Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: Yan Huang descendants

The first one hundred and sixty-four chapters

"You!! You are all playing me, good, very good, I want to see, you Chinese people, are they so bones!" The little leader said, another company from the side caught three people, these three People, two middle-aged people, one looks a bit old.

"As long as you guys say, whoever can live!" The little boss said to one of the middle-aged men, "Come, let me talk first."


The little boss turned to another middle-aged man and said, "Then you said."


"You... old man, you come, as long as you say it, I will not let you go, but let all of you!" cried the little leader.

"You don't understand the bones of our descendants." The old man looks much more calm than the people in front.

"Bone? What bone?" For the poor heads of language, the bones are used for stews. What kind of bones do people say now, do you want to bring their bones to stew?

"I am blaming China, with 9.6 million square kilometers of land and 1.3 billion people. Is it something that I can insult? We are afraid of death and do not want to die, but some things, even if they die, cannot be done. We have an old saying that, if you let me die, then let me die, I will only stand and die, because I never bend my knees to the enemy."

"Okay, okay, good! It seems that you really want me to bring your bones to stew! Very good!" The little boss lifted the gun head and pointed at the old man's head and said, "When you are in hell, Then go talk to your prince about your bones."

The old man looked at the small leader with disdain and did not speak.

at this time.

A scream suddenly came.

The little boss turned his head and saw that he was wearing a gray vest. He didn’t know when he was given a neck and was struggling with his neck down on the ground. Just when the little boss wondered why his own person suddenly would be like that, two black shadows flashed, a huge one like a mountain, and a thin one just like a monkey.

These two figures, at a speed that human beings could not have, appeared on the dock in an instant, and then they saw that they could not afford to fall down on the ground, but they were blink of an eye. These two shadows were on the side. His own armored ship, and then his own hands fell to the ground.

Just when the little leader finally remembered to turn the gun head, the thin figure appeared in front of the small head, one hand caught on the gun, one hand, but holding a dagger The pulse of the hand that took the gun, a little bit of it went in.

"If your hand is hard, your pulse will swell. At that time, this dagger will get into your veins!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile to the little leader.

The back of the small head is wet in an instant.

"Who are you!" asked the little boss nervously.

"We? Haha, guess who we are?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Shenzhen people?!" Small heads wide open eyes, " are Shenzhou people! And...not ordinary Chinese people!"

"Sorry, we are just ordinary Chinese people." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Come, I will ask you a word."

"You ask, you ask." The little leader nodded busy.

"Tell the words you just told them. Of course, you have to change the Chinese inside to Thailand." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smirk, "As long as you say, I will let you not die."

"This..." The little head swallowed a slobber and said, "Don't!"

"Oh? Really?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the small leader with a sly look. His hand slightly increased his strength. The top of the dagger had touched the vein on his arm.

"Really..." The little head shook a little and his eyes were a little dodging.

"Very good, you are a patriotic person, I am the person, the most respectful, is the patriotic person!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

The head of the small head showed a hint of joy, but before he could be happy, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly said, "For the patriotic people, I will let you die in a better way."

"What!?" The small head looked at Zhao Tiezhu and Zhao Tiezhu’s dagger in horror, but it had already opened the veins on the small head.

"Began bleeding, pro." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the mouth of the small head and said, "In general, a person's blood can be finished in five minutes, pro."

The little boss wants to say that Nima, what do you say about Taobao at this moment, but seeing his own blood, the little head is afraid, really scared.

"I said, I said!" the little head cried in horror. "Thai people are all lazy..."

The little head did not speak, Zhao Tiezhu’s dagger went up, and the small heads were soft, and they fell to the ground, and the blood flowed like a note.

"Sorry, I hate people who are not patriotic." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged helplessly, and left in the eyes of the little leader "You play me".

After untied the ropes of several Chinese crew members who were tied, Zhao Tiezhu did not say anything to them, but returned directly to the small wooden boat with Lei Zi, and then floated under the moonlight.

"Ship... Captain." The first young man pushed onto the deck trembled to look at the old man.

"Alarm." The old man said, his eyes were straight and looked at the small wooden boat that was far away.

"They...who are they?" one of the crew asked.

"They? Don't know." The old man shook his head. "But what is certain is that they are all descendants of our yellow."

The small wooden boat slowly moved forward, and Zhao Tiezhu’s face was full of smiles.

"Oh, kill a few water thieves, can you do so?" Angel asked.

"You don't understand." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and sat on the boat with his legs crossed. Leizi also grabbed the rudder with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, you don't understand."

"God is stunned." Angel snorted with dissatisfaction and walked into the cabin.

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