Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1194: Surveillance video

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-four chapter surveillance video

"Wang... Director Wang." said a young man who looked at the honesty. "This is not what he said. We were on the road, and then happened to hit them together when we turned." We apologized first, but they not only did not apologize, but also yelled at us. We didn’t have much to say, but he had to take a step in and let his friends hit us directly. Xiaofan was pushed to the ground by them, and then they were jealous. Stepping on a few feet, the result is broken!"

"Hey? If you don't talk nonsense, do you believe that Lao Tzu lets you play hide-and-seek?" Lin Yubin said wickedly.

Director Wang said with a smile, "This thing, as far as I am concerned, there are still great differences. Everyone says that public and a woman is reasonable, and I can’t say anything. So, wait and see if you can see. Bring up the monitoring of the area, then we can better deal with it, do you say it?"

That Lin Yubin’s face changed, and he said with dissatisfaction, “Secretary Wang, I don’t have time to wait for the monitoring here. I’ll have to pick up Li’s secretary to go home from work later, waiting for nothing here, but if Li Shuji can't find a car after work, but that's not my responsibility!"

Director Wang’s face became very ugly in an instant. There was no such thing as a smile and Lin Yubin’s greeting, but a gloomy face, saying, “Mr. Lin, are you threatening me?”

Lin Yubin is wondering how Wang’s face has become so fast. He heard the words of Director Wang. This Lin Yubin’s anger suddenly came up. What do you mean by numbness? What threatens you? Laozi is the driver of the secretary of the municipal party committee. When he goes out, he represents the face of the secretary of the municipal party committee. You didn’t let me go for the first time. It’s all your work is not in place. Now, not only do not let me go, but also plan to see what monitoring The picture, you are obviously not giving me the face of my buddy! What am I threatening you? You are a deputy-level cadre, the threat is threatening, can you bite me? Do you want to see the owner? Do you know the kid?

"Secretary Wang, I am not threatening you. I am only expounding an objective fact. You see that it is almost time to get off work, and you know how long it has been to the city government on this road. If I can't get off work, Before I arrived at the city government, Li Shuji would definitely ask me where I went. If I told him that I was detained here by you, should you know the seriousness of the matter?" Lin Yubin asked coldly.

"This thing is not what you have the final say." Director Wang's face is also cold. "If you don't get concrete evidence, if you let go of it, it is the trampling of the red fruit of our country! Hope Lin Mr. can understand."

"You!" Lin Yubin stood up and looked at Wang, and it would be like Wang Wei grabbed his wife. "Director Wang, my identity, you know it!"

"Know, I know." Director Wang said with a smile. "You are the driver of Secretary Li. I have no plans to take you. I just want you to wait. Wait for my people to take that road." The monitoring is transferred out, you can't wait for such a time, are you really so anxious? Or are you... guilty?"

"The heart is a fart, my Lin Yubin is doing things. From the point of view of the right and the conscience, I will be guilty? Joke!" Although Lin Yubin said that he is not guilty, but Wang is an old policeman for more than ten years, Lin Yubin’s look of dodging in the eyes The Secretary still looked in his eyes and said that he should not smile coldly. He said, "Since you are not guilty, what do we wait for a while? I believe that even if Secretary Li knows this, he will support my approach."

Lin Yubin is irritated by Director Wang. This is Lin Yubin. When Bai Xi was there, he was a relative of Baihu. Then there was no arrogance. Although Baihu died for a long time, Lin Yubin was the driver of Li Danhe. The identity of the driver of the municipal party committee secretary, even if the cadre at the deputy department level saw it, he would have to nod and say hello, you are a small deputy director of the small police department, even dare to follow me. speak? Is it true that Laozi’s car has been opened for so many years?

Just when Lin Yubin was planning to worry, a woman and a man appeared in the door of the room. The woman was very beautiful, and Lin Yubin had an impression on this woman! Because this woman is the host of the second stage of fj province, it seems to be called Lin Lei, and the man following Lin Lei, Lin Yubin has not seen it, but the man’s hand is holding a hand. The camera, the lights on the camera are constantly flashing, apparently running.

"Who are you, who let you shoot!" Although Lin Yubin is crazy, he also knows that there is no video evidence left on the scene. Otherwise, the video will be exposed to the Internet one day, and then it will be hyped by someone. This incident will become a typical event of bullying the people, and then what can happen uncontrollable!

"This is our host and cameraman of the second station of the fj province. Mr. Lin, you may not know, our police station is currently cooperating with the fj provincial government to organize a police window, the purpose is to take our usual work. Show it to the ordinary people! This matter is supported by the superiors!" Director Wang said casually, but his heart was secretly amazed, Zhao Tiezhu really is a cow, this is not a few minutes, even the reporters are invited to the camera. And it’s just a big shot! As for the police window, it is purely just that Zhao Tiezhu just told Wang that he was talking about anything. Anyway, he said that he is famous for his teacher.

This time Lin Yubin is even more extreme in the atmosphere. You will be arrested by a small director who has paralyzed me. Now I have even invited the reporters of the TV station. Are you planning to be awkward?

Lin Yubin is not stupid. It is reasonable to say that his identity is there. Director Wang is not a girl. He is temporarily detained here. It is already a big thing. Now, even let reporters shoot themselves, it can be It is said that it is the manifestation of brain damage, and it is completely responsible for your own political life!

"Director Wang, I hope you can understand what will happen to what you are doing now." Lin Yubin said coldly.

"I know." Director Wang nodded, and the opponent said, "Go and transfer the monitoring of that area to me."

"Okay!" The next policeman nodded and left the room, and the young men were full of grievances, showing in front of the camera all the emotions that a bitter Lord should behave. And Zhao Tiezhu, standing next to a corner where no one noticed, quietly watching all this happen.

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