Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1155: sneak into

The first one hundred and fifty-five chapters sneak into

"This is the time!" Zhao Tiezhu looked up and looked at the squadrons on the wall and looked at the place where the explosion occurred in the north. He bent out and slammed out.

After successfully entering the wall, Zhao Tiezhu walked directly to the back of a military tent.

Just then, several soldiers ran out of the tent, carrying guns on their bodies, and still licking their mouths.

Zhao Tiezhu lowered his body and watched the soldiers rushing north.

Another explosion sounded, more and more soldiers rushed to the north, Zhao Tiezhu cat waisted and quickly ran a few steps forward, and then when the lens of a monitoring probe turned around, Zhao Tiezhu was fierce Aside from the side, I escaped the shooting of this probe, and then rushed into a military tent without any stop.

After a while, a few muffled sounds came out from the military tent.

After Zhao Tiezhu stunned several soldiers in the tent, he took a set of their military uniforms and changed them. Then he opened the bag he carried with him and took out a hand-sized pistol from inside.

Don't look at this gun, but the power is very big. The main feature of this gun is that it shoots bullets, not like other guns, it is piercing damage, its bullets are hitting the blocked things. It will produce an explosion effect. Once the gun is fired, it can basically blow up half of the body.

Then Zhao Tiezhu took out some of the seven seven eight eight things from the inside, and there were several black cuboids that looked very strange.

Zhao Tiezhu tied the rectangular objects together with a rope, and tied them to his waist. Then he hid the pistol into his sleeve, then he swayed out of the tent and there was nothing wrong with me. The meaning of.

It was not long before Zhao Tiezhu took out the tent. The east side of the camp also exploded. After a few loud explosions, the fire rushed to the sky.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled. The thing that Lei Zi likes most to do is to engage in these bombings. This is quite a match with his name.

Zhao Tiezhu carried a AK47 rifle on the shoulder of a local soldier. This is a kind of rifle with great power and great recoil. In the 1980s and 1990s, this rifle was the mainstream weapon of each army, but over time With the advent of the passing and newer weapons, ak47 can no longer meet people's needs, so many ak47 have been eliminated, but the AK47 that was eliminated is the favorite of arms dealers. They directly sell them to mercenaries or The terrorist organization’s awkwardness, the residual value of ak47, was cleaned up by those capitalists.

Zhao Tiezhu followed the crowd to the south. The location of the palace was in the middle of the entire camp. If you ran in the direction of Zhao Tiezhu’s current run, it would pass through the main entrance of the palace, which means that it would pass through the only connection. The palace and the bridge outside the land.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face is also like the people around him, with anger, and then follow them. Of course, Zhao Tiezhu will not speak Thai. If you listen carefully, you can hear Zhao Tiezhu just talking about him x, said Faster, naturally I can't hear what it is, and the surrounding voice is noisy, and no one is going to care about what Zhao Tiezhu said.

Seeing that the bridge was getting closer, Zhao Tiezhu slowly lowered his speed. Zhao Tiezhu, who was originally running in the middle of the crowd, slowly fell to the back of the crowd. Then, suddenly, it flashed out of nowhere and disappeared!

No one around is paying attention to Zhao Tiezhu. Although it is strange that a person suddenly disappears, most people just think that they are blind, and no one thinks that someone can hide.

After Zhao Tiezhu was invisible, he quickly disengaged from the team and then flew away to the bridge.

The soldiers standing on the side of the bridge guarding the police only felt a gust of wind blowing, and then there was no more noise.

Successfully entered the castle!

Zhao Tiezhu looked around and determined that no one had monitored it. He removed the stealth. From stealth to entering the castle, it took less than thirty seconds. Zhao Tiezhu’s physical strength was hardly affected.

Zhao Tiezhu now understands that he used to rely on stealth as the main force, but now he can only use stealth to assist, and it is not the time when you have no choice but to use it.

Raised the hand and looked at the locator on the hand. A red dot on the locator represents Angel's position, and Zhao Tiezhu's position at this time is a yellow dot.

"It seems to be in the basement!" Zhao Tiezhu was indulging for a moment, slightly lowering his head, pretending to be nothing, going to the entrance of the basement of the palace.

At this time, in the third floor of the palace underground.

A very ordinary man was **** on a fast wooden board in a large shape, and the wooden board was placed vertically, so the man was standing alone on the ground.

The clothes on the man's body are already ruined, and the flesh inside can be seen faintly, and even the chest hair on the chest can be seen.

There are several people standing in front of the man, one of them is Wang Junxi, and next to Wang Junxi, it is Sam. In front of Wang Junxi and Sam, standing a middle-aged man in a military uniform with a leather military cap, the man's skin is bronzed, and his eyes are like an eagle. The whole person looks like a fierce temperament. A pair of black leather boots on the foot, stepping on the ground and making a loud noise.

"Wang, this is the end of the game with me." The man smiled and said to Wang Junxi.

"Oh, in this Southeast Asia region, I feel that no one dares to do it with General Kun Shan!" Wang Junxi bent slightly and bent down and said with a smile.

The man, the master of this palace, is General Kun.

"Ha ha ha, now, there is no hostility, partnership is the most important thing!" Kunshan smiled. "I hope this cooperation with your father will be a complete success!"

"I hope so too." Wang Junxi smiled. "Yes, General Kunshan, I heard that you see Zhao Tiezhu, isn't it very pleasing?"

"Zhao Tiezhu, who?" Kunshan asked doubtfully.

"You don't know who Zhao Tizhu is?" Wang Junxi asked in surprise.

Kunshan thought for a moment, then suddenly realized, "You mean the man who Li let me kill last time?"

Wang Junxi nodded and said, "Exactly!"

"I don't know that person. It's just that Li and I have a little friendship. Let me go and kill him. Why, he is your friend? I have already killed, can you let me live again?" !" Kunshan said.

"No, no, just General Kun, don't you know, that person, isn't it dead?"

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