Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1172: Empty fall

The first one hundred and seventy-two chapters are empty

Zhao Tiezhu took the phone, his eyes were a bit stunned. Lu Xiaoman and Zhao Tiezhu said on the phone that she was going to the mountainous area of ​​Gz province. This is a concept that is to be a volunteer doctor in the mountains of gz province to help the locals. The person is only the object of teaching, the student and the child, and the object of the doctor is everyone.

Zhao Tiezhu doesn't know why Lu Xiaoman wants to go to that place. Because of the many mountainous areas in Gz province, Zhao Tiezhu has been there before. The environment there is very poor. The common sense of various big cities is used in those places, many of them. It doesn't work, like playing, like a bus. In a place where the birds don't pull, don't talk about the bus, you can have a motorcycle, it is not easy. (There is no geographical discrimination, but that place is really bitter. Everyone has the ability to help.)

Zhao Tiezhu once went to a village, the entire village, there is no cement road, the house is wooden and earthy structure! The whole village, on a TV, or on the side of the village committee, but there is no satellite signal, usually only use a dilapidated dvd to put some movies a dozen years ago, and those people in those places are very Poor, many people's homes are farming for generations. Children rarely go to school. If they go to school, they just go to those who want primary school. Because there is no road, they have to walk for several hours every day to go to school!

To put it simply, those places are the corners that are almost forgotten from our modern society. People there live a difficult life that we can't imagine, and Lu Xiaoman said on the phone, where she is in charge of medicine, It is a small village in the 100,000 mountains. Because there are no doctors and drugs in the village, many people can only choose hard resistance, so Lu Xiaoman is going to be a doctor there. Zhao Tiezhu did not understand what madness Lu Xiaoman had made, but he thought about going to that place. Of course, it was not that Zhao Tiezhu looked down on those places, but that Zhao Tiezhu thought that Lu Xiaoman was living in a big city and his family. People who are still very good, if not crazy, simply don’t want to go to that place.

"Nervous disease." Zhao Tiezhu muttered, stood up, picked up the clothes hanging on the side, and ran out of the office.

Twenty minutes later.

Zhao Tiezhu’s No. 25 car quickly stopped at the parking lot of the fj airport. Zhao Tiezhu got off the bus and went directly to the terminal of the domestic flight.

In the airport broadcast, the broadcast to gz has started to play. Zhao Tiezhu went directly to the security checkpoint. When he just wanted to go in, he was stopped by security.

"Sorry, sir, please show your ticket and ID card." Security will reach out and block Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu groped for a moment and found that he had forgotten to bring the bag out, and the ID card and the ticket were in the bag.

"I have something to do, look for my friend, trouble memorizing!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Sorry, sir, if you don't have a ticket and an ID card, you can't pass the security check!" The security guard had a face and was not moved by Zhao Tiezhu's words.

"The flight to gz is about to take off. Please check in as soon as possible." The radio rang and Zhao Tiezhu’s face remained unchanged. He said to the security of the application, "I must go, my friend is there. I will leave when I finish talking."

"Sorry, sir, we have regulations."

"Regulate your sister." Zhao Tiezhu's face sank, directly push the security to the side, and then rushed through the security.

Almost in an instant, many security personnel standing next to him came to Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu’s speed was much faster than these people. Almost no one could stop Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu rushed to the terminal in less than half a minute, but the boarding gate was closed. Zhao Tiezhu stood in the same place and watched the flight to gz slowly slide on the runway. Then, I flew to the sky. For a moment, there was an empty feeling.

Not everyone will wait for you, life is not a movie, and will never give you a hot road at the last minute. Lu Xiaoman is gone, walking very simply, not crying like those in the novel on TV. Zhao Tiezhu did not scream, but just looked at the plane that had already flown to the sky, and said nothing.

The security guards who came behind Zhao Tiezhu rushed forward and wanted to throw Zhao Tiezhu to the ground. Zhao Tiezhu directly dropped these people to the side and said, "If you want to die, try again."

For a moment, all the people around him stayed in the same place, and they did not dare to move.

"Why?" Zhao Tiezhu sighed and turned and walked out of the waiting hall, followed by a lot of security guards.

When Zhao Tiezhu passed the security check, he saw the security guard who had stopped him before. Zhao Tiezhu smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry."

Just then, the police at the airport ran over. After seeing Zhao Tiezhu, they took out batons.

In Shenzhou, if you dare to attack the airport, it is simply equal to terrorism.

"I am Zhao Tiezhu, the fj military district university. I have something to say outside." Zhao Tiezhu put down such a sentence and walked out of the airport.

A group of policemen saw Zhao Tiezhu’s imposing manner. He also felt that this cargo should not be a terrorist. If he listened to this person, he would still be a member of the military region. Therefore, he did not bother to make any big moves while calling for support. It was followed by Zhao Tiezhu out of the airport, and a large group of police officers surrounded Zhao Tiezhu. This scene is quite spectacular.

Zhao Tiezhu went to the parking lot, sat on the No. 25 car, put the window down and said, "I will give you an explanation for this matter."

After that, after the fire, and drove directly to leave, the police on the scene, there is no one blocked, only because the license plate is 25 words.

Some people, if they really missed it, will never come back.

"Sogra, come out to drink." Zhao Tiezhu made a phone call while he was driving.

"Well?" Socrata said with a trace of doubt, "Iron pillar, have you come to Beijing?"

Zhao Tiezhu saw it, this thought, this Sogra has returned to Beijing, could not help but smile, said, "I forgot you back to Beijing, and I will find you to drink when I am in Beijing, first."

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu called Fan Jian and learned that Fan Jianzheng and Wu Qian had a date, and called the Solitary Emperor, and learned that Du Gu Huangtian was dating.

For a time, Zhao Tiezhu did not know who to find out to drink.

"Su Shi, where?" Zhao Tiezhu called the phone to Su Shi, the first canary he had in captivity.

"Iron column brother, I am here at the Liuyun Club... Are you looking for me?" Su Shi said softly.

"No, what are you doing there?"

"Tonight, the people in our Lady Union are holding private parties here, Iron Pillar, are you coming?" Su Shi asked.

"No, it's boring." Zhao Tiezhu said, he pressed the phone,

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu sighed and drove back to the villa.

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