding of this palace-style building is directly a canal similar to the ring of the river. The channel is about three meters wide, and at the forefront of the building is a bridge connecting the palace and the outside, saying it is a bridge, but also Only three or four meters in length, there are many soldiers carrying guns on the bridge, and in every corner of the palace, almost all surveillance cameras are installed.

"This alert, it is really his mother's strictness!" Zhao Tiezhu snorted and said to Lei Zi, "Rayzi, Angel's coordinates have been fully positioned, just below the palace, when I go in, you are The outside side will meet me, I must make a little movement to attract the attention of those inside! So I will go deep into it!"

"Understand!" Lei Zi and Zhao Tiezhu did not cooperate once or twice, and did not talk much. They carried their backpacks and bent over to go side by side, while Zhao Tiezhu looked at the walls, which had at least three hundred Mi, will arrive at the bridgehead of the palace building. Zhao Tiezhu’s plan is to walk directly from the bridge. Because there are too many unknown factors in the water, it is easy to expose himself, so Zhao Tiezhu did not enter the palace from that channel. intend.

Zhao Tiezhu’s invisibility, in a matter of minutes, will put himself in a period of weakness. Therefore, in the concept of being able to save the province, Zhao Tiezhu made up his mind to be invisible in the place closest to the bridge. As for how close it is, this has to be seen. The ability of the child.

Zhao Tiezhu put his body on the outer wall. The soldiers on the wall did not notice that there were individuals under the wall. Several soldiers who were sent to the whistle also chatted from time to time.

at this time.

boom! The north side of the camp!

A loud noise followed by a smog of smoke. The eyes of countless people were instantly attracted to the past by the other side.

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