Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1191: did not pass

Chapter 1 119 failed

Zhao Tiezhu’s car slowly followed the Jetta car in the exam. Linda was not the first one. The first one was a young fat man. Zhao Tiezhu saw the fat man from the ride to the bus. Less than thirty seconds!

The last test of this subject three is to stop by, Zhao Tiezhu sees that the traffic police seems to be very anxious, let the fat man parked by the side, the fat man has not yet turned the lights, the traffic police will reach out and put the fat man's steering wheel to the side A turn, then let the fat get off directly, the exam passed!

"It’s true that his mother is fast!” Zhao Tiezhu said with a sigh of relief. Then, Linda got on.

Zhao Tiezhu directly followed Linda's back. This time Linda drove a little longer than the last fat man. He drove up to the bridge, then drove outside the school, and finally came back around, and then stopped.

Zhao Tiezhu did not find anything wrong from the beginning to the end. As a result, he saw Linda rushing out of the car and then sat in Zhao Tiezhu’s car without saying a word.

The slamming of the door closed, and the qq got a shock.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with concern.

"The **** examiner, bastard, bastard, neuropathy!" Linda used the words of the sultry she knew at once, and Zhao Tiezhu looked at Linda’s look, thinking that this chick would not be Have you eaten tofu? So the face was a bit strange, "You... what happened to you?"

"Hey, iron pillar, I haven't lived!" After Linda finished, she looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a look of grievances, and her eyes flashed with tears.

"Ah? Why haven't you? I see that you are very smooth all the way, the last side of the parking turn signal is also open, there is no problem!" Zhao Tiezhu puzzled.

"Yeah, I was against the examiner when I got on the bus. As I expected, the examiner dug me a pit at the beginning."

"What pit?"

"He just let me speed up and keep accelerating. I have a sign that sees the speed limit, so I control the speed within the speed limit and there is no more! This is nothing, then he makes me Stopping the car on the bridge, I didn't stop, because the traffic rules were written, I couldn't stop on the bridge, then she let me speed up outside the school, I didn't do it, he was on the way. I have all kinds of traps, I have escaped one by one, I did not expect, I did not expect that when I finally stopped, he suddenly said to me, "You are very pretty!" congratulation! ”

"I still thought about him because I was so beautiful that I passed. He turned his head and smiled at him. Then he stopped and stopped. As a result, the **** said... I said that I didn't concentrate. that is when driving can not talk to the person next to, I ... I ... I really wanted to hit him! "Linda rapid breathing, flushed, it seems really is not a light gas.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "It's okay, I haven't had it before, but I can't make a big call, and I promise you will get a driver's license in a few days!"

"I don't want it!" Linda shook her head and said, "I must ask for a statement. Who is it? If you don't have a red envelope, you really can't let it go? How can this be!"

"Well, that's all you like." Zhao Tiezhu smiled. "What are you going to do?"

"I? I don't know." Linda's indignant look turned into helplessness and grievances in an instant. "I think you are superb, you have to help me."

"This is simple." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "If you kiss me, I will help you."

"The traffic rules say that you can't beat your car when you drive," Linda said.

"The traffic rules also said that you can't touch the milk when you drive. The last time there wasn't a buddy who was photographed, isn't there anything big?"

"That... then kiss, you concentrate on driving!" Linda said, and kissed him on the face of Zhao Tiezhu, then said, "Okay, you can help me."

"it is good!"

Zhao Tiezhu took the phone directly and hit a mayor who was in charge of the industry and commerce before he knew it. On the other end of the phone, the mayor of Wang seemed to be in a meeting or something. After a long argument, he was quiet.

"Do you know the people in the Transportation Bureau?" Zhao Tiezhu asked simply.

"Know, iron pillar, what's the matter?" asked the mayor of Wang.

"There is nothing wrong with it. When my woman took the driver's license, I didn't have it. I intend to ask him for a statement." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly, "Is it not a red envelope now, and I can't really pass the test driver's license?"

"This, iron pillar, this is actually a customary rule. Everyone is not easy. It is understandable to earn extra money. For three hundred dollars, you don't have to worry. Wait a minute, I will call Chen. He is the director of the vehicle management office. Just tell him about it, your woman’s business is not a thing, there is no need to get to the transportation bureau.” Mayor Wang advised.

"That's with you, anyway, my woman has been wronged. This thing, I can't stand by." Zhao Tiezhu said, he hanged the phone and then carried Linda back to the vehicle management office.

In the vehicle management office, the eternal coach is sitting in the hall and seeing Linda come back. Eternal life asks, "How, after that?"

"No." Linda shook her head in a gloomy face.

"I said, this subject does not include red envelopes, don't think about it, you still don't believe it, look at it, you have to wait for a few months, and you have to pack the next time you test, then you must not pass. "Eternal life shook his head, quite a feeling of not listening to the old sayings, suffering loss in front of the eyes."

"Hey, I still can't believe it without a red envelope!" Linda snorted and sat in the chair.

Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone rang at this time and was a strange number.

"Hello, is it Comrade Zhao Tiezhu?" The phone was a thick male voice.

"it's me."

"Hello, hello, I am the director of the vehicle management office, you can call me Xiao Chen!" The thick man said with a smile.

"Hello!" Zhao Tiezhu said concisely.

"Where are you now? Listen to the mayor of Wang and say that you have encountered something, I will immediately rush to find you!"

"I am in the hall of the vehicle management office."

"Well, wait a moment."

Not long after the phone was hung up, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu, followed by several men’s followers, all with big caps and traffic police.

"Comrade Tiezhu, hello." The man has not approached, and Director Chen has reached out and smiled and said to Zhao Tiezhu.

Since people have put on such a low posture, Zhao Tiezhu naturally reached out and grabbed it.

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