Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1192: Unspoken rules

The first one hundred and ninety-two chapters

"I hope that you are really good. I have to come to my vehicle management office. I didn’t even say hello in advance. Hey, if the mayor of the king told me, I don’t know. There are so many people here, let’s talk in my office. "What?" asked Chen.

"That's good." Zhao Tiezhu reached out and held Linda and said, "Let's go."

Director Chen led the way ahead, and Zhao Tiezhu followed the director of Chen and walked to the second floor of the vehicle management office.

The eternal coach looked at everyone in a weird look. The secret channel was strange. How did the director of the vehicle management office run out? And it seems that I still invite the young man to go to his office as a guest?

The staff of several vehicle management offices on the side were full of surprises and looked at their own boss as if a younger brother was laughing at a young man. How to think it was weird.

"You all go out, this tea I am going to soak." Director Chen waved and let a few followers retreat, and then skillfully burned water to make tea.

"This, the matter of Comrade Tiezhu, I heard the mayor of the king said." After handing the tea to Zhao Tiezhu, Director Wang said, "This is our fault, the test record of this lesbian, I have already made people change it. I have definitely had no problem. You can rest assured!"

"Well, trouble Chen is long." Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"Oh, it is a mistake in our work." Chen said that he smiled.

"Chen Chen, I want to ask you." Linda looked at Director Chen and said, "This subject three exams, really no red envelopes, can't you pass?"

Director Chen looked at Linda a little embarrassed, but Zhao Tiezhu was a fascination, this Linda did not mix in the officialdom. Naturally, I don’t know that some things are unspoken rules, that is, they can’t be said in person, and Now Linda’s identity is Zhao Tiezhu’s woman. In such a scene, even if it is to be said, it’s also Zhao Tiezhu’s, not Linda’s words! There are many roads here, so I won't go into details here. However, Zhao Tiezhu's love for Linda can directly ignore these so-called rules. Zhao Tiezhu also happy Linda and a young girl talking to Chen.

After seeing that Zhao Tiezhu did not have any blame, Director Chen also understood the meaning of Zhao Tiezhu. He said with a wry smile, "This is actually the whole country, and most of them are. You know that it is now a sun salary. I have a lot of wages for my men, and I have three or two thousand a month. This salary is much lower than many jobs. If you want to buy a car to buy a house, you really have to wait for the next life, so occasionally come to the outside world. It is also understandable, and, as I can say, 80% of the trainees agree with the red envelope!"

"How is it possible? I don't agree!" Linda said.

"After all, you are a minority. Many students who are not good at learning. If you really let him go to the exam, he will not be able to test it, and if you want to pack a red envelope, the examiner will give you meaning, so that you Naturally, I can pass. Isn’t this a good thing for people, right?” Chen asked the director.

"That can't be like that. If you don't study the driver's license and you have already tested it, is it dangerous to go to the streets?" Linda asked.

"You can't say that, how come the car technology? Car technology is more than driving, how can you drive? Then you have to have a driver's license? No, you don't have a driver's license, how do you drive more? So, we will send you a driver's license earlier. Just let you have more time to learn on the road, and when your mileage is enough, natural technology will follow suit!" Chen said with a smile, "If we don't give you a driver's license, then you can only be in the coaching staff for a lifetime." It’s useless to train a car.”

Linda frowned and wanted to say something, but found that it seems that the director Chen said that it is really reasonable. This is equivalent to the problem of chicken or egg first. You have a red envelope and a driver's license. Only in order to drive on the street, in order to practice technology, in order to make your technology better, this logic is without any problems!

Zhao Tiezhu is laughing and not talking. This kind of shifting focus is the most important thing in the officialdom. It doesn't look like Chen said that it is very reasonable, but the flaw is very big, the simplest, if According to Director Chen’s statement, everyone does not need to take a test driver. They can send one home directly, and then they can go to the street as a road killer. What else does the coaching school need? What training is needed?

The biggest point of taking a driver's license is that he can let you remember more traffic laws! What is technology, it is secondary! If you pack a red envelope, you will get a driver's license when you are perfunctory, so you will never know where you are doing enough or there is not enough, so you can't correct it, such as parking on the bridge. In this case, if you hand over the red envelope, you may not remember the rules for not stopping on the bridge, because the examiner will not be so embarrassed about you, naturally, when you are on the road, you may also forget This rule, perhaps one day, stopped on the bridge and there was an accident?

"Actually, this kind of thing is understandable." Chen’s face has a smile on his face. "Where is there no red envelope? If you are a civil servant, you have to receive a gift. This is also a red envelope in disguise, isn’t it? The society, you have no human contacts, it is impossible to become a thing!"

From the office of the director of the vehicle management office, Linda’s pretty face was always wrinkled. When she sat in the car of Zhao Tiezhu, Linda said, “Iron, this... what the **** is going on, how can I even ask for a bribe? Is bribery taken for granted?"

"The world is not completely clean." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "All walks of life have their own filthy places, look at the opening."

"Iron column, why don't you want to change him?" Linda asked. "With your ability, the big ones don't dare to say that it is not difficult for people in this vehicle management office to accept red packets." ”

“How is it not difficult?” Zhao Tiezhu asked. “A city is simple, but when other cities are following suit, what should we do? People who have mixed society have such a saying, never confront the system, this is also Why did I not answer you because of the reason why I didn’t pick you up? The existence of every thing is reasonable. We can’t manage it ourselves. How much do we have to worry about those things? Those things are the country. Leaders need to care, I wait for the people, so it’s enough to live a good life. The system of Sun Monkey’s challenge to heaven was put down to the mountain for five hundred years. I am not a Zhao monkey. If you dare to challenge the system, it is a word of death, not to mention twice. In a simple sentence, look at the opening point."

Linda pouted, fiddled with the phone, and didn't talk. Zhao Tiezhu is a little confused, Zhao Monkey? Maybe someday the buddy will go to the monkey, but now the buddy will not change seventy-two, and there is no bad golden body.

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