Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1193: Start the next set

The first one hundred and ninety-three chapters began to set

After returning a depressed face to Linda, Zhao Tiezhu had to leave Linda to go to the fj city bureau, because there are still some things waiting for Zhao Tiezhu to discuss in person.

At the city bureau of fj, Zhao Tiezhu parked the car outside the city bureau and walked into the building of the city bureau.

On the fourth floor of the office of Director Wang, Zhao Tiezhu looked at the city bureau and did not see the shadow of Su Yanni. It is estimated that he went out on duty. At the same time, I did not see the shadow of Li Ziqi. It is estimated that she followed Su Yanni on duty.

For Li Ziqi, a rival who has no threat at all, Zhao Tiezhu has basically ignored it. Of course, if Zhao Tiezhu’s work is to involve Li Ziqi, Zhao Tiezhu will not mind to step on Li Ziqi’s stepping into hell. Although Zhao Tiezhu has not been able to find any evidence to prove that Su Yanni was shot down with Li Ziqi, Zhao Tiezhu has such a feeling that it must be related to Li Ziqi. If it really has nothing to do with Li Ziqi, Zhao Tiezhu does not mind Li Ziqi gave him a step on it. Since you are going to be a buddy's rival, you have to be prepared to be abused by your buddies.

Opening the door of the deputy director's office of the fj city bureau, Zhao Tiezhu did not even knock on the door, and Director Wang looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a respectful smile, without any dissatisfaction. This director Wang was brought to Tierra by Zhao Tiezhu. He did not dare to put any official prestige on Zhao Tiezhu.

"Iron column brother, come, sit." Wang told him to stand up and signaled Zhao Tiezhu to sit in his position. Zhao Tiezhu was sitting directly on the sofa next to him and said, "This is your territory. I still need to help with the authority." What you maintain, we don’t talk nonsense, this Lin Yubin’s business, how are you getting?”

"I have already transferred some of the relevant files of the year. Although almost all of them have been destroyed, I have found some documents that are somewhat related to those things. Now the most important thing is to win Lin Yubin. From Lin Yubin's opening here, the latter thing will be easier."

"Well, it should be almost the same." Zhao Tiezhu looked at his watch and said, "You wait a little longer, ready to go out!"

"What?" asked Wang, surprised.

"Oh, anyway, you are waiting." Zhao Tiezhu is a mysterious look. When Secretary Wang sees Zhao Tiezhu wanting to sell off, he will not say much, sitting next to Zhao Tiezhu and discussing what needs to be done later.

Not long after, a police officer knocked on Wang’s office door.

"Secretary, there is something here, you need to look at it." The policeman held a document in his hand and said.

"What case?" asked Wang.

"Just now, Li Shuji’s driver Lin Yubin and his friends sang a squabble. The result was a fight. The result was accidentally. The other person was interrupted by Lin Yubin, and then the family complained. People have brought back to the police station," the police said.

“What?” Director Wang stood up and said, “Let’s go ahead, I will wait and see.”

After the policeman left, Director Wang looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Iron column brother, this... are you arranged?"

"Ah? What do I arrange? I don't know." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged indifferently. "This is just an ordinary fight case. It has only been pulled. It is enough to break the hand. Is it enough?" I need to be detained for a while, otherwise I can’t say it, can you say yes?”

"This...Yes! Yes!" Director Wang nodded and said, "Then I will go down and see, are you with me?"


At the same time, in the office of the municipal party committee secretary in the city government, Li Danhe is looking at some of the information on hand.

Just then, Li Danhe’s secretary knocked on the door of Li Danhe’s office.

"Li Shuji, something needs to be reported to you." The secretary said at the door.

"Let's talk about it." Li Danhe said faintly.

The secretary then walked into Li Danhe’s office and whispered, “Li Shuji, your driver had just been involved in a dispute with the people and was taken to the police station.”

"What? Lin Yubin?" Li Danhe frowned and asked.

"Well, it’s Lin Yubin."

"What kind of ghost is he doing? What is the dispute with others?" Li Danhe asked.

"The specifics are not clear, but it is only a small matter, but it seems that Lin Yubin has interrupted the hands of others. Now it seems to be quite big in the police station."

"It's big? Can you go where?" You told the people in the city bureau that if I don't have a car after work, I don't mind squeezing a bus," Li Danhe said.

The secretary snorted and nodded and said, "I know."

Zhao Tiezhu followed the director Wang downstairs, but did not go to the detention room, did not go to the interrogation room, but went to a room next to the hall on the first floor.

In this room, several policemen stood by the wall, and Lin Yubin, whom Zhao Tiezhu had seen before, was sitting on the sofa beside him, standing next to Lin Yubin, a few men in their early thirties. Looked at it should be Lin Yubin's group. On the other side, there are a few young people in their twenties. From the perspective of dressing up these young people, the identity of these people should be very ordinary. In these young people, there is a thin man who is sitting on the ground with his face in pain. His arm is covered with a layer of bandages. It seems that this is the broken hand.

"I told you that you guys didn't have long eyes and bumped into me. Instead, they came to filthy. I said that they hit you. Now we are in the police station. Let's listen and see, this police comrade is trusting you. I still believe in me.” Lin Yubin’s face was full of arrogance. When he saw Wang’s arrival, Lin Yubin did not stand up. He just looked at Wang’s director. “Director Wang, I haven’t seen it for a long time. You are."

"Oh, Mr. Lin is good." Director Wang’s face with a burst of smile, said, "What is the wind that blows you."

Lin Yubin snorted and said, "This is really awkward. Today, I walked with a few friends on the road. As a result, these children did not look at the road, they hit us, and when you hit it, they ran into it. However, these people not only did not apologize, but also embarrassed, my friends could not see the past, and they shoved a bit, the young man fell and broke his hand, and must rely on us!"

Director Wang nodded and looked at the young people and asked, "Mr. Lin said, it’s the people you hit. What are you calling out? Where do you come, give me where to go! Give me less thing."

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