The first one hundred and sixty-three chapters don't!

The speed of the small wooden boat is not fast, just like the numerous ships that walk on the Mekong River, there is no difference.

Leizi sat on the chair, holding the rudder in one hand, but holding a telescope in one hand, looking at the front from time to time.

Just then, the door of the cabin was opened and Zhao Tiezhu came out from inside.

"Iron column brother, so fast?" Lei Zi asked strangely.

"You don't have a brain full of thoughts! I will help Angel to wrap up the wound." Zhao Tiezhu explained.

"Yes, yes, I know, dressing the wounds, women, which one is not being cut by a knife? Is it? All men have to help the seams!" Lei Zi has a wretched smile.

"I am going, you can make this joke yellow!" Zhao Tiezhu took the telescope from Leizi and looked at the front and said, "Is it estimated that I can go to that place at night?"

"Well, follow this speed, it should be at night!" Lei Zi looked at the watch and said.

"Well, wait until the road meets the toll fee, and kill it directly." Zhao Tiezhu said with a sullen face.

This toll is a role similar to that of the domestic road tyrant, except that the workplace has changed to the water. This iron channel that Zhao Tiezhu walked this time belongs to the channel of no one. Since there is no one, it is normal for those who have encountered the road tolls on the road. The Golden Triangle is no more than other places. Many areas here belong to No one is in charge, so there is no one to stop this illegal collection of tolls, and many of the tolls here are local water thieves, or drug lords, small If the government is to stop it, it will probably trigger a gun battle. If it is dead, the pension is a small expense.

Many passing ships, in the case of such people, will also pay a little money to protect the peace, but Zhao Tiezhu this person, originally people in these countries in Southeast Asia are not very cool, because there have been many times in history White-eyed wolf incident, for those who often take advantage of the benefits but often behind the knife, if Zhao Tiezhu can see the cool, then it is not abhorry, such as Qiu Zhengzheng Zhao Tiezhu! For these water thieves, when Zhao Tiezhu was mixed in Southeast Asia, it was basically that you came to rob me and I will send you to see the king.

In the Golden Triangle, the least valuable thing is human life.

Not long after, Angel also came out of the cabin, did not know where to change a few pencils, and then smeared on the face of Lei Zi, Lei Zi suddenly became a burly Thailand People, and Zhao Tiezhu also became a thin Thai, as for Angel, it turned into an old woman with a yellow face.

"Oh, not only the face has changed, but the body has changed!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Angel's chest that was completely dry, thinking about the day to ask Angel, you can stretch the chest freely, is not equipped with balloons.

Angel said that Zhao Tiezhu’s mind was attached. He was attached to Zhao Tiezhu and whispered, “I am this, but the real thing, you last time, but you touched it.”

Zhao Tiezhu's old face is red, I really want to say that you took the buddy's hand to catch it, but I am not willing to do it, but I think that after all, I will take advantage of it. Zhao Tiezhu will not care about Angel.

The sky gradually darkened, and the Leizi opened the ship's headlights, and the sound of the engine became more boring and audible.

After turning a big bend, Zhao Tiezhu really as usual, saw the water thief!

It was a small armored ship. It was a ship superior to Zhao Tiezhu. It was much faster than a wooden ship. The most important thing was that there was a small machine gun on the armored ship.

There were about seven or eight people on board, and Zhao Tiezhu’s ship appeared from the corner and was seen. The person who wore it carried ak47 and waved at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Look up, find all the opportunities to get rid of!" Zhao Tiezhu whispered.

"Understand." Lei Zi smiled with a big mouth.

After waiting for it, Zhao Tiezhu found that it was not only one of his own ships that was robbed, but also three other large armored ships, which were actually robbed! Looking at the spray paint on the boat, Zhao Tiezhu can be sure that this is a ship from China.

"Oh, you can be beaten by a robbery!" Zhao Tiezhu said cheerfully.

"Come on, come over!" One of the water thieves wearing a gray vest called Zhao Tiezhu and others, and then did not know whether it was shocking or embarrassing. He even took ak47 directly to the water next to Zhao Tiezhu’s ship. The gun suddenly splashed.

"You, what?" asked the gray vest water thief, Zhao Tiezhu, after the ship approached.

"We are passing by!" Zhao Tiezhu bent slightly, a dagger slipped down the sleeves to his hand, Zhao Tiezhu hand back to the gray vest water thief, so the water thief did not see, and Lei Zi is a nervous Look, the body shivered and looked at the water thief.

"Give me your money," cried the water thief.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lei Zi and said, "Well, give it to you."

Just as Zhao Tiezhu reached out and drew his hands in the pocket, on the side of the boat, there was a scream and a cry.

"We all give you money, don't kill us!" A young man was tied to the deck by his hands, and the young man was trembling, and behind the youth was a strong man with a red headscarf, a strong man. Holding a m4a1 in his hand, there is one muffler missing from Zhao Tiezhu's m4a1-s. It seems to be a big leader.

"In my life, I hate the people of China. If I am a Chinese, I have to die!" The little boss held m4a1 and said to the young man's head, "Of course, as long as you kneel down and call me a few grandfathers, then give I licked a few heads, and then said that the people in China are all stupid pigs, and I let you go."

"I don't want to die! Please, don't kill me." The young man looked at the little leader with pleading.

"Then you will say it." The small leader put the m4a1 **** the head of the youth. "As long as you say, I will not kill you."

"Don't..." The young man shook his head.

"Then you have to die."

"I don't want to die!"

"What do you say!"


"Are you afraid of dying?"

"Afraid. I am afraid, don't kill me."

"Then you said!"


"You **** me!" The little head was angry and didn't shoot. Instead, he turned and grabbed the individual from the side, pointing to the same person, the same thing.

"Big brother, I don't want to die either." The newcomer also looked at the little leader with the same expression.

"What do you say!"


"You are not afraid of death?"


"As long as you say it, you can't die, you can say it!"


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