Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1171: parting

Chapter 1 171 chapter separation

"I? I like it, it is best to have a baby, haha!" Su Yanni smiled.

"Dragon and phoenix? We Zhaojia can not have this gene!" Zhao Tiezhu thought about it and said, "It seems that we have two births."

"Nothing, my mom said that my **** is big, I can live!" Su Yanni said proudly.

"Cut." Zhao Tiezhu said that he did not believe.

"Do you dare to suspect me and my mother? Small pillar, you are finished." Su Yanni turned over and sat on Zhao Tiezhu, then groped under her body, grabbed the small iron pillar and said, "Let you see my **** power!"

Zhao Tiezhu screamed, and then he was decisively pressed by Su Yanni.

Another war without smoke. A protracted war. A war that has started since the earth was born.

Waiting for all the calm, Su Yanni sat on the sofa in the downstairs hall, and Zhao Tiezhu seemed to be a woman who was given a hundred times and a hundred times, and looked at Su Yanni.

"Do you dare to smack my big ass?" Su Yanni's eyebrows picked, proudly said.

"Don't dare." Zhao Tiezhu hurriedly shook his head. "The big **** of the cockroach is really only a small life student, the power is endless, and the little ones are willing to go down the wind!"

"Hey, look at you still dare to win." Su Yanni said, looked at the alarm clock hanging on the wall, could not help but say, "It is twelve o'clock, how come no one is back."

"I hope that people will leave private space for us." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

The voice just fell, and Li Linger and Lucy’s voice came in from the outside. At the same time, Sun Jiaying’s voice was heard.

The door was pushed open, and Lucy Li Linger and Sun Jiaying appeared at the door at the same time.

"Hey? How did the three of you get together?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Just Jiaying went to the street where Lucy Flower Shop is located, so we will come back together." Li Linger said, sitting on the sofa.

"Making a movie? What kind of drama?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"About the haunted thing on that street." Sun Jiaying said with a smile, "Don't you say that the street used to be a ghost?"

"Haunted?" Zhao Tiezhu was said by Sun Jiaying, only to think of it, it seems that the last time he and Lucy went to the flower shop to catch the ghost, but that time, Zhao Tiezhu found that this ghost, but a person dressed up, just do not know why That person will dress up as a ghost, and listen to the neighborhood on the street saying that the house has been haunted for a long time, is it the last time the person did it? And it has been such a long time, and that person has not appeared again. Was the man only a prank last time?

"Yeah, iron pillar, haven't we been to catch ghosts before?" Lucy laughed. "But, that time, nothing was caught and people ran away."

"We just had such a script, and then that street is also suitable for the background of the story in the script, so I went there, but Lucy's flower shop is really beautiful!" Sun Jiaying praised.

"Oh, what time do you want to say, your stomach is hungry!" Li Linger sat on the sofa and said, "Is it good to eat? I am starving."

"Nothing to eat, call something." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"No, I will do it." Su Yanni stood up and said, "I bought some noodles last night, and there are many ingredients. Today, my sister will cook the noodles for you."

"Well, Jiaying sister, haven't you eaten what Yani sister has done? The taste is not as good as that of the iron pillar brother, but it is still very delicious, at least more delicious than Lucy. "Lin Linger said."

Lucy was embarrassed and said, "The last time I made a mistake, next time, next time I must do better than the iron column!"

"That's a mistake? The pieces of meat are all charcoal, and the kitchen almost exploded! Finally, we helped a few to clean up the battlefield!" Li Linger said.

“When is it?” Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"You are embarrassed when you are outside," Li Linger said, following Su Yanni and walked into the kitchen.

Zhao Tiezhu chats with Lucy Sun Jiaying outside. In the kitchen, Su Yanni is doing lunch with Li Linger, and the time is over. In a short while, a hot pot of noodles is ready.

Su Yanni gave everyone a bowl, and everyone sat around the table. After Su Yanni made a summary of the words, a group of talents started.

The taste of this noodle is not much to say here. Anyway, it is like that, Zhao Tiezhu eats cool, last night wanted, and today I still worked on Su Yanni for a long time, this body is already tired, and I will eat some steamed noodles. Don't mention how comfortable it is.

"Hey, how do you have a hair here?" Lucy picked out a black hair that was not too long from the bowl.

"It may be accidentally falling in." Su Yanni said with embarrassment, "I will give you a bowl."

"No, it's just a hair." Zhao Tiezhu said on the side. "You see, this hair is not a roll, it must be hair."

When Zhao Tiezhu’s words came out, the surrounding moments were quiet. Zhao Tiezhu didn’t seem to realize anything. He took Lucy’s chopsticks and pointed at the hair on his head. “Look, it’s not a roll!”

"Eat your meal!" Su Yanni blushes and grabs the chopsticks from Zhao Tiezhu's hand, then walks into the kitchen and re-takes a pair of chopsticks for Lucy.

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu also realized that it was not very good in his own words. He said, "I said, it is not the kind of hair, it is hair, it is hair!"

"What kind of hair?" Li Linger said stupid.

"It is the kind of Mullah, Linger, the children's family, and concentrate on eating your meal!" Zhao Tiezhu reached out and knocked on Li Linger's head.

"Hey, knocking again will be stupid!" Li Linger dissatisfied muttered.

After a lunch break, Zhao Tiezhu communicated with the girls and then went to the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall. This time, there were so many things, even though some brothers helped me. But there are some things that are more practical.

It was not until about three in the afternoon that Zhao Tiezhu was pulled out of the work by a phone call.

"What? You are at the airport?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a phone call, surprised.

"Well, I have to go, maybe, I can only wait a long time to meet." Lu Xiaoman’s voice came from the phone. "I am very happy to know you."

“When is it going?” asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I will leave after half an hour. Now I have passed the security check. If everything goes well, next year, maybe I will come back, iron pillar, goodbye." Lu Xiaoman said, he hung up the phone.

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